
  • 网络Advertising Alliance;AdSense;google adsense
  1. 珠三角报业广告联盟成立

    Zhu Delta Area Newspapering Ads Union Is Coming Into Existence

  2. 网络广告联盟是广告主与网络媒体的中介。

    Online advertising alliance is advertisers and online media agency .

  3. 通过广告联盟或直接合作的方式,选择区域性门户网站或社区进行广告投放;

    Broadcasting advertisements in local web portals by means of advertisement alliances and direct cooperation ;

  4. 作为网站赚取高额利润的新型方式,广告联盟的发展相当迅速。

    As a new way to earn high profits , the Advertisement Networks have a very rapid development .

  5. 本文通过对中小广告联盟现状和问题的分析试图为中小广告联盟的发展提出合理化的建议。

    Based on the current situation and problems of small and medium sized ad networks analysis of medium and small ad networks try to rationalize the development of the recommendations put forward .

  6. 公告中还提到,与谷歌、雅虎、微软等公司合作的某网络广告联盟曾表示,其成员同意在网络浏览器中使用“不要追踪信息”技术。自2010年开始,美国联邦贸易委员会就开始提倡这一技术。

    As part of the announcement , an online advertising coalition associated with Google Inc , Yahoo Inc and Microsoft Corp said its members agreed to placing " Do Not Track " technology in Web browsers , something the Federal Trade Commission has been advocating since 2010 .

  7. 谷歌公司规定员工投入至少20%的时间去做“自认为最有益于谷歌的事”。这些兴趣爱好的项目催生了优秀的谷歌产品,如谷歌邮箱和广告联盟,但其最大的作用是培养了高度专注的谷歌员工。

    Google mandates that employees spend at least 20 % of their time doing " what they believe will benefit Google most . " While these passion projects make major contributions to marquis Google products , such as Gmail and AdSense , their biggest impact is in creating highly engaged Googlers .

  8. 上周四,全美广告主联盟(TheAssociationofNationalAdvertisers)和美国广告代理商协会(AmericanAssociationofAdvertisingAgencies)发布了“最佳操守声明”,呼吁广告客户不要在盗版网站上发布广告。

    Some ad-industry groups are warning against placing advertisements on pirate sites .

  9. 取缔未经索取的广告电子邮件联盟

    Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email

  10. 2008年,淘宝整合了在线广告公司淘宝联盟(Alimama.com)。淘宝联盟拥有覆盖40多万家专业网站的网络,淘宝卖家可以以不贵的价格向目标受众发布广告。

    In 2008 Taobao integrated Alimama.com , an online ad company with a network of more than 400000 specialised websites where Taobao sellers could affordably post ads to reach their target audiences .

  11. 相对于传统网络广告运营模式,网络广告联盟这一新型的广告运营模式的出现为网络广告市场带来了巨大的发展动力。

    Compared with traditional online advertising business model , the appearance of network advertising , a kind of new business model , has brought tremendous impetus to the development of the network advertising market .

  12. 首先,本文引入了广告外部性,建立了双寡头博弈模型,并重点考察了广告竞争、半联盟合作与全联盟合作这三种竞合形式的绩效。

    Then , this paper establishes a duopoly game model and focus on the performance of adverting competition semi-alliance and total alliance .