
  1. 筹划这个广告足以证明他很有才能。

    He is quite capable of cooking the evidence .

  2. Twitter如何向广告主证明投资收益率?

    How do you show ROI to advertisers ?

  3. 请介绍您特别提供的内容,并告诉读者要携带此广告以证明资格。

    Describe your special offer , and tell readers to bring in the ad to qualify .

  4. 那些在不同报纸上刊登的“需要抽打”的广告,证明了这种将痛苦和快乐混淆的人的存在。

    " Spanking wanted " ads in alternative newspapers attest to the sad consequences of this confusion of pain and pleasure .

  5. 但这一次,《南方都市报》的广告就证明了传统印刷媒体仍然可以通过创新的内容来寻找合适的客户。

    But this time , the advertisement in Southern Metropolis Daily proved that traditional print media can still find the right clients by printing innovative ad content .

  6. 广告的成功证明我们都极易受他人影响。

    The success of advertising proves that we are all highly suggestible .

  7. 用这些明信片广告来作证明,这些处私刑的行为就不再是秘密了。

    As the postcards advertising these lynchings testify , the practice was not covert .

  8. 该广告最终被证明是一个巨大的成功,以一种积极的方式向大家展示了从来未听说过的奥巴马。

    The ad turned out to be a huge success , showing Obama in a positive way to voters who had most likely never heard of him .

  9. 该项目的创意总监阿德里安•陈(AdrianChan)说,曼妥思要求百比赫公司想出一个广告方案来,证明曼妥思真的很爱新加坡。

    The agency was asked to come up with a campaign to ' prove how much Mentos really ' hearts ' ' Singapore , according to the project 's creative director , Adrian Chan .

  10. 六关于会员商品之广告、展览及证明事项。

    Advertising , exhibition and certification of commodities of its members .

  11. (八)其他各类广告,需要提交证明的,应当提交政府有关部门或得授权单位的证明。

    For the other advertisements which require due certification , papers issued by relevant government departments or agencies authorized by them shall be presented .

  12. 戴维德阿克斯罗德的战略,抓住竞选的经费并且只花在电视广告上,最后证明是个天才的选择。

    David Axelrod 's strategy of holding onto the campaign 's money and spending it on TV ads only at the end proved to be genius .

  13. 广告经营机构负责人及广告审查员证明文件。

    Supporting documents for the responsible person of the advertising business organization and the advertisement examiner .

  14. 广告内容虚假夸大宣传是违规医疗广告的常见表现形式,其次为未取得《医疗广告审查证明》对外发布医疗广告。

    False advertising exaggerating publicity is one of the main forms of illegal medical advertisement , followed by has not obtained the medical advertisement examination certificate release medical advertisements .