
  • 网络Chief Privacy Officer;CPO
  1. 首席隐私官是一个新兴的职位。创立这样一个职位是为了应对客户对医疗及金融等个人信息使用的关注,同时也是对数据保护立法的回应。

    The CPO position is relatively new and was created to respond to both consumer concern over the use of personal information , including medical data and financial information , and laws and regulations , including , but not limited to , legislation concerning data protection .

  2. 部分《财富》500强公司,比如IBM和宝洁公司(Proctor&Gamble),已经意识到,公司需要一位“秘密守护者”,于是便设立了首席隐私官职位。

    A number of Fortune 500 companies such as IBM and Proctor Gamble have realized the need for a gatekeeper and have created CPO positions .

  3. 从现在起,Facebook每两年将接受一次隐私审计,而且将公司首席隐私官的职权分裂成两个职位。

    Facebook will now submit to privacy audits every two years and has also split the role of Chief Privacy Officer into two positions .

  4. 本周,Facebook的首席隐私官克里斯凯利宣布,他是在参加竞标的第一步骤,加州总检察长当选。

    This week , Facebook Chief Privacy Officer Chris Kelly announced that he is taking the first steps in a bid to be elected as attorney general of California .

  5. 首席隐私官(ChiefPrivacyOfficer,CPO)指一家公司或机构中负责保密政策及规定相关的风险和商业管理高级执行官。

    The Chief Privacy Officer ( CPO ) is a senior level executive within a business or organization who is responsible for managing the risks and business impacts of privacy laws and policies .

  6. 美国行业机构&国际隐私专家协会(IAPP)会长特雷弗休斯(TrevorHughes)表示,如今几乎所有大型企业都设有首席隐私官之类的职位。该协会的成员遍布全球,有8000名左右。

    Nearly all large companies now have a lead privacy officer role , says Trevor Hughes , head of the International Association of Privacy Professionals , a US trade group with about 8,000 members worldwide .

  7. 浅议互联网新职位&首席隐私官

    Discussion on an Internet New Post : Chief Privacy Officer

  8. 因此,一些企业应运而生了一种新职位,即首席隐私官。

    So a new post named ' Chief Privacy Officer ' has emerged in some enterprises .

  9. 一些人士正在争取让首席隐私官成为大型机构必须设置的职位。

    Some people are pushing for the role of Chief Privacy Officer to be made mandatory for large organisations .