
  • 网络Price taker;Price-taker
  1. 因此,我国必须加快外贸增长方式的转变,实现从价格接受者到价格制定者的角色转变,以合法正当的手段,绕开甚至最终填平贫困化增长陷阱。

    Therefore , China has to speed up the transform of foreign trade growth , changing from " price taker " to " price maker ", bypass and finally fill legally the trap of " immiserzation growth " .

  2. 在维持其高速经济增长所必需的资源领域,中国对于自己作为价格接受者的局面日益感到不满。

    China is increasingly frustrated at being a price-taker for the resources it needs to sustain its breakneck economic growth .

  3. 在可预见的将来,对冲基金经理将成为价格接受者,而非制定者。

    For the foreseeable future , hedge fund managers will be price takers , not makers .

  4. 考虑了发电公司不同策略情况下市场均衡状态间的转换概率,分别给出了发电公司作为价格接受者和价格制定者时的多阶段决策模型。

    Different decision models with corresponding transition probabilities between market equilibria were developed for strategies of price-taker and price-maker respectively .

  5. 石油巨头都是价格接受者:他们出售产品的价格水平在很大程度上由市场决定。

    Oil majors are price takers : the level at which they sell their product is largely dictated by the market .

  6. 现代经济学理论认为,在充分竞争市场下,由于买卖双方都是价格接受者,各方均缺乏制定价格的能力,因此在完全竞争市场上不存在定价权的问题。

    Modern economic theory that , in a highly competitive market , buyers and sellers are due to the price of recipients .

  7. 在研究初期以作为价格接受者的发电公司为研究对象,首先采用概率方法模拟电力市场中的电价并在此基础上采用等概率法建立了模拟发电公司最优报价策略的多段报价模型;

    Firstly , the electricity price in the market is simulated by probabilistic methods , on this basis and by use of average probability of wins a multi-block bidding model that simulate optimal bidding strategy of generation company is built .

  8. 在前人相关研究成果的基础上,在假设投资者存在过度自信心理偏好且是市场上的价格接受者的条件下,建立数学模型、从理论上研究投资者过度自信心理偏好对中国股票市场风险的影响机理。

    On the basis of previous research results , under the hypotheses condition that the investors are overconfident and price-takers , this paper studies the effect mechanism of investor overconfident psychological preference on the risk of Chinese stock market by setting up an appropriate mathematical model theoretically .

  9. 相反,它已沦为一个价格的接受者。

    It has slipped to become a mere price-taker instead .

  10. 市场环境下,发电公司根据自身条件,其竞争策略可以是价格的接受者,也可以是价格的制定者。

    In terms of the company 's scale and market share in the market , it will compete as a price taker or a price maker .

  11. 在经典的资产定价理论研究中,均假定交易市场具有完全流动性,即交易者是价格的接受者,自身的交易行为不会影响市场价格,从而忽视了流动性与流动性风险的存在。

    In classical assets pricing theory research , trading markets are assumed to have full liquidity , which mean that traders are price receiver . So liquidity and liquidity risk are always ignored .