
  1. 2010年,CFTC的一名委员巴特•切尔顿(BartChilton)表示,他认为,市场上存在以欺诈手段不正当控制白银价格的做法。

    In 2010 , Bart Chilton , a CFTC commissioner , said that he believed there had been fraudulent efforts to deviously control the silver price .

  2. 白银价格涨势迅猛,有多少人对投资白银拥有信心呢?

    How many persons are confident of silver investment as silver price is skyrocketing ?

  3. 这就是最近三年的黄金和最近的白银价格上涨的原因。

    It is one reason that gold bullion and more recently silver prices have risen over the last three years .

  4. 白银价格的波动上涨,对以白银为主要原材料的低压电触头行业产生了很大的影响。

    High voltage electric contact as the core component in high voltage switch equipments takes the effect of switch , contacting .

  5. 尽管黄金和白银价格最近上涨,一些投资者仍不愿过度看涨黄金。

    Despite the recent rally in gold and silver prices , some investors remain hesitant to get overly bullish on the precious metals .

  6. 黄金和白银价格周四飙升,交易员的焦点全面转向美国的财政和经济问题。

    Gold and silver surged higher on Thursday , as the focus of traders turned squarely to the fiscal and economic problems in the US .

  7. 白银价格从本周早些时候的下滑中反弹,涨幅为5.5%,达到每盎司47.99美元,逼近每盎司50美元的名义价格纪录高点。

    Silver jumped 5.5 per cent , rebounding from a slip earlier this week , to $ 47.99 an ounce , nearing its own nominal record of $ 50 .

  8. 尽管现在金价远高于1980年触及的名义纪录水平,但白银价格仍低于当年触及的每盎司50美元。

    While the price of gold is now well above the nominal record it touched in 1980 , silver remains below the $ 50 an ounce it hit that year .

  9. 市场回归到“追逐风险”模式,金价出现反弹,白银价格也是如此(其波动更为剧烈)。

    As soon as the " risk on " mode returned to markets , gold duly rebounded , as did silver ( which has had an even more volatile ride ) .

  10. 由于黄金和白银的价格和股票价格一样,波动非常频繁,因此奖牌的价值并不是一成不变的。

    Since gold and silver rates , like stock prices , fluctuate pretty frequently , the value of the medal isn ’ t exactly static .

  11. 甚至白银的价格最近打破了十多年的沉寂。

    Even silver prices have broken out recently from a multi-decade long slumber .

  12. 金块和黄金白银期货价格在过去三年连续上升。

    Gold bullion prices and gold and silver equities have risen for the last three consecutive years .

  13. 潘多拉还列出了许多其它原因,包括黄金与白银批发价格的大幅上涨、客户对价格越来越敏感、生产过剩以及存货过多。

    Pandora also cited factors including hefty increases in gold and silver wholesale prices , increasingly price-sensitive customers , excessive production and gorged inventory lists .

  14. 从石油到白银,所有商品价格的过度波动都是投机者制造的?

    Everything from Oil to Silver : Are Speculators Causing Too Much Volatility ?

  15. 黄金和白银的起伏不定的价格接下来的是逊于黄金时代的白银时代。

    The fluctuating value of gold and silver . The Silver Age came next , inferior to the golden .

  16. 随着投资者对各国央行及政府采取行动的幻想破灭、转而购买白银作为现金的替代品,白银价格在过去12个月内上涨了121%,并于本周站上39.73美元的31年高点。

    The grey precious metal has soared 121 per cent over the past 12 months to touch a 31-year peak of $ 39.73 this week as investors , disillusioned with the actions of central banks and governments , bought it as an alternative to paper currencies .

  17. 他认为中国的确是当时世界上最富有的国家,中国对白银的需求极大地影响了世界白银的流通和价格。

    Because of her more demands of silver , its price and circulation were affected much in the world .

  18. 结束调查将激怒美国一些白银投资者,他们声称,一些大型投行尤其是摩根大通(jpmorgan)共谋推低白银价格。

    Ending the probe would infuriate some US Silver investors , who claim that a group of large investment banks in particular , JPMorgan has conspired to drive the price of silver lower .

  19. 结束调查将激怒美国一些白银投资者,他们声称,一些大型投行——尤其是摩根大通(JPMorgan)——共谋推低白银价格。

    Ending the probe would infuriate some US silver investors , who claim that a group of large investment banks - in particular , JPMorgan - has conspired to drive the price of silver lower .

  20. 展望2007年,国际白银市场全球经济仍将保持较快增长、美元疲软持续、各国央行外汇储备结构调整及全球白银投资需求增长等利好因素将再度支持和推动白银价格;

    It also forecasted the silver price in 2007 will keep the rise driven by the economic growth quickly in the world , weak - kneed US dollar , the increase for demand of Silver Investment , and adjustment of foreign exchange reserve in many countries .