
  • 网络Advertising Environment
  1. 北京广告环境与广告主发展回顾(二)北京广告环境与广告主发展研究(1979-1991)

    Review of Beijing advertising environment and advertisers development ( 1979-1991 );

  2. 第二部分对广告环境的相关概念进行阐述,提出城乡广告环境的比较框架。

    The second part clarified the basic concept of the advertising environment , and suggests the comparative framework of urban and rural environment of advertising .

  3. 本文便是以此为契机,通过城乡两者的比较分析,总结出农村广告环境的差异化特征。

    This paper is to take this opportunity , make a comparative analysis between the urban and rural district , summed up the rural environment of advertisements feature .

  4. 第三部分则是通过资料分析等方法对城乡广告环境的现状进行比较分析,总结农村广告环境的特点。

    The third part is based on data analysis and quantitative research methods of advertising environment in urban and rural areas of the state comparative analysis , aggregating rural characteristics of the advertising environment .

  5. 广告生态环境,点燃的话题

    The Ecological Environment for Ads , An Ignited Topic

  6. 然而与之相伴的是媒介经营者的竞争升级,广告传播环境的嘈杂,广告效果评估的难度日增。

    However , upgraded competition among media operators , noisy communication environment , increased difficulties of effect evaluation and so on as side effects are coming with the flourish .

  7. 户外广告与环境因素间的关系不仅涉及到城市政治、经济、文化、城建、道路、交通等方面的问题,同时影响城市的景观形象。

    The relationship between environmental factors and outdoor advertisement not only involves city politics , economy , culture , urban construction , roads and traffic , etc , but also affects the city landscape image .

  8. 广西气象台影视广告竞争性环境分析

    Analysis of the Competitive Environment for Video Advertisement by Guangxi Observatory

  9. 详细描述了中国广告业的环境。

    The Chinese advertising environment is described in detail .

  10. 广告人生态环境需重建

    The Living Environment of Admen must be Rebuilt

  11. 本文围绕着户外广告媒介在环境中的放置以及如何进行创新设计的问题展开研究。

    This paper focuses on the outdoor advertising media placement in the environment and how to conduct innovative design .

  12. 体验时代,传统媒体广告因媒介环境和消费者行为的变迁,遭遇前所未有的挑战。

    In times of experience , traditional media ad comes up against unprecedented challenge because of change of media conditions and consuming behavior .

  13. 广告促销、环境促销、节日促销是宋代饮食店铺的三种主要促销方式。

    Advertising sales , circumstantial sales and festival sales were the three major forms of sales promotion of the food stores in the Song Dynasty .

  14. 第三章为电视广告营销的环境分析,在本章结合电视广告经营的外部竞争环境以及内部营销策略存在的问题,提出了精益营销策略的引入和必要性。

    The third is analysis of TV ads marketing environment , combining the problems between external marketing environment of TV ads marketing and internal marketing strategies , then putting forward the introduction and necessity of optimized marketing strategies .

  15. 广告在媒体环境日新月异的今天派生出了新的传播模式&植入,而对其效果的研究,则是一切传播活动不可避开的话题。

    Today , with the rapidly changing of media environment , a new mode of transmission & product placement has come into being , and the studies of its effects has become an important topic in all communication activities .

  16. 在此基础上,对系统的总体框架做出概要设计,对系统模块进行了划分,主要包括广告位布局环境模块、广告位信息挖掘模块和一星站挖掘模块。

    On this basis , we make an outline design of the general framework of the system and classifies the system module , mainly including advertising layout and environment module , advertising information mining module and perfect sites mining module .

  17. PHP代码通过一个函数调用写出了广告框,根据环境决定是否调用页面。

    The PHP code writes out the ad box with a single function call , which the page can call or not call depending on the circumstances .

  18. 广告媒介的现实环境。

    The realistic environment of the advertising media .

  19. 在经济全球化的今天,广告翻译的生态环境也变得越来越复杂。

    With the economic globalization , the environments of advertisement translation become rather complex .

  20. 当前,电视媒介广告经营的内外环境正在发生着许多剧烈变化。

    Currently , both the interior and external of TV media ads business environment is changing drastically .

  21. 第三章主要对网络游戏广告的宏观市场环境与微观主体要素进行了系统分析,全面探讨了网络游戏广告发展所要面对的宏观、微观条件,优、劣势。

    Chapter III systematically analyses the market environment and the main elements of the online game advertising .

  22. 本市广播、电视、报刊和户外广告应当有市容环境卫生方面的公益性宣传内容。

    The Municipality 's radio , television , press and outdoor advertisements shall have public-interest publicity contents of city appearance and environmental sanitation .

  23. 首先从白沙品牌形象建设背景分析入手,一方面分析了白沙品牌形象建设外部环境,烟草广告传播的政策环境和消费者行为环境;

    Commence from the analysis of Baisha brand image background , analysis the exterior environment of Baisha brand image , policy environment and consumer behavior environment that spread tobacco advertise .

  24. 然而,当前国内媒体并未对广告的媒介符号环境给予充分的重视,从而影响了广告传播效果。

    At present the national media agencies have not paid enough attention to the media symbol environment yet , Asa result , advertisements have not achieved the best advertising effect .

  25. 作为一种新兴事物,网络广告将会随着网络环境变化而不断发展,新技术、新手段的出现也会使网络广告拥有越来越丰富,越来越精彩的发布形式。

    Web advertisement , as a novelty , will develop with the changing web environments and will have more interesting and exciting presentation forms with the development of the new technology and techniques .

  26. 通过对中小广告企业所处环境的分析,结合我国本土的实际情况,文章最后为我国中小广告企业提出了三种基本的战略,以供企业在实际中灵活应用。

    Based on all analyses of the middle and small advertising environment and the practical conditions in our country , the fourth part provides three basic strategies for middle and small advertising companies to carry out according to the real situation .

  27. 在前人研究的基础上,首次将零售商的全国性广告及其在竞争环境下的溢出效应引入模型,并探索性地对地方性广告效果进行非线性化处理,使之更贴近实际。

    Based on research results before , we introduce the national advertising investment of retailer and spillover effects of the national advertising into the model at the first time . In order to close to the actual situation , we process the effect of local advertising by nonlinear method .

  28. 广告目的、广告对象、广告环境三方面分别对现代广告文案提出了特定的要求。

    The advertising subject , advertising objects and advertising surroundings make peculiar demands on modern advertising correspondence .

  29. 三位高管离职正值这家社交网站在经济衰退中难以实现充足的广告收入、遭遇艰难的广告环境之际。

    The departures come as the social networking site has struggled to generate substantial ad revenue and is running up against a tough ad environment in the recession .

  30. 但是横扫城市的广告利器在农村却失灵,研究城乡广告环境之间的差异,就显得很有必要。

    However , the city advertising applied in rural areas had failed . It is very necessary to study advertising environment between urban and rural district differences .