
  • 网络Valin Group
  1. 本文以华菱集团为例通过分析华菱集团文化整合各个不同阶段所采用的文化整合模式来探索一条企业集团并购重组后文化整合的基本途径。

    This article intends to found out a general approach to cultural integration through case study of Valin Group .

  2. 2005年,华菱集团与安米公司签署了有关铁矿石采购、营销、物流和技术等内容的战略合作框架协议。

    In2005 , Valin Group and Arcelor Mittal signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement on various fields including iron ore procurement , marketing , logistics , and technology developing .

  3. 企业集团内部管理体制的生成与演进分析&以湖南华菱集团二元分层经营体制为例

    The Analysis of Enterprise Group Internal Management System Shape and Evolution

  4. 资本经营与华菱集团公司的发展初探

    A Preliminary Discussion on Capital Operation and the Development of Hua-Ling Group Corporation

  5. 华菱集团以财务公司为平台资金集中管理改进的研究

    On the Improvement of Capital Centralized Management of Financial Company of HMG Group

  6. 文章最后还在研究西方企业集团发展新特征的基础上,对华菱集团乃至中国企业集团未来发展的总体方向和趋势进行了探讨。

    Finally , based on the western group development characteristics , the general orientation and tendency of the future development for Valin Group and Chinese group companies are discussed .

  7. 并购采用股权转让方式,华菱集团转让华菱钢铁36.673%的股份给米塔尔集团,且股权转让价格较转让前期末每股净资产价格的溢价比例相对较低。

    The M & A is by way of share transfer , Valin Group has transferred 36.673 % stake to Mittal , and the equity transfer price is relatively lower .

  8. 按照公司发展战略,华菱集团未来两年内的钢产量的规模目标将进一步扩大,需要进口的铁矿石也将进一步增加,未来钢材的出口量也逐步上升。

    According to the development strategy , in the next two years , Valin Group will further expand its steel output and increase iron ore import , thereby gradually improving steel exports .

  9. 但是,随着华菱集团生产规模的扩大和产能的提高,铁路运输发展已明显滞后,很难满足华菱高速发展形成的物流增长需求。

    However , along with expanding capacity and production scale , railway transport development has exhibited clear signs of backwardness and can hardly meet the higher demands on logistics resulting from its rapid development .

  10. 在案例分析的基础上,本文针对中国涉外企业在风险管理以及衍生产品的运用上存在的问题,借鉴华菱集团的成功经验,提出了我国企业使用金融衍生产品管理外汇风险的几点建议。

    Finally , grounded on the case analysis and drawing on the experience of Valin Group , some suggestions about how Chinese enterprises to discern the risks and use derivative products to effectively manage the exchange risks are put forward .

  11. 委员会已经延长了力拓-中国铝业交易的审查时限,周二又对湖南华菱钢铁集团有限责任公司(HunanValinIron&SteelGroupCo.)向FortescueMetalsGroup投资8亿美元的交易重施故伎。

    It had already extended the Rio-Chinalco decision deadline , and on Thursday did the same to Hunan Valin Iron & Steel Ltd. 's $ 800 million investment in Fortescue Metals Group .

  12. 湖南华菱钢铁集团(HunanValinIron&Steel)和珀斯FortescueMetals本周三签署的协议,是中澳之间一系列拟议收购交易中最新的一宗。

    Wednesday 's deal between Hunan Valin Iron & Steel and Perth 's Fortescue Metals is the latest in a series of proposed tie-ups between China and Australia .

  13. 华菱钢铁集团股权转让定价分析

    Analysis of Pricing of Equity Share Offer of Hualing Iron and Steel Group

  14. 本文对供气安全管理和成本管理的模式进行一些有益探讨,并以华菱衡钢集团公司供气分厂安全与成本管理作为案例进行论证分析研究。

    This text go on some benefit the discussion to gas supply safety management and mode , cost of management and safety management of the gas subsidiary factory of Hua ling heng yang steel group are managed and regarded as the case to prove . analyse and research .