
  • 网络Advertisement Operation
  1. 在分析女性群体特征的基础上,对女性广告运作中的核心问题&策略与表现进行解读,并系统地提出解决方案和建议。

    Based on analyzing the feminine community characteristics , the paper interprets the feminine advertisement operation coreissue & the strategy and the performance and then systematically proposes the solution and the suggestion .

  2. 因此,要在广告运作中加强信息的支持,在广告传播中构建沟通的平台,提升广告从吸引到说服的力度。

    Therefore , enterprises should strengthen the support of information in the advertisement operation and set up a platform of the communication in the advertisement so as to promote the effect of advertisement from attraction to persuasiveness .

  3. 提出加入WTO后中国科技期刊面临的机遇,以及严峻形势下广告运作应当采取的对策:发展广告策略,制定广告计划,下大力气开展发行促销活动。

    After China 's entry to WTO , in the face of the periodicals chances and challenges , people should use the countermeasures as follows : develop advertising strategy , formulate advertising plans and work hard to execute sales promotion .

  4. 碎片化背景下的手机媒体广告运作模式探究

    Study on Models of Mobile Media Advertising within Fragmentation Environment

  5. 宣传、广告运作缺少系统性,产品推广不力;产品营销终端工作不力,服务意识欠缺等问题,这些问题的存在严重制约了公司的可持续发展。

    All these problems constrain the company 's sustainable development .

  6. 将直接导致一个行业广告运作的成熟。

    Will cause a profession advertise the maturity of the operation directly .

  7. 企业广告运作应注意的几个问题记录日志是项目开发必不可少的部分。

    On the Operation of Advertisement Log is necessary .

  8. 关于我国体育明星广告运作分析

    Analysis on Running of Advertising for Our Sports Star

  9. 看透数码相机企业广告运作应注意的几个问题

    LOOK THE CAMERA On the Operation of Advertisement

  10. 销售人员可以发起广告运作来吸引大量消费者。

    Marketers can launch an advertising campaign to attract a large number of consumers .

  11. 因特网上的商业广告运作

    Commercial Advertisement Running on Internet Network

  12. 金:好了,今天我们会议的目的是听一听新广告运作的一些想法。

    Kam : Okay , the purpose of our meeting today is to listen to some ideas for our new advertising campaign .

  13. 广告运作水平低、投资效益差是目前我国企业普遍存在的问题。

    In most enterprises , the common problems are that the ability of managing advertisements is poor and the profits from investing is low .

  14. 这两件事反映出了媒体、广告运作中的道德问题,这对演员、媒体来说不仅仅是一时之错,它反映出我国演员、媒体都缺乏一种品牌意识。

    They both reflecting the moral problem in media and Ad working , and both the actors and Media have not consider about brand of themselves .

  15. 当我们运营一个良好的广告运作也许会引进更多顾客,但是这最好作为一个短期的解决方法。

    A good advertising campaign might bring in more customers while we 're running it , but as best it 'd just be a short-term solution .

  16. 本文以手机媒体广告运作模式为研究对象,结合碎片化背景,通过对手机媒体及其广告的分析,研究我国当前手机媒体广告运作模式,分析和探讨其的现状和发展趋势。

    This dissertation focuses on Models of Mobile Media Advertising , within a fragmentation environment via analysis of mobile media and its advertising role , so as to study it current models and potential development in future .

  17. 少儿报刊广告的运作原则与策略选择青少年导刊(年刊)

    The Operating Principles and Strategic Choices of Advertisements of Teenagers Periodicals ;

  18. 那名记者报道了一些该公司在广告宣传运作中的一些下次和问题。

    The reporter had picked out some flaws in the company 's advertising campaigns .

  19. 手机广告的运作,包括其定位、形式、效果的监控以及对手机广告的监管都是论文需要讨论和研究的问题。

    The operation of mobile phone media advertisement , including orientation , form , control and monitor of effect are the questions , which needs discussion and study in paper .

  20. 如何进行自身品牌经营,提高核心竞争力,是目前广告公司运作中着重考虑的因素。

    At present , the factor that should consider emphatically among the whole operation of the AD Company is how to manage own brand and enhance the core competitive power .

  21. 我知道它对我们而言是一个新领域,我们以前没有涉足过这方面,但它会对我们新广告的运作非常有用。

    I know that it 's a new area for us and it hasn 't been on our radar in the past , but I know it 'll work well for our new campaign .

  22. 此外,手机广告的运作模式也发生变化:从传统的用户被动接受模式转变为以激励用户主动接受为主的模式,再到互动式的混合型模式。

    In addition , the mobile advertising mode of operation have also changed : from the traditional passive acceptance of a paradigm shift for the user in order to stimulate the initiative to accept user-based model , and then to " interactive ," a hybrid model .

  23. 中国广告代理制运作及问题研究

    Research into the Operation and Problems of Advertisement Agency Mechanism of China

  24. 手机移动广告的商业运作模式

    The Business Process Mode of Mobile Telephones Ads

  25. 微软负责网上搜寻、技术投资、数据提供和广告系统的运作。

    Microsoft will crawl the web , invest in technology , supply the data and run the advertising systems .

  26. 针对广告策划与运作中存在的问题,结合实际情况提出一些广告策划具体运作的经验;

    To the question that exist in advertisement plan and operation , combine actual conditions propose some advertisement plan concrete experience of operation ;

  27. 熟悉市场活动、广告推广的运作模式,有丰富的传媒行业经验、市场推广经验者优先;

    Familiar with the marketing activities and advertising campaigns , mode of operation , there is a wealth of media industry experience , marketing experience is preferred ;

  28. 借鉴贝纳通和李宁成功的广告创意和运作经验,提出了一套比较完善的服装广告的运作策略。

    According to analyzing the advertising creative and operation experience for Benetton and LiNing , we put forward to a set of perfect operation strategy of garment advertisement .

  29. 要想实现任何程度的成功,就必须大量的重复为了使广告有机会运作这需要很高的预算。

    To achieve any level of success , there must be heavy repetition in order to give the advertisement a chance to work and that requires a large budget .

  30. 报纸分类广告的市场化运作策略

    Marketability operation strategy of classified advertisement of newspaper