
  • 网络Advertising Response
  1. 丝芙兰则刊登了一整页的报纸广告回应道,其销售额的20%多都来源于晚上,而且他们也减少了工作时间。

    Sephora countered with a full-page newspaper ads saying more than a fifth of its sales were at night and cutting back the hours threaten jobs .

  2. 在求职最好的日子里,对招聘广告做出回应就好像是把你的简历做成瓶中信扔进大海里,但最后你也会收到一封感谢的邮件或接到一通感谢的电话。

    In the best of times responding to a job listing can feel like sending your resume out to sea in a bottle . But at least you received a call or an email acknowledgement .

  3. 令他们吃惊的是,有几百人对广告作出了回应。

    To their surprise , hundreds replied to the advertisement .

  4. 你的广告得到许多回应了吗?

    Did you get many responses to your advertisement ?

  5. 虽然你可能已经有一个很简单的显示广告活动,但是你还是可以通过各种定位方式,增加广告活动的回应机会。

    Though you might have a single display ad campaign , you can serve it by multiple means of targeting to increase your chances for response .