
  • 网络Advertising Operation
  1. 吊销营业执照或者广告经营许可证。

    Revocation of the business licences or the licences for advertising operation .

  2. 中国电视媒体广告经营的现状、问题及对策

    The Conditions , Problems and Strategies for Advertising Operation in Chinese TV Medium

  3. 本文借助于管理学中的SWOT分析模型,对辽宁卫视广告经营的优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行了深入的分析和挖掘。

    With the SWOT analysis management model , the author carried out in-depth analysis and mining of Liaoning TV advertising business strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats .

  4. 结合实际,探讨了CRM与PRM协同在解放日报报业集团广告经营系统中的应用实践。

    Case learning . Introducing a simple application of collaboration between CRM and PRM for Advertisement Business Information System in Jiefang daily newspaper group .

  5. 在谈完公司的各种广告经营策略后&包括最终推出自助式广告的计划,他提到了各种会议组织者和运动团体已经开始使用Twitter为未售出的存货寻找买家。

    After discussing its various advertising options including its plans to eventually offer self-serve ads he mentioned how conference organizers and sports teams had used twitter to find buyers for unsold inventory .

  6. 向品牌要效益:媒体广告经营的觉醒

    Ask Brand For Benefit : The Wake Of Media Ads management

  7. 媒体的广告经营同样也要靠品牌。

    The media advertisement management similarly also must depend onthe brand .

  8. 浅析广告经营在期刊营销中的作用

    Analysis on the Functions of the Advertisement Operation in Periodical Marketing

  9. 广告经营是增强刊社实力的重要手段。

    Advertisement management is an important means to strengthen publishing houses .

  10. 《广州日报》大分类广告经营策略研究

    A Study of Guangzhou Daily 's Variety Classified Advertisements Operation Strategy

  11. 开创广告经营新局面对策的探求

    The Exploration of the Advertisement Management Countermeasures in the New Situation

  12. 立体化信息服务专业读者市场化经营盘活学术期刊&《现代图书情报技术》广告经营随想

    On the Advertising Management of New Technology of Library and Information Service

  13. 市县级电视台优化广告经营方式初探

    On the Advertisement Management Optimizing Means of County-level TV Stations

  14. 省级卫视的生存环境与广告经营战略研究

    Research of Provincial Satellite Television 's Living Environment and Advertising Management Strategies

  15. 广告经营设备清单、经营场所证明。

    A list of advertising business equipment and proof of business premises .

  16. 中国电视台广告经营机制创新的特征

    Elementary features of innovation in the advertisement business of Chinese TV stations

  17. 科技期刊广告经营的原则和技巧

    Managing principles and skills for advertisements in sci-tech periodicals

  18. 绿色收入为广告经营打开新窗口

    Green income open a new window for advertisement marketing

  19. 广西气象台影视广告经营的竞争策略

    Competitive Strategies of Advertisement on Weather Studio Management of Meteorological Observatory of Guangxi

  20. 科技期刊的广告经营探讨

    A probe or the advertisement business in sci-tech periodical

  21. 我国中西部省级卫视广告经营研究

    A Study in the Advertising Management of Provincial Satellite Television in Mid-west China

  22. 关于党报广告经营现状与对策的研究

    The Study for the Actuality and Countermeasure of Advertising Management of Party Newspaper

  23. 医学期刊广告经营原则与策略

    Principle and strategy in managing advertisement of medical periodicals

  24. 高速公路广告经营权如何维护&从沪宁高速公路户外广告的现状说开去

    How to Maintain the Power to Manage Expressway Advertising

  25. 铁路广告经营和委托代-理理论

    Railway Advertising Business and Principal - Agent Theory

  26. 第四条在广告经营活动中,禁止垄断和不正当竞争行为。

    ARticle 4 . Monopoly and unfair competition shall be prohibited in advertising operations .

  27. 客户关系管理理念在期刊广告经营中的运用&兼谈《现代纺织技术》的广告经营策略

    Application of CRM in managing advertisements of journals

  28. 拓展经营疆域,寻求价值突围&电视广告经营探索

    Extend Managing Boundary , Look for Value Breakthrough

  29. 试论广东电视台的广告经营

    Analysis on the Advertising Management of Guangdong Television

  30. 本文以上述理论研究成果为依据,探讨了科技期刊进行广告经营的市场竞争定位策略、目标市场选择策略与市场营销组合策略。

    Then analyses the choosing of strategies about market competition position and marketing matrix .