
shǒu xí ɡōnɡ chénɡ shī
  • chief engineer;lead engineer
  1. 该小组的首席工程师Wheeler这样解释

    As Wheeler , the lead engineer of the group , explains

  2. ArpanSen是一名首席工程师,致力于开发电子设计自动化行业软件。

    Arpan Sen is a lead engineer working on the development of software in the electronic design automation industry .

  3. 他手下的首席工程师叫做阿尔·奥尔康(AlAlcom),一个健壮、快乐又很理性的人。

    His chief engineer was Al Alcorn , beefy and jovial and a bit more grounded ,

  4. Lexus与Supra工程项目的首席工程师Katyama-san

    Chief engineer of Lexus and Supra program , Katyama-san

  5. 谷歌FluTrends首席工程师吉恩博格(JeremyGinsberg)说,这个网站还是试验性的,我们认为它是一种跟踪疾病爆发的独特、有趣的途径。

    ' It 's still quite experimental , 'says Jeremy Ginsberg , Google 's lead engineer on Flu Trends . 'We feel it 's an interesting , unique way to track disease outbreaks . '

  6. Shimizu公司的首席工程师MasaakiSaruta说,在这方面东京比绝大多数城市都要准备得充分。

    Masaaki Saruta is the chief engineer at Shimizu . He says Tokyo is better prepared than most cities .


    Yoshiaki sakagami , chief engineer , Honda

  8. 我们不久前刚刚任命了首席工程师,并在本周一宣布了结果,他就是MehranMehregany,

    and we just appointed the chief engineer , Mehran Mehregany , it was announced on Monday

  9. 据推测这种隐形材料很可能被用于J-20喷气式战斗机,因为该喷气战斗机的首席工程师也是实验室的学术董事之一。

    It also indicated that the invisibility material is likely to be used on J-20 fighter jets because the jet 's chief engineer Yang Wei is also a member on the laboratory 's academic board .

  10. YOSHIAKISAKAGAMI,本田首席工程师研发这种类人型机器人的最终目的是让它进入每个家庭并和人类朝夕相处。

    YOSHIAKI SAKAGAMI , CHIEF ENGINEER , HONDA The final purpose of the robot is to have one Asimo in every home , to live with human beings .

  11. Mirai首席工程师田中良和(YoshikazuTanaka)表示,这款汽车提供了“一条通向更美好、更安全、更清洁未来的道路”。Mirai在日语中的意思是“未来”。

    Yoshikazu Tanaka , chief engineer of the Mirai - which means " future " in Japanese - said the vehicle offered " a pathway to a better , safer and cleaner future . "

  12. 虽然李议员,令人难以置信的首席工程师可能会喜欢的。

    Although Mr Lee , an incredible lead engineer might prefer that .

  13. 在作战室首席工程师控制在它的整个设备。

    Chief engineers of the operations room control the whole equipment in it .

  14. 首席工程师负责从最高管理层处获得生产成本认可。

    The Principal engineer is responsible to obtain product cost approval from the top management .

  15. 我是首席工程师我知道怎么操作停机阀

    I 'm the lead engineer . I know how to operate the shutdown valve .

  16. 茅台的首席工程师王丽表示,她对茅台的质量有信心。

    Moutai 's chief engineer , Wang Li , says she 's confident about Moutai 's quality .

  17. 首席工程师,电工到机房,备用发动机,其他机组订单鼓起。

    Chief engineer and electrician go to engine room , standby engine , other crew muster for order .

  18. 6个专业的首席工程师应分别具有业主可接受的充分相关经验。

    The lead engineer of the six disciplines shall each have sufficient relevant experience acceptable to the company .

  19. 该车首席工程师说,丰田公司同时提高了尾气排放效率和性能。

    The car 's chief engineer says Toyota has improved emission efficiency and performance at the same time .

  20. 纽约决定给罗柏林一次机会。专门成立了一家公司,罗柏林出任首席工程师。

    The city decided to give Roebling a chance . A company was organized and he was made head engineer .

  21. 那里的首席工程师哈罗德·罗宾从一个美国行李箱中找了一根大红色的绳子,

    Harold Robin , the chief engineer of the organisation , produced some bright red cord from an American packing case .

  22. 起初,他出任华为电讯的首席工程师兼任副总裁;

    He first served as chief telecommunications scientist and vice president at Huawei Technologies , Later , he joined Baidu in Oct.

  23. 我做了多年研究,然后参加了一个商业团体,成为了首席工程师。

    I worked for research for many years and then I moved to the busniness group that in fact I became chief engineer .

  24. 我当时有多个头衔:分公司经理、项目经理、技术总监、首席工程师和系统架构师等。

    I had several titles at that time : branch manager , project manager , technical lead , principle engineer and systems architect .

  25. 曾在林登铝土公司任加工处首席工程师、负责人,圭矿业公司研究和开发处负责人。

    Linden bauxite company in any processing Principal Engineer , responsible person , kyu mining company is responsible for research and development person .

  26. 首席工程师承担了产品负责人职责中的一大部分,同时还要承担首席架构师在开发项目中的工作。

    The Chief Engineer shares most of the Product Owner responsibilities stated above but additionally is the chief architect of the development project .

  27. 丰田公司的产品负责人被称作“首席工程师”,只有为人称道的资深工程师才能担任这个职位。

    Toyota calls its Product Owner the " Chief Engineer " since the individual filling the role is a highly regarded senior engineer .

  28. 该公司首席工程师刘哈生表示他们投资500万人民币开了这家餐厅,每个机器人价值20万到30万元不等。

    Chief Engineer Liu Hasheng , said they invested 5 million Yuan in doing the restaurant , with each robot costing 200000 to 300000 Yuan .

  29. 我们的公司文化与结构非常有趣。我当时有多个头衔:分公司经理、项目经理、技术总监、首席工程师和系统架构师等。

    We had an interesting company culture and structure . I had several titles at that time : branch manager , project manager , technical lead , principle engineer and systems architect .

  30. 周二,中国航天科技集团公司举行了公司历史上首次新闻发布会,邀请中国媒体及一家西方新闻机构的记者听取了其首席工程师的情况简报并参观了一处训练设施。

    On Tuesday CASC held the first press conference in its history , inviting Chinese journalists and one western publication to a briefing by its chief engineer and a tour of a training facility .