
  • 网络Advertising campaign;Campaign;advertising;advertisement campaign
  1. 这是可以理解的。我们应该好好开展一个广告运动。

    That 's understandable . We 'll have to run a good advertising campaign .

  2. 汉译英翻译器美国一名州参议员的议员发起了一场广告运动,告诫人们要“提起你的裤子”,指出穿低腰裤的人会有损形象。

    Low-slung trousers give their wearers a bad image , according to a US state senator who is behind an advertising campaign telling people to " raise your pants " .

  3. 新媒体时代广告运动的四个新观念

    The New 4 Conceptions of AD Movement in New Media Era

  4. 使用与满足理论在广告运动中的应用

    Application of the Employing and Satisfying Theory in Advertisements on the Move

  5. 认为广告运动是科技期刊抢占国内外科技期刊市场的必由之路。

    Advertising is the necessary way to occupy the domestic and international markets .

  6. 新媒体时代,新广告运动

    In New Media Era , New AD Movement

  7. 他主张把这场广告运动至少再延续半年。

    He favors keeping the ad campaign going for at least another six months .

  8. 指出调查研究是期刊质量取向及其广告运动的基础;

    Investigation and research are basic for the improvement of periodicals ' quality and their advertising .

  9. 在广告运动的排期中载体的理想表现是达到或超过预期计划的。

    In an ideal world every vehicle on the campaign schedule would perform at or above expectations .

  10. 科技期刊广告运动策略

    Advertising strategy for sci-tech periodicals

  11. 你可以在全世界为它做推销,你可以开鸡尾酒会,搞广告运动

    You can market it all over the world , you can do cocktail parties and advertising campaigns

  12. 媒体战略是企业广告运动的三大元素之一。

    The media strategy is one of the three greatest elements that is a enterprise advertisement actions .

  13. 实际上,他是此项旨在战胜日本车的广告运动的策划人,而且他认为这是个很伟大的计划。

    Actually , he was the primary creator of the campaign strategy aimed at the Japanese , and he thinks it 's great .

  14. 这次广告运动的头炮由1997年9月28日首播的电视广告打响,随之而来的是印刷广告、广告牌及招贴。

    It all begun with the television commercial , which first aired on Sept.281997 , followed by the print ads , billboards and posters .

  15. 自从马歇尔公司1月份展开高投入且富有挑战性的广告运动以来,马歇尔公司的销售量和市场份额就持续下跌。

    Ever since january , when Marshall began a costly and aggressive ad campaign , marshall 's sales and market share have been plummeting .

  16. 并在发明其与消费者心智沟通的广告运动中,累积、证验了道禾独有的管用资源和工具整体体系。

    And within the creation of its advertising campaign to speak the mind of customers , the buildup of unique Wo Road proved an efficient system of resources and gears .

  17. 这个广告宣传运动主要是针对年轻人的。

    The advertising campaign is aimed primarily at young people .

  18. 我们将发起一次广告宣传运动以加深消费者对该产品的印象。

    We will try to impress the consumer with a good advertising campaign .

  19. 它所含的热量大约是一般广告中运动饮料的一半。

    It contains about half the calories of the average commercial sports drink .

  20. 国际化背景下中国广告自主运动的意义解读

    Interpretation of the Meanings of the Domestic Ads ' Self-movement on Background of Internationalization

  21. 这些广告宣传运动利用在线体验来提升消费者的总体体验。

    These campaigns are using the online experience to improve the overall experience for the consumer .

  22. 我给销售经理预先看所提的建议,以增加他对广告宣传运动的兴趣。

    I showed the sales director a preview of the proposal to whet his appetite for the main advertising campaign .

  23. 种种迹象表明,即使是一个适度的广告宣传运动也能产生良好的效果。

    There be every sign that an advertising campaign , even on a modest scale , will produce very good result .

  24. 杰米?崔说,他们推出的新广告是全球运动的第二阶段。

    Choi said the new ads are phase two of a global campaign .

  25. 中国在96年展开了一场公共广告服务的运动,从那时候起,大量的公益广告在全国涌现。

    China began a nationwide public service advertising campaign in1996 , and since then numerous PSAs have appeared around the country .

  26. 广告信息的运动过程本质上是广告主、广告服务商、媒体与广告信息接受者的不对等的互动过程。

    The essence of motion precess of advertisement information is the vary mutual functions of the advertiser , advertisement company and media department .

  27. 这个过程是要不断的产生和重复强调那些好的理念,使得企业形象广告进行连续运动。

    This process is to continue to produce and repeatedly stressed that a good idea , making the continuous corporate image advertising campaign .

  28. 通过广告和促销运动,包括使用精心制作的包装设计,烟草业继续转移人们的注意力,使他们无视烟草制品的致命作用。

    Through advertising and promotional campaigns , including the use of carefully crafted package designs , the tobacco industry continues to divert attention from the deadly effects of its products .

  29. 经常交通主管将被调用运行相同的通告在登广告者的运动期间几次,但是对主要商业的通告旋转几个不同的标签。

    Frequently the Traffic Director will be called upon to run the same announcement several times during the advertiser 's campaign , but rotate several different tags to the main commercial announcement .

  30. 但是本周,老虎。伍兹出现在一条黑白的电视广告中,为运动服制造商Nike代言。

    But this week , Tiger Woods appeared in a black-and-white television aid for sportswear maker Nike .