
  • 网络spot
  1. 2014年CCTV春晚将保持零广告插播形式

    2014 CCTV Spring Festival Gala May Remain the style of Zero Advertising

  2. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛今天我们将为大家报道美国中期选举的结果以及世界各地发生的新闻。这里就是没有广告插播的CNN学生新闻。

    Here with your results from the U.S. midterm elections , plus more events from around the world , this is your commercial-free show for the classroom : CNN Student News !

  3. 一个广告插播进来了我当时就觉得

    A commercial breaks come on and I 'm like ,

  4. 下一次广告插播叫我要泡一杯咖啡。

    I 'll make a cup of coffee during the next break .

  5. 据说今年春晚将仍保持零广告插播形式。

    It is learned that the 2014 CCTV Spring Festival Gala may remain Zero Advertising .

  6. 一条汽车广告插播进来。

    A car commercial came on .

  7. 解释国际扶轮会直接寄一片广播品质用的广告插播录影带给该电视台。

    Explain that Rotary International would send a broadcast-quality spot directly to the station at no cost .

  8. 这些商业广告插播十分讨厌,特别是看到节目精彩的地方时。

    These breaks can be very frustrating , especially when it comes to the exciting plot of a program .

  9. 该系统主要针对用户的具体需要,基于主要协议的处理,实现了对主要文件格式的点播,直播,代理及广告插播。

    This system mainly aims at the user the concrete need , based on main agreement processing , realized to the main document form selection and broadcast , the direct seeding , the proxy and the advertisement emergency broadcast .

  10. 利用PROFILE完成广告自动插播

    To achieve advertisment spots automation by profile

  11. 请不要在广告中插播春晚。

    Please don 't jam progammes into advertisements .

  12. 当你们正沉迷在一部电视剧中的时候,广告突然就插播进来了,你会感到恼怒或者被打扰了吗?

    When you are deeply fascinated by TV series , the ads suddenly take the place of the program which you are focusing on , will you feel very annoyed or interrupted ?

  13. 无论是视频前播放的pre-roll视频广告、视频播放后的post-roll视频广告,还是视频插播广告都不能与视频本身的内容相分离。

    Whether it is a pre-roll or post-roll or even an embedded video ad that user clicks on , the clean separation between content and the ad is gone .

  14. 你会直接跳过报纸上的广告,从不会点击网页上弹出的广告,在电视插播广告时离开房间。

    You flip right past newspaper ads , never click on ads online and leave the room during TV commercials .

  15. 大量植入式广告的成功实践已经证明这种新兴的广告模式相对于传统插播广告而言有着更大的优势和更广阔的发展前景,它的兴起必将为中国电视剧产业带来新的机遇及更深刻的影响。

    Many successful facts has proved that the prosperity of product placement would bring brand new opportunity and more profound influences for Chinese TV play industry based on its more favorable advantage and more prospective prospects compared with traditional stop advertising .