
  • 网络value chain integration;Value-chain integration
  1. 借助电子商务实施,实现价值链集成。

    Realize value chain integration through implementing e-business .

  2. 第五章通过企业实例论证价值链集成的应用模式,得出结论。

    Chapter five proves the application mode of the value chain integration with enterprise 's instance , and draws the conclusion .

  3. 对价值链集成绩效进行评价分析,建立了评价指标体系,选用层次分析法的评价方法构建了综合绩效评价模型。

    Building an evaluation index system base on studying value chain integration achievement and using this evaluation index system in the actual application .

  4. 价值链集成战略模式的实施策略是注重对服务对象的研究与分析;强调服务对象的参与;提高流程管理能力。

    The implementing strategies for the value chain integrated strategy mode are paying attention to the study and analysis of the customer , emphasizing participation of the customer and improving the ability to manage process .

  5. 建筑业中流行的总承包模式是一种价值链纵向集成,这和其他行业强调核心竞争力的价值链分解专业化趋势相悖。

    Nowadays , design-build is prevailing in industry of construction as a kind of vertical integration , on the contrary , in the other industries there is a trend of specialization which can set up core competence .

  6. 基于价值链的企业集成供应链物流管理

    Value-chain Based Enterprise Integrated Supply-chain Logistics Management Research

  7. 基于价值链的中国集成电路产业发展对策

    Study on the Development of Integrate Circuit ( IC ) Industry in China Based on Value Chain Analysis

  8. 第二章介绍了论文研究的三个基础理论,即价值链理论、集成理论和竞争合作理论;

    Chapter two introduces the three basic theories of research , which are value chain theory , integration theory and competitive cooperation theory .

  9. 最后通过实例说明XML技术在物流价值链信息系统中集成多个数据源的具体应用。

    At last , it illustrates the XML-Based logistics value chain information system data integration in patterns and the realization by a example .

  10. 财务集中管理的新视角&价值链分析与信息集成策略

    The New Perspective on Financial Management-the Value Chain Analysis and Information Integration Strategy

  11. 本文首先从价值链的观点出发,结合BPR思想,提出了一种基于价值链的过程集成方法,建立了虚拟企业价值链框架和数学模型。

    At first , on the view of value chain , the dissertation brings out a set of process integration methodology based on value chain combining BPR thoughts , set up the virtual enterprise value chain framework and mathematics model .

  12. 医院要拥有卓越的病人价值创造能力,一方面需要对医院的基本价值链进行优化和重构,另一方面还需要在整个行业价值链内对相关组织的价值链进行整合集成。

    To have outstanding ability to create patient value , the hospital needs to , on one hand , optimize and re-construct basic value chain , on the other , integrate the industry value chain .