
  • 网络Price form;price modality
  1. 目前存在三种价格形式:政府定价、政府指导价和市场调节价。

    There were presently three types of prices : government price , government guidance price and market-regulated price .

  2. 本文通过对市场模型初始形式的分析,提出了市场模型的价格形式。

    In this paper , we proposes the price form of the market model by analyse the original version of the market model .

  3. 报告草稿中又表示:2008年中期前的创纪录高油价,对长期合约中油气价格形式上的挂钩造成了压力。

    The record high oil prices up to mid-2008 have put pressure on the formal oil-linkage in long-term contracts , the draft adds .

  4. 主要表现在,现行单一的价格形式体现不出优质优价的原则,不能满足目前运输行业日益细分的要求;

    These problems mainly focus on the single price form cannot embody the principle of good quality and low price , thus cannot satisfy the more and more fine sorted requirements by traffic trade .

  5. 因此,必须以社会平均资金利润率为基础确定铁路运价,采取细分货物品类,体现价与值的对应,建立多种价格形式;

    Therefore , railway tariff must be set based on average social capital inter est ; More detailed classification of freight must be applied to show the correspondence between price and value and establish multiple forms of tariff ;

  6. 高校教师人力资本价格实现形式的多样性。

    The university teachers human capital price formulating style is multiple .

  7. 作为一种新型金融衍生产品,碳金融的价格表现形式通过期权定价的方式得以确定。

    As a new financial derivative product , the price form of carbon finance is determined through the way of option pricing .

  8. 边际生产力分配形式与均衡价格分配形式属于要素价值理论的范畴,它们是以市场交换作为前提而展开的。

    Marginal productivity distribution form and equilibrium price distribution belong to factor value theory and they are based on market exchange institution .

  9. 旅游资源经营权作为一种资本化的财产权,必须在市场交易中以价格的形式反映其价值。

    The right of management of tourism resources which is a property of capitalization must be mirrored through a mode of price in the market .

  10. 因此,营销人员只有抓住消费者的注意力,设计出最适合的价格表述形式,才有可能吸引消费者的注意力,增强消费者的感知和购买意愿。

    Therefore , only when the market personnel catch consumers ' attention and design most suitable price formulation , can they attract their attention and enhance their perception and purchase intention .

  11. 从价格管制形式看,如果实行无差别的统一定价,可能造成社会福利损失,需要研究天然气这种特殊商品应采用的歧视价格政策,以实现资源社会价值最大化。

    From the form of price controls if the indiscriminate unified pricing , may cause social welfare losses , need to study gas this special commodity price discrimination policy should be adopted , in order to maximize resources social value .

  12. 从此以后,捆绑折扣不再是一种单纯的价格竞争形式,而有可能被看作是企业滥用市场支配地位的手段,为反垄断法所不容。

    Since then , the bundled discount is no longer a simple form of price competition , while there may be a means to the abuse of a dominant market position , as the anti-monopoly law will not be tolerated .

  13. 变化“必然是缓慢的”,但随着时间的推移,在欧洲大陆和亚太地区,油气价格之间形式上的联动可能会减弱,使这些地区与天然气交易独立的北美逐渐靠拢。

    The changes " will be inevitably slow " , but over time the formal link between oil and gas prices could weaken in continental Europe and Asia-Pacific , bringing them closer to North America , where gas trades independently .

  14. 投标人应附属于,在《技术提交》中提交的标书,详细说明合同的保险要求和投标中的价格的形式保单应包括任何获得或维持该保单的成本。

    Bidder shall attach to its bid , submitted in the technical submission , a pro forma of the insurance policies detailed in the insurance requirements of the contract and the prices in the bid shall be inclusive of any cost to obtain and maintain such insurance policies .

  15. 可摘局部义齿(Theremovablepartialdenture,RPD)是一种价格低廉,形式灵活的可逆的治疗方法,适用于任何年龄的失牙病人。

    The removable partial denture is a excellent cure method with price cheap , the style active and removable , and it serve for the lose teeth patient with any age .

  16. 永久期权价格的闭形式解和最优停时

    Perpetual Options and Optimal Stopping for Mixed-Gamma Distributions

  17. 但是,以能源食品价格高涨的形式出现的通货膨胀正在伤害着发展中国家的穷人。

    But inflation in the form of high energy and food prices is hurting poor people within developing countries .

  18. 报价单,价格单,形式发票等都可以用作“发盘”。

    Quotation , price list , proforma invoice and so forth all be be used in an " offer " .

  19. 而人才这部分劳动者的工资是劳动力资本价格的转化形式,其量受劳动力市场供求关系的影响。

    On the other hand , the wage of knowledge workers is the transforming form of the price of labor force capital , whose amount is affected by the relationship of supply and demand in labor force market .

  20. 价格冲击是随机形式;

    Price impact function was stochastic ;

  21. 这种权力在公司机构间的移动过程相应地改变了价格卡特尔的表现形式,进而改变了法律规制卡特尔的方法。

    Accordingly , the process of power shift in company structures has changed the expression form of price cartel , and changed the way in which the law regulates price cartel .

  22. 对2001年之前的精品葡萄酒价格表现进行任何形式的分析都是有可能的,但其结果也是不太确定的,因为你的分析需要依靠不那么透明的数据来进行。

    Performing any kind of analysis on fine wine price performance prior to 2001 is possible , but a little more precarious , as it is necessary to rely on less transparent data .

  23. 提前订座限制将成为民航机票价格促销的主要形式之一,根据中国民航旅客订座累积概率分布特点,以提前座位时间天数和成本为主要变量,可以建立起航空公司机票定价动态模型。

    Advance booking restriction is one of main forms of air ticket price promote . Based on air passengers booking cumulation probability distributing , by use of days and cost , we build airline pricing dynamic model .

  24. 资产价格波动的极端形式就是泡沫的产生与破灭,可以毫不夸张的说,一部世界金融史就是一部泡沫的兴起与破灭的历史。

    Asset price volatility is the extreme form of the creation and bursting of the bubble , it is no exaggeration to say that one of the world is a bubble in financial history of the rise and bursting of history .

  25. 针对以往价格听证实践流于形式的问题,本文不仅强调要注重贯彻听证的原则和条件,也对改善公用事业领域内的听证制度本身以及信息公开化的问题进行了思考。

    In order to improve the hearing system , which is by no means satisfying , the author not only stresses the importance of implementing principles , prerequisites for public hearings but also discusses how to improve the system and how to realize information opening in this area .

  26. 通过对我国天然井口价格、管输价格的管理形式的深入剖析,指出了我国现行天然气井口价格和管输价格存在的主要问题。

    Through detailed analysis on domestic natural gas well pricing management of pipeline transport pricing , major issues existing in present domestic natural gas well pricing pipeline transport pricing are pointed out .

  27. 本文提出了三种安置留地的价格计算方法,并研究了三种价格形式的区别和适用范围。

    The paper puts forward three methods of calculating land usufruct returning price and discusses their difference and application condition .

  28. 摘要衍生金融工具是由原生金融工具派生出来的,其价格决定于原生金融工具价格衍生金融创新形式。

    Derivative instruments are kinds of financial innovative forms , which derive and come out from primary financial instruments , and their prices are decided by primary financial instrument .

  29. 而转移价格正是企业进行绩效考评时所使用的价格形式。

    And transfer price is the price form used to test and appraise operating achievement .

  30. 终端水价即用水户应承担的目标价格,是由水资源边际成本所决定的价格形式。

    " End water tariff " means targeted price that should be beared by water users , which is a price type that determined by the marginal cost of water resources .