
  1. 虚假广告侵犯消费者的权利。

    False ads jeopardize consumer rights .

  2. 本文拟在分析比较广告侵犯商标权的具体构成上,对完善我国比较广告法律制度和行政监管制度提出若干建议。

    This paper analyzes the definite composition of infringement of a trade mark in comparative advertising , then offers some proposals about legal system and administrative supervision in comparative advertising .

  3. 山寨明星的广告,因侵犯了明星的商品化形象权等而违法。

    Shanzhai stars'advertisements are illegal because of infringement upon stars'right of publicity .

  4. 随着经济发展,因环境污染、产品质量、虚假广告等引起的侵犯众多当事人民事权益的纠纷不断增多。

    Along with the economical development , the disputes of infringing multitudinous people 's civil rights and interests unceasingly increase because of the environmental pollution , the product quality , the false advertisement and so on .