
  • 网络Chief Administrative Officer;CEO;CAO;Chief Executive Officer;CFO
  1. 随着其形象,品牌和生意受到的责难,耐克公司和它的身负使命感的首席行政官突然感觉到“霸主”地位不稳了。

    But with its image , brand and business under fire , a company and a CEO with a sense of mission are suddenly reeling .

  2. 惠普还宣布,执行副总裁兼首席行政官皮特·博西昂(PeteBocian)将离开公司,且该决定即刻生效。

    The company also said Pete Bocian , EVP and chief administrative officer , is leaving the company effective immediately .

  3. 在银行、保险及其他金融服务类公司中,还会有ChiefAdministrativeOfficer(首席行政官)和ChiefRiskOfficer(首席风险官)。

    Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Risk Officer positions are often found in banking , insurance , and other financial services companies .

  4. 软件公司SAP的联合首席行政官吉姆.哈格曼.什纳布估计他去年拜访了超过200家客户。

    Jim Hagemann Snabe , co-chief executive of SAP , a software firm , reckons that he met over 200 last year .

  5. “对人类胚胎干细胞来源的产品明年首次临床试验,我非常自信”,上周Geron公司的首席行政官TomOkarma在伦敦的新闻发布会上如是说。

    " I 'm confident that we will be in the clinic next year with the first human ESC-derived product ," said Tom Okarma , chief executive of Geron , at a conference in London last week .

  6. 自1997年国际高尔夫旅游经理人协会(IAGTO)成立以来,彼得沃尔顿先生就一直担当协会的首席行政官。

    Peter Walton has held the position of Chief Executive of the International Association of Golf Tour Operators ( IAGTO Ltd ) since its foundation in1997 .

  7. 猎头公司CTPartners的首席行政官布莱恩.沙利文说,他工作最困难的一部分在于对只需他“少少”时间的人说“NO”;

    Brian Sullivan , the chief executive of CTPartners , a headhunting firm , says the most difficult part of his job is saying no to people who want a piece of his time . " If it was up to our partners I would be at every pitch , " he says .

  8. 西北航空首席行政官,道格拉斯。

    Northwest 's chief executive , Douglas M.

  9. 调查对象为94位意大利公司的首席行政官,他们被要求让助理们记录下一周的活动。

    Researchers asked the chief executives of 94 Italian firms to have their assistants record their activities for a week .

  10. 佤联军代表团由苏拜迪率领,北掸邦军第一旅代表团由首席行政官赛发率领。

    The Wa group was led by Sao Peti and the First Brigade group by Chief Administrative Officer Lt-Colonel Hsai Fa .

  11. 这个结果基于商业圆桌会议组织发布的最新调查,这是一个代表美国首席行政官的组织。

    That 's based on the latest survey from the Business Roundtable , a group that represents the nation 's chief executives .

  12. 这曾经是一门非常简单的生意,两年多一点前才成为首席行政官的普雷斯科特表示。

    It used to be a very simple business , reflects Mr Prescott , who became chief executive just over two years ago .

  13. 许多工作场所仍在实行过时的政策,原因之一就是妇女只占财富500强公司首席行政官的3%。

    And one reason many workplaces still have outdated policies is because women only account for 3 percent of the CEOs at Fortune 500 companies .