
  • 网络Chief Learning Officer;clo
  1. 如果首席学习官能够亲自教授这些课程,他们马上就有机会赢得管理层的尊重。

    The chief learning officer right now has the opportunity to win the respect of management if they can teach these programmes themselves .

  2. 关于反馈的重要性,史蒂夫·科尔,高盛集团前任首席学习官表示,没有反馈的练习就像是把保龄球投向幕布后的球瓶。

    As for the feedback portion , Steve Kerr , the former chief learning officer of Goldman Sachs , said that practicing without feedback is like bowling with the pins behind a curtain .

  3. 安捷伦公司的首席学习官特雷莎•瑞秋表示,公司会为员工提供岗前培训,通过评估、互动式在线研讨会、在线培训和阅读等形式,使员工明确公司所追求的经营结果。

    The company does pre-training exercises which include assessments , interactive webinars , e-learning and readings to let staff know exactly what business results it seeks .

  4. 该学院管理教育系主任丹苏尔(donsull)表示,如果他是一位首席执行官,他会希望首席学习官发挥更积极的参与作用,而此次经济危机将提供业务变革的动力。

    Don sull , Faculty director for executive education , says that if he was a chief executive he would look to the Chief Learning Officer to have a more participatory role and that the economic crisis will provide a catalyst for business to change .