
  • 网络Advertising photography;PHOTOGRAPHY;Advertising
  1. 他的主要兴趣是时尚,生活方式和广告摄影。

    His main interests are fashion , Lifestyle and advertising photography .

  2. 广告摄影的创意与表现研究

    The Research about Creation and Expression of Advertising Photography

  3. 广告摄影色彩视觉美感基本特征

    Basic Characters of Visual Beauty of the Color of Advertising Photo

  4. 包括人物摄影、时装摄影、产品广告摄影等。

    Including photography of characters , fashionable dress , product advertising etc.

  5. 第五章从专业的角度详细分析总结了汽车广告摄影中表现人性化的创意方法以及相关技术知识;

    Creativity for the car photograph and related technique knowledge ;

  6. 继承和创新开启广告摄影的未来。

    Inherit And Innovate the Future of AD Photography .

  7. 其人·其作·其家&小林任和他的广告摄影

    Himself , his Works and his Home & Kobayashi Jin and his Advertisement Photography

  8. 创意:广告摄影的灵魂最佳创意广告

    On the Creative Ideas of Advertising Photography Advertisement

  9. 广告摄影创作心态在广告创意和设计中具有导向作用,它是广告摄影创作的灵魂和核心。

    Intention plays directive role in creating ads photographs as soul and core of creation .

  10. 广告摄影的视觉语言探微

    On Visual Language in Advertisement Photography

  11. 广告摄影艺术重塑产品形象,表达人文情怀。

    The art of advertising photography reshape the product image and express feeling of human culture .

  12. 广告摄影的技术素质控制

    Technical Control in Advertising Photography

  13. 论广告摄影的创作心态

    Intention for Ads Photography

  14. 广告摄影大量介入商业领域,广泛应用于商业广告宣传活动。

    Advertising photography a lot of intervention in commercial fields , which are widely used in commercial advertising campaign .

  15. 在营销转型为体验营销模式后,重点探讨了此种营销模式对于广告摄影发展的契机及优势所在。

    After the transformation in the experience marketing , it discussed the marketing mode for advertising photography development opportunity and advantage .

  16. 广告摄影与生俱来的商业性,要求其必须准确地传递消费信息并且引发消费行为。

    Inherent in commercial advertising photography , asking them to be accurate dissemination of consumer information and lead to consumer behavior .

  17. 技术与新媒介在最近十多年来高速发展,商业广告摄影的表现方式也在这一过程中悄悄的发生着改变。

    With the rapid development of digital technique and new media in this decade , expression of commercial advertising photography has been changed .

  18. 其它还有平面设计、字体设计、标志设计、广告摄影、中国文学赏析等。

    There are other graphic design , font design , logo design , advertising photography , appreciation of Chinese literature , and so on .

  19. 本文论述了广告摄影摄制过程中曝光、测光、布光以及景深等方面的控制要领。

    This paper outlines many technical control methods , such as exposure , exposure measurement , lighting and depth of field in advertising photography .

  20. 因而,广告摄影现已被广泛运用于包装、广告、时装展览、报刊杂志等众多媒介。

    Advertising photography is now widely applied in commodity packaging , window advertising , fashion show , advertising column , and advertising in newspapers and periodicals .

  21. 而作为我们视觉经历对象之一的商业广告摄影也名正言顺的成为了社会生活中不可忽视、实实在在的物质力量。

    Consequently , commercial advertising photography , as one of our visual experience objects , is perfectly justifiable of being material force which cannot be neglected .

  22. 同时作为摄影艺术的一个分支,商业广告摄影同样也有其独特的视觉表现语言,它伴随着消费文化渗透到我们生活的方方面面。

    Meanwhile , as one branch of photography , commercial advertising photography has its unique visual language , which is penetrating into every aspect of our life accompanying with consumer culture .

  23. 在我国,汽车广告摄影行业刚刚起步,但发展迅速,汽车摄影理论的不成熟与它日渐重要的地位,反映出汽车广告摄影的市场有着巨大潜力。

    In our country , car photograph just start , developing very quickly , the theory of car photographs are still not mature , that reflect the market with the potential power .

  24. 本文针对在广告摄影的创意中如何融入现代市场营销理念与艺术设计表现的方法进行研究,明确了广告摄影在现代市场营销活动中重要地位。

    In this paper illustrates how creative advertising photography melt into modern art and design of marketing concepts and methods of performance , clearly mentions the importance position of advertising photography in the modern marketing activities .

  25. 广告摄影作为一种商业化的艺术形式,担负着传达广告信息的重任,并且利用一切可利用的表现元素为实现其目的服务。

    Advertising photography , as a form of commercial art , carries the heavy responsibility to convey advertising messages , and makes use of all available elements in order to achieve the performance of its purpose .

  26. 广告摄影虽兼具艺术性和商业性,但艺术性是依靠商业平台才得以展现的,商业性才是其真正的价值出发点和目的归属地。

    Although both advertising photography and commercial art , but art was able to rely on commercial platform to show , the commercial real value is its starting point and purpose of the ownership of land .

  27. 同时希望唤起一些摄影师的责任感及一线摄影师对广告摄影理论研究的重视,并最终为我国广告摄影的发展起到一定的积极推动作用。

    Meantime , hoping it can help some photographers arouse the sense of responsibility and the attention of advertising photography theory , and ultimately it will play a positive role on the development of advertising photography .

  28. 广告摄影并不是简单的广告加摄影,而是在整体的市场营销框架内,用广告的观念借助摄影的手段来表现商品或服务的内容。

    Advertising Photography is not a simple increase advertising photography , but in the context of the overall marketing , advertising concepts with the help of photography means to show the contents of the goods or services .

  29. 广告摄影创意是广告摄影的灵魂,如果一个摄影广告仅有明确的主题,没有一个卓越的创意,它只能再现商品的表层,而不能表现产品的本质。

    The creative ideas of advertising photography is the soul of advertising photography , if an advertising photography just has a clear subject , but not have a remarkable creative ideas , it can only represent the air of some commodity , not its essence .

  30. 优势:在于高品质的广告创意摄影和高难度创意执行摄影。

    Our advantage : high-quality creative advertising photography and breathtakingly difficult executive photography .