
  • 网络price rigidity
  1. 我国城市新建商品住房价格刚性研究

    A Study on the New Residential Buildings ' Price Rigidity of Major Cities in China

  2. 经济学家将这称为名义价格刚性。

    Economists call this nominal price rigidity .

  3. 可乐显然是价格刚性的一个突出案例。

    Coke was clearly an exceptional example of rigid prices .

  4. 房地产市场中土地价格刚性上涨探讨

    Land Price in Real Estate Market & Discussion on the Rising of Land Price Rigidity

  5. 在价格刚性的凯恩斯模型下,货币流通速度的变化只影响实际产出而不影响价格水平,因为价格是刚性的。

    In Keynesian model , the change of velocity only impacts the real income , because the price is sticky .

  6. 笔者认为在中国预期到的货币政策影响产出,其原因是不完全的市场与价格刚性的存在。

    The authors argue that the imperfect markets and the rigidity of prices account for the effectiveness of anticipated monetary policy on output in China .

  7. 他们认为,由于工资和价格刚性的存在,价格对总需求变动的调整是一个渐进的过程,名义冲击能够对经济产生持续的影响。

    They believe that due to the existence of nominal stickiness prices adjust gradually to the changes of aggregate demand , and nominal shocks have persistent effect on output .

  8. 中国的产出持续性&基于刚性价格和刚性工资模型的动态分析

    Output Persistence In China & Dynamic Analysis Based On Sticky Price And Sticky Wage Models

  9. 如何研究产品的能力,在价格下降的刚性?

    How to research products the ability of downward rigidity in prices ?

  10. 美国的价格更缺乏刚性,更容易受到经济条件的影响,因为与欧洲相比美国的市场更灵活。

    Prices tend to be less " sticky ": they respond more readily to economic conditions because markets are more flexible than in Europe .

  11. 而通胀预期和产出波动又直接受到价格、工资刚性、预期、劳动生产率、外贸冲击、技术差异、资源禀赋、体制特征等差异的制约。

    Inflation expectations and output volatility are directly subject to the constraints of price , wage rigidity , the difference of the expectation , labor productivity , foreign trade shocks , technical differences in resource endowments , institutional characteristics and so on .

  12. 不过,女衫的价格恐怕不是完全刚性的。

    But I 'm afraid the price of blouses is not entirely inelastic .

  13. 由于旅游区价格具有一定的刚性和稳定性,采用直接观察法不易得出旅游需求函数。

    The price of tourist attraction is stability which is hard to work out the travel demand function with the adoption the direct observational method .

  14. 菜单成本论、厂商声誉模型和具有搜索成本的非对称反应模型分别从价格调整的成本、厂商维持自身声誉以及垄断厂商提高和降低价格的非对称反应等因素说明了为什么会存在价格刚性。

    " Menu Cost Model ", " Producer Reputation Model " and " Asymmetrical Response Model with Search Costs " provide price stickiness with microeconomic behavior foundations respectively from three different aspects .