
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào fèi
  • advertisement charge;advertising cost;advertising fee;advertising rates
  1. 除此之外,考虑广告费也很重要。

    Besides , it 's also important to consider advertising fee .

  2. 对广告费会计处理的探讨

    About Accounting Treatment of Advertising Fee

  3. 这家公司很快偿付了初期的广告费。

    The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising .

  4. 通过卫星发射的信号覆盖全世界,从而产生了大量的观众并在全球范围内赚取不菲的广告费。

    Worldwide coverage beamed by satellite generates huge audiences accompanied by global advertising revenues .

  5. 通过互联网,CD的生产、发行和昂贵的广告费就显得多余了。

    With the Internet , the production , distribution , and expensive advertising of compact discs are redundant .

  6. 在移动端,用户对搜索的依赖并不像在台式机上那么高,因此广告商不愿支付那么多的广告费。谷歌一直试图利用其安卓(Android)操作系统来解决这个问题。

    Users do not engage with mobile search as deeply as with desktop , so advertisers are unwilling to pay as much for ads. Google has tried to address this with its Android operating system .

  7. 不过,优酷网首席执行长古永锵(VictorKoo)说,中国视频网站的广告费只有电视广告价格的十分之一,更加划算。

    But Victor Koo , Youku . com 's CEO , says that advertising fees for Chinese video sites are a tenth of a TV ad 's price and more cost-effective .

  8. 2003年,车队总共要求的经费大约占F1从三大主要商业项目(政府的主办费,电视直播的版权和赞助商的广告费)收益的27%。

    In 2003 the teams collectively commanded an estimated 27 % of the profits that Formula One derived from its three main businesses ( hosting fees from governments , selling television rights , and advertising and sponsorship ) .

  9. 一家媒介公司zenithoptimedia估计,电视攫取了意大利广告费的57%,相比之下,美国为37%。

    ZenithOptimedia , a media agency , reckons TV grabs 57 % of Italian ad spending , compared with 37 % in America .

  10. NHN日本每月还能进账数百万日元的广告费,目前有30多家公司在连我上发布优惠券等类型的广告信息。

    While other revenue comes from about 30 companies who pay several million yen a month for advertising on the service , such as distributing coupons .

  11. 他们索取多少广告费?支出(费用)之退款

    How much do they charge for advertising ? refund of expenditure

  12. 但你知道,广告费很贵。

    But you know , advertising expense must be expensive .

  13. 广告客户不可要求将广告费减扣。

    The advertiser may not demand the newspaper to reduce the rates .

  14. 企业广告费的另一半浪费到哪里去了?

    Where are the remaining half of advertising expense of the enterprise wasted ?

  15. 我们能继续讨论广告费的问题吗?

    Can we go on to discuss advertising costs ?

  16. 广告费与购进量的数学模型

    Random model of advertising expenses and purchase quantity

  17. 小帕特:此外广告费我跟你分摊一半。

    Pat Jr. : And1 I 'll go fifty-fifty with you on the advertising .

  18. 推销某种商品的广告费应与该商品对营业额的贡献成正比。

    Merchandise should be promoted in proportion to what it contributes to the turnover .

  19. 广告商愿意为这种更具针对性的形式付更多广告费。

    Advertisers are willing to shell out a lot of money for this targeting .

  20. 节目火爆仅从广告费收入上就可见一斑。

    The popularity of the show is measured in more than just advertising revenue .

  21. 邮资、广告费、保险费

    Postal , advertising , insurance , etc rates

  22. 广告费,广告价格其刊登或播出风格会表明其是广告。

    Advertising rates The style of presentation usually identifies the message as an advertisement .

  23. 注册阿里妈妈赚广告费!

    Register alimama account to earn money !

  24. 光是电视广告费就会让你想死。

    The TV ads alone are killing .

  25. 说到底就是要拉广告费。怎么拉到呢?

    It all comes down to the advertising dollars and how do you get that ?

  26. 再做一个比较:通用汽车公司1999年支出的广告费是40亿美元。

    By comparison , General Motors Corporation spent $ 4 billion in advertising in 1999 .

  27. 初次广告费是多少?

    What is a tentative advertising appropriation ?

  28. 广告费的会计处理方法

    Accounting Technique of Handling Advertising Expense

  29. 本刊实行广告费预付制,即先收费,后刊登。

    The advertising rate shall be paid in advance for publishing the advertisements on this magazine .

  30. 它的销售组织每年得到一亿美元的广告费。

    Its sales organization is supported with an advertising budget of $ 100 million per year .