
  • 网络Advertising Organizations;EIAA
  1. 此前我也加入过不同的反广告组织,在2000年,第一次动手涂污了一块广告牌。

    I had been part of different anti-advertisement organisations before , and defaced my first billboard in 2000 .

  2. 广告行业组织对此表示反对。

    Advertising industry groups are unenthusiastic .

  3. 本文以食品类电视广告为例,对电视广告语言的组织形式、社会文化属性进行分析探讨。

    This paper studies on the structure and the cultural identity of television advertising language , based on the works of food television advertising .

  4. 广告排期是移动广告系统的核心功能,它包括广告资源的组织、分配、调整,以及最终一个完整的广告排期生成。

    Advertisement scheduling is the core function of a mobile advertising system , which includes organization , allocation and adjustment of the advertising space , and finally generating a complete view .