
  • 网络Shougang Group;Shougang Corporation;Shougang Corp
  1. 此事在很大程度上将取决于中方的调查结果。据报道,调查已波及中国最大钢铁企业之一首钢集团(ShougangGroup)以及其它钢铁企业和贸易公司。

    Much could depend on what Beijing uncovers in its investigation , which is reported to have spread to Shougang Group , one of the country 's largest steel mills , and other mills and traders .

  2. 秦刚没有提供针对上述力拓雇员的控罪细节。据中国钢铁业的消息来源透露,第五名遭到拘留的人来自首钢集团(ShougangGroup),这是中国最大国有钢铁商之一。

    Mr Qin gave no details of the charges against the Rio employees , and the fifth detainee , who according to steel industry sources in China is from Shougang Group , one of China 's largest state-owned steelmakers .

  3. 首长国际与香港首控同为中国国有钢铁企业首钢集团(shougangcorporation)旗下的子公司。

    Both Shougang Concord and Shougang Hong Kong are subsidiaries of Shougang Corporation , a state-owned steelmaker controlled by Beijing .

  4. 以秘鲁为例,第一笔中国投资由首钢集团完成,它于1992年购买了一座铁矿;

    The first Chinese investment was by Shougang , which bought an iron-ore mine in1992 .

  5. 首钢集团还表示,将把今年的产量削减一半,还有可能在奥运会开幕前几个月开始停产。

    Shougang has also said it would halve its production this year , and may shut down production several months ahead of the Games .

  6. 北京最为知名的污染企业首钢集团已决定,在2008年8月北京举办奥运会期间不停产,而是将运营降至最低限度。

    Beijing 's most notorious polluter , the Shougang steelworks , has decided not to halt production while the Chinese capital hosts the Olympics in August 2008 , instead reducing operations to a minimum level .

  7. 不过按既定安排,周一上海一中院还将宣判首钢集团前官员谭以新等人涉嫌侵犯商业秘密的案件;据官方媒体报道,谭以新是在有关部门拘捕了力拓四位管理人员过后数日被拘捕的。

    Yet , the same court on Monday has scheduled a verdict on a case alleging that Tan Yixin , a former official of Beijing-based steelmaker Shougang Group who state media reports say was detained days after the Rio Tinto executives were taken by authorities , and others infringed on commercial secrets .

  8. 首钢远程培训网是一个首钢集团开展职工教育培训的计算机网络应用系统,网络中心(北京)与集团下属各公司建设的学习中心通过专线连接。

    Shougang Remote training network is a network application system of Shougang Group for education and staff training . Networking Center ( Beijing ) connects Group learning centers built by subsidiary companies through special line .