
bái lǐng
  • white collar;babu
白领 [bái lǐng]
  • [white-collar]从事脑力劳动的职员,如管理人员、技术人员、政务公务员等。这一名词最早出现于20世纪20年代初,它的范围包括一切受雇于人而领取薪水的非体力劳动者,因工作环境比较整洁,穿着整齐,衣领洁白,因而有“白领”之称。在我国泛指在企事业单位从事脑力劳动的员工。

白领[bái lǐng]
  1. 一项新的全球调查指出,白领们都过着这样的“赶趟儿式生活”,而这种生活是由不断的新技术压力以及越来越多需要用更少的时间和资源完成更多事情的要求压力催生出来的。

    White collar workers are living a " just-in-time lifestyle , " bred by the constant pressures of new technology and increased demands to do more with less time and fewer resources , a new international survey says .

  2. 他们想要成为白领。

    They expect to become a white collar , says Jia .

  3. 她穿着一件白领黑外套。

    She was wearing a black coat with a white collar

  4. 如今白领工人的工作时间比以前更长了。

    White-collar workers now work longer hours .

  5. 许多白领,像股票经纪人和投资银行家,发现自己也失业了。

    Many white-collar workers , like stock brokers and investment bankers , find themselves in the unemployment lines .

  6. 对于大多数白领而言,邮件是公司通讯最主要的工具。

    For almost all white-collar jobs , email is the primary tool of corporate communication .

  7. 香港白领在工作时就常以零食充饥。

    Hong Kong white-collars when work often appeases hunger by between-meal snack .

  8. 对于已选择裸辞的白领来说,重返职场的时间很重要。

    To know when is the right time to go back to work is quite crucial for those job-quitters .

  9. 在今年夏天中国流行的一段视频中,上海一支业余合唱团演唱了一首献给“加班狗”的搞笑歌曲《感觉身体被掏空》,“加班狗”是对白领的谑称。

    In one video that went viral this summer , an amateur Shanghai choir1 devoted2 a tongue-in-cheek song to their status as " overtime3 dogs " - a slang term for white-collar workers - entitled " My Body Is Hollowed Out . "

  10. IBM甚至正在努力消除其白领管理风格的形象。

    IBM is even now trying to wash the starch out of its white-shirted management style .

  11. 白领话题:中国需不需要MBA?(上篇)

    Does China need MBA ?

  12. Joyce江(音译)一位香港年轻白领,某晚她和朋友来到一家餐厅聚餐。

    Joyce Jiang , a young professional woman in Hong Kong , sat down with her friends in a restaurant one evening .

  13. 根据上周发布的一项对2952名大学文化程度白领工人进行的研究,在33岁至46岁、技能熟练的X世代女白领中,高达43%的人还没有孩子。

    A full 43 % of skilled white-collar Gen X women , ages 33 to 46 years old , haven 't yet had children based on a study of 2952 college-educated white-collar workers released last week .

  14. 让我们从市场力量谈起这种力量将一名富时100指数(ftse100)成份股公司的白领主管投入中国的监狱。

    It helps to start with the market forces that have landed a white-collar FTSE 100 executive in a Chinese prison .

  15. 一位未透露姓名的白领说道,他昨天中午去取钱时便意识到托特纳姆法院路上那台ATM出错了。

    One office worker , who did not wish to be named , said he became aware of the blunder in Tottenham Court Road when he went to get cash out at lunchtime yesterday .

  16. 中国社会科学院(CASS)本周末发布了其调查结果,2007年中国第一类主要城市的白领阶层收入标准。

    The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ( CASS ) released its findings over the weekend in the2007 White-collar Workers Salary Standard in Major Chinese Cities-the first of its kind .

  17. 这位志向远大、在互联网公司盛大(Shanda)任职的24岁白领是中国年轻一代的写照。

    With her ambitious agenda , the 24-year-old office worker at Shanda , an internet company , is an emblem of China 's young generation .

  18. 当地唱诗班、学校学生和午餐中的白领们都一同加入进合唱的队伍,这打破了之前保持的由897个人聚集在一起高歌“intheround”的吉尼斯世界记录.

    Local choirs , school groups and lunching office workers joined in , breaking the previous record for singing " in the round , " where two groups sing exactly the same melody , beginning at different times - to break the previous record of 897 , according to Guinness World Records .

  19. 探究施瓦兹的价值观问卷PVQ在中国的应用及中国年轻白领的价值观倾向

    Adapting Schwartz ' Portrait Value Questionnaire in China and Locating Shanghai Young Employees in Their Value Priorities

  20. 负责调查白领犯罪行为的SFO现在必须决定是否展开正式调查,这可能导致罗尔斯罗伊斯及相关人员被提起公诉并面临巨额罚款。

    The SFO , which investigates white-collar crime , must now decide whether to launch an official investigation that could result in prosecution of the company , individuals and potentially large fines .

  21. 回归前,5万被选中的港人(以职业白领和公务员为主)获颁英国护照,但还是有超过300万的人只能将就着英国海外居民(BNO)这一身份。

    Before the handover , 50,000 selected Hong Kongers mainly white-collar professionals and civil servants were given British passports , but more than three million had to make do with BNO status .

  22. 同样,企业策略专家尤安森普尔(EuanSemple)也怀疑,像英国这种阶级意识分明的国家,是否会接受一个让蓝领和白领交流的职业社交网站。

    Equally , Euan Semple , a business strategist , wonders if a class-conscious country like the UK will adapt to a career networking site that mixes blue - and white-collar workers .

  23. 设计与建筑公司Gensler在2013年针对2000名白领员工展开的一项调查结果显示,自2008年以来,企业雇员对他们办公空间的满意度有所下降,因为许多人找不到一个可以集中精神办公的安静所在。

    A 2013 survey of 2000 white-collar workers by Gensler , a design and architecture firm , found that employees ' satisfaction with their work space has fallen since 2008 because many can 't find a quiet place to focus .

  24. 平静地面对,不管你是白领还是草根。

    Calm face , whether you are a white-collar or roots .

  25. 我国城市白领群体生活方式的社会学研究

    A survey research on lifestyles of the white-collar in urban China

  26. 苏西,你喜欢白领的衬衫

    Suxie , do you prefer the shirt with the white collar

  27. 广州市女性白领阶层体育价值观变迁研究

    Study on Sport Value Transformation of Female White-Collar Class in Guangzhou

  28. 居家休闲也是众多白领的选择。

    Staying at home is also a choice for many white-collars .

  29. 这些学生大多来自受过良好教育的白领家庭。

    Most of these students come from well-educated , white-collar families .

  30. 许多丈夫为蓝领劳工的妇女本身却从事白领的工作。

    Many women whose husbands were blue-collar workers had white-collar jobs themselves .