
  • 网络Chief operating officer;CoO;CEO;CFO;CMO
  1. 身为Facebook首席运营官的桑德伯格告诉《时代》杂志说,谁也不知道雅虎内部发生了什么。

    The Facebook COO told Time : ' No one knows what happened there .

  2. 就连Facebook的首席运营官雪莉桑德伯格都曾在书中对作者坦言,即使现在,我有时还是会一觉醒来觉得上天在耍我,并且怀疑自己应不应该待在现在的位置。

    Even Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg told the writers : There are still days I wake up feeling like a fraud , not sure I should be where I am .

  3. 也就是说,吉尔亚迪成为了团购界的谢乐儿•桑德博格(谢乐儿•桑德博格为Facebook首席运营官&译注)。

    So Georgiadis becomes Sheryl Sandberg for the daily deals world .

  4. 为何Facebook需要首席运营官谢乐尔•桑德伯格?

    Why Facebook needs coo Sheryl Sandberg .

  5. 但是他委任首席运营官蒂姆·库克(TimCook)处理日常事务。

    But he put Tim Cook , his chief operating officer , daily operations .

  6. 几周前在一次采访中,移动支付公司Square的首席运营官基思•拉伯斯表示,该公司计划开始积极进行市场推广。

    In an interview several weeks ago , square coo Keith rabois said that the company plans to start marketing itself aggressively .

  7. 此外,《财富》杂志还甄选出了一支“初创公司梦之队”(DreamTeamforStartups)。其中,谢乐尔•桑德伯格获得“首席运营官”称号。

    Fortune also assembled a Dream Team for Startups , where Sheryl Sandberg nabbed the chief operating officer slot .

  8. 事实证明,Facebook首席运营官令人沮丧的预测并未成为现实。

    It turns out that the Facebook ( FB ) COO 's gloomy prediction has not materialized .

  9. 首席运营官我选【沃尔玛(Wal-MartStores)】的罗沙琳德•布鲁尔。

    For chief operating officer I picked Rosalind brewer [ of Wal-Mart stores ] ( WMT ) .

  10. 作为社交网站Facebook的首席运营官,她协助首席执行官马克•扎克伯格将一个初创业务打造成一个盈利可观的企业。

    She is the Facebook coo who is helping Mark Zuckerberg turn his startup into a very profitable business .

  11. (欧德宁、克雷格•贝瑞特和安迪•格罗夫在成为CEO之前,都担任过首席运营官。)

    ( Otellini , Craig Barrett , and Andy Grove were all coo before taking the top job . )

  12. 加入凯鹏华盈之前,莱茵是甲骨文公司(Oracle)的总裁兼首席运营官。

    Prior to joining Kleiner Perkins , he was president and chief operating officer of Oracle ( orcl ) .

  13. 但是我去了Facebook做COO(首席运营官)

    but I went to Facebook as COO

  14. 威廉斯出生于芝加哥,曾经是加州蓝十字(bluecross)公司的总裁,于2001年安泰陷入财务困境之际出任该公司首席运营官。

    Formerly president of Blue Cross of California , Chicago-born Mr Williams joined Aetna as chief operating officer in 2001 , when the company was in financial trouble .

  15. 但该公司首席运营官杨青(SteveYang)呼吁保持谨慎。杨青毕业于加州大学(UniversityofCalifornia),曾在阿斯利康、辉瑞担任高管。

    Steve Yang , the company 's chief operating officer and a veteran of AstraZeneca , Pfizer and the University of California , urges caution .

  16. 2009年年末,科斯特洛加盟Twitter公司担任首席运营官,13个月后,他升任首席执行官。

    Costolo joined Twitter as chief operating officer in late 2009 , and was promoted to CEO 13 months later .

  17. 在为《财富》杂志2009年最具影响力商界女性专刊撰写的一篇文章中,Facebook公司首席运营官谢丽尔•桑德伯格提出了这条建议。

    Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg introduced this advice in an essay that she wrote in Fortune 's 2009 Most Powerful Women issue .

  18. 不过,如果我能随意选择的话,我会挑Twitter首席运营官阿里•罗哈尼。

    But if I could pick anyone as my coo it would Ali rowghani , who is the coo at twitter .

  19. 当时好几家公司请我去做CEO,但是我去了Facebook做COO(首席运营官)。

    I was offered CEO jobs at a bunch of companies , but I went to Facebook as COO .

  20. 作为媒体界大亨鲁伯特•默多克的儿子和新成立的21世纪福克斯(21stCenturyFox)的副首席运营官,詹姆斯•默多克并不害怕犯错误。

    James Murdoch , son of mogul Rupert Murdoch and deputy chief operating officer of the newly formed 21st century fox , is not afraid of his mistakes .

  21. JackDorsey担任twitter首席运营官的的一项重大举措就是裁员8%。

    In Jack Dorsey 's first major action as CEO , Twitter has laid off 8 % of its employees .

  22. AutomatedInsights首席运营官亚当·史密斯(AdamSmith)表示,这项技术是为了对人类的工作进行补充,而不是取代人类。

    Adam Smith , chief operating officer at Automated Insights , says this technology is intended to complement , rather than replace , human expertise .

  23. 我们看到早先出现的急剧萎缩有所放缓,联想首席运营官罗里瑞德(RoryRead)表示。

    We have seen a moderation in the sharp declines we had seen earlier , said Rory Read , chief operating officer .

  24. 此外RIM还宣布了高级管理层的几项变动,包括宣布首席运营官唐莫里森(DonMorrison)退休。

    The company also announced several senior management changes , including the retirement of Don Morrison , its chief operating officer .

  25. 雅虎(Yahoo)首席运营官亨里克•德•卡斯特罗素以出身谷歌(Google)且薪酬高昂而闻名,但日前他离职了。

    Henrique de Castro , the Yahoo ( yhoo ) chief operating officer known for his Google ( GOOG ) pedigree and massive compensation , is out .

  26. 求职网站monster英国及爱尔兰首席运营官艾伦汤森(alantownsend)同意这个观点。

    Alan Townsend , chief operating officer for the UK and Ireland at monster , the jobsite , agrees .

  27. 这之前罗伯特是KPMG美国的代理主席和首席运营官。

    He was previously deputy chairman and chief operating officer for KPMG in the United States .

  28. 其中加里•科恩(GaryCohn)是高盛的首席运营官,灰色的头发稀稀松松,照片上的他正在认真地讲话。

    There is Gary Cohn , chief operating officer , balding , grey and pictured talking earnestly .

  29. 想想UPS需要移动30亿个盒子在圣诞节前的2个星期:该公司的首席运营官保证了企业能日复一日的运作。

    Think about UPS moving three billion packages in the two weeks before Christmas : The company 's COO insures the business can deliver day after day .

  30. 对脸书首席运营官(ChiefOperatingofficer)——雪莉·桑德伯格(SherylSandberg)而言,脸书像是自己的家。她的身价已达110万美元,是技术领域最富有的女性之一。

    Facebook is home to Chief Operating officer Sheryl Sandberg , who is worth $ 1.1 billion and is one of the wealthiest women in technology .