
  • 网络Chief Marketing Officer;CMO
  1. 维密总公司的首席营销官艾德·拉扎克可能会对这样的结果感到惊讶。

    This may come as a surprise to Ed Razek , the CMO of Victoria 's Secret 's parent company .

  2. 我觉得你们的首席营销官候选人是最没有吸引力的一组,但如果非得从中挑出一个来,那就是通用电气(GE)的贝思•康斯托克。

    I thought your CMO list was the least compelling , but if I had to pick one on your list it is Beth Comstock of Ge .

  3. 社交游戏公司Zynga聘用了电子艺界(ElectronicArts)的副总裁杰夫•卡普,他将担任这家社交网络游戏创业公司的首席营销官和首席营收官。

    Zynga hired away Electronic Arts VP Jeff Karp , who will serveat the social gaming startup as chief marketing and revenue officer .

  4. 两人首先在这里找到了他们的首席营销官2004级的丁捷(janeding)。

    First , they located their chief marketing officer , Jane Ding , who was in the enrolling class of 2004 .

  5. 但华为消费者业务全球首席营销官张晓云(GloryCheung)表示,华为希望不仅仅因设备本身而为人所知。

    But Huawei wants to be known for more than just gear , says Glory Cheung , chief marketing officer .

  6. 《财富》杂志编辑的选择是联合利华(Unilever)首席营销官基斯•韦德。

    Keith weed of Unilever ( UL ) , was the editors ' pick .

  7. 估算社交媒体投资回报率的问题素来让CMO(首席营销官)们感到棘手。

    CMOS have long labored to measure return-on-investment from social media .

  8. 首席营销官(CMO)能力对企业绩效影响的实证研究

    Impact of Chief Marketing Officer 's Capabilities on Business Performance

  9. 她有一个宏伟的、不同寻常的计划:让首席营销官们使用IBM的工具对他们的数据进行分类,找出其中有价值的信息,帮助他们更好的接触客户,销售更多产品。

    Her ambitious and yes , unusual Plan : get the marketers to use IBM tools to sort their data for nuggets that will help them better reach customers and sell more stuff .

  10. 美国运通首席营销官约翰•海斯(JohnHayes)表示,公司将对电视广告如何影响其网站上的活动进行测算。

    John Hayes , chief marketing officer at American Express , says the company will be measuring how the television advertisements influence activity at its site .

  11. HTC拒绝对亚马逊置评,不过该公司首席营销官何永生(BenjaminHo)表示,该公司“对于新的机遇始终不会放过”。

    HTC declined to comment on Amazon , but Ben Ho , its chief of marketing , said the company is " always exploring new opportunities . "

  12. 但宏达电新任首席营销官何永生(benjaminho)表示,该公司的后盾是那些希望在三星和苹果(apple)等市场领先品牌之外为消费者提供更多选择的移动运营商。

    But backing the company up , says its new chief marketing officer , are mobile operators who want to be able to offer consumers more than just market leaders Samsung and apple .

  13. 90年代末,他进入T-Mobile并成为首席营销官。

    By the end of the decade he had moved to T-Mobile , where he became chief marketing officer .

  14. 广告代理商现在讨论的是品牌直接与消费者对接、打造联合利华(Unilever)首席营销官基思•威德(KeithWeed)所称的“采购之路”。

    Agencies now talk about brands connecting directly with consumers , creating what Keith Weed , chief marketing officer of Unilever , calls a " path to purchase . "

  15. 朗涛策略设计顾问公司(LandorAssociates)首席营销官海斯•罗思(HayesRoth)表示:“强大品牌价值和强劲股票表现之间存在显著的一致性。”

    Hayes Roth , chief marketing officer of Landor Associates , the consultancy , says : " There is remarkable consistency between strong brand value and stock performance . "

  16. 公司创始人兰迪•布兰多夫(RandyBrandoff)在奢侈品营销领域拥有深厚经验,曾经在NetJets担任高级副总裁和首席营销官、在MarquisJets担任过执行副总裁和首席营销官。

    Founder Randy Brandoff has deep experience in luxury marketing , having previously served as the Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Net Jets and the Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Marquis Jets .

  17. 柯达(Kodak)首席营销官杰弗里·海兹勒特(JeffreyHayzlett)是一个不知疲倦的Twitter用户。他每过一小时就报告一下自己的工作。

    Jeffrey Hayzlett , chief marketing officer of Kodak , is a tireless twitterer who reports hour by hour on just how he is spending his day at work .

  18. Shine首席营销官鲁瓦卡尔蒂(RoiCarthy)表示:到今年底以前,全球数以千万计的移动用户将通过自主选择的方式,加入屏蔽广告的行列。

    Tens of millions of mobile subscribers around the world will be opting in to ad blocking by the end of the year , said Roi Carthy , chief marketing officer of Shine .

  19. 英国凯捷金融服务(CapgeminiFinancialServices)首席营销官吉恩•拉西格纳蒂尔(JeanLassignardie)表示,在智能手机上用银行卡支付意味着要输入卡号和地址,这可能有些不方便,因此电子钱包或PayPal是一种较好的替代。

    To pay by a card on a smartphone , says Jean Lassignardie , chief marketing officer at Capgemini Financial Services , means typing in a card number and an address , which can be awkward , so a an electronic wallet or PayPal is a strong alternative .

  20. 从四处奔波,到运营卡夫的咖啡业务,再到负责北美饮料业务,现在又担任了公司首席营销官(CMO),在此期间,我总结了许多宝贵的经验:

    From moving across the pond to run Kraft 's coffee business , to overseeing the North American beverages business , and now as Chief Marketing Officer , I 've learned some valuable lessons along the way :

  21. 消费品企业联合利华(Unilever)的首席营销官基思•威德(KeithWeed)说,数字化个性营销有点像你到当地的商店买东西,店家认识你并且可能还准备好了你要买的东西。

    Keith Weed , chief marketing officer of Unilever , the consumer products company , says digital personalised marketing is a bit like when you to go to your local shop and they know you and perhaps even have what you want waiting for you .

  22. 消费品企业联合利华(Unilever)的首席营销官基思•威德(KeithWeed)说,数字化个性营销“有点像你到当地的商店买东西,店家认识你并且可能还准备好了你要买的东西”。

    Keith Weed , chief marketing officer of Unilever , the consumer products company , says digital personalised marketing is " a bit like when you to go to your local shop and they know you and perhaps even have what you want waiting for you . "

  23. 求职网站简单就业网(SimplyHired)首席营销官丹尼尔•格林伯格表示,许多公司都知道,求职者想要办公室以外的生活,因此,公司会在发布招聘信息时进行相应的措辞。

    Daniel Greenberg , chief marketing officer at job-search portal simplyhired , notes that many companies know job hunters want a life outside the office , and have worded their job postings accordingly .

  24. HubSpot首席营销官在试图获得莱昂斯的手稿后因不道德行为被解雇,另一位高管在也可能被解雇之前辞职,首席执行官因在此事中的角色接受处罚。

    HubSpot 's chief marketing officer is sacked for unethical conduct after trying to obtain Lyons 's manuscript , another executive resigns before he too can be fired and the chief executive is sanctioned for his role in the affair .

  25. Bathstore首席营销官克莱尔-贝利斯说:我们致力于打造梦幻浴室,无论是从设计上还是安装上。而任命浴缸体验员证明我们正致力于提供高质量产品和专业服务。

    Bathstore 's chief marketing officer Claire Bayliss said : We are dedicated to making dream bathrooms easy , from design to installation , and this appointment demonstrates our commitment to deliver quality products and expert advice .

  26. 如今,前首席营销官显得非常低调。

    In the meantime the former marketing chief is lying low .

  27. 比如说,首席营销官这个群体。

    So , a chief marketing officer for example .

  28. 那么,当今的首席营销官面临的两大难题是什么呢?

    The two most troubling areas for CMOS ?

  29. 几乎没有高管能自行解决这一难题,首席营销官也不例外。

    Few executives can do it all themselves , and marketers are no exception .

  30. 如果您的企业的成功主要取决于市场,你需要一个首席营销官。

    If your business 's success depends mainly on marketing , you need a CMO .