
  • 网络price standard
  1. 多媒体制作价格标准探讨

    On the Price Standard of Multi-media Creation

  2. 并从价格标准、管理主体、行业规范和产品开发等方面对规范景区门票价格提出了合理建议。

    The paper also suggests improvement in standardizing scenic spot admission concerning price standard , management main body , profession standard and product exploration .

  3. 不按照规定的价格标准向用户收取燃气使用费或者相关的服务费;

    Collection of fuel gas use fees or related service charges from users not in accordance with the prescribed rates ;

  4. 对上述所提商品,针对高质量、公道的价格标准,目前在台湾有稳定、大量的需求量。

    There is a steady and great demand in Taiwan for the above commodities of high quality at moderate prices .

  5. 讨论该经营模式的收费来源和方式,经营成本估算和现行的价格标准。

    It also reports some estimates or measures about cost per article of OAJ and the present pricing levels of author .

  6. 本评估一切取价标准均为评估基准日有效的价格标准。

    All the price selection standards of this evaluation are the valid price standards on the base date of assets evaluation .

  7. 调查还显示,按照2009年的价格标准计算,要达到最低生活标准,英国居民人均开销为1.4万英镑。

    The survey also shows it costs 14 thousand pounds per person to achieve a minimum standard of living , based on 2009 prices .

  8. 以往欧元走强时期,德国工程公司仍然延续了繁荣发展其销售依靠的是产品质量而非价格标准。

    In previous periods of Euro strength , German engineering companies have continued to thrive selling on the back of quality rather than price criteria .

  9. 最后,作为结语,得出本文的结论:我国应当施行证券价格标准和投资决策标准并行的双轨制。

    In conclusion , this paper deems that we now should implement two-track parallel system : " securities price standard " and " investment decision-making standard " .

  10. 城市土地有偿使用的价格标准、土地税收标准应与城市土地的质量等级和土地利用水平保持一致。

    The price of urban land compensation use and land tax should be set according to the grade of urban land quality and the conditions of land use .

  11. 本人在任职的中心主要负责土地评估以及拟订相关价格标准工作。

    I am in the representation of the center is mainly responsible for the assessment of land as well as the development of related standard of price work .

  12. 依据我国教育结构的不同特点,提出了出台和完善指导价格标准,应肯定、规范教育可选择部分收费的总体构想。

    The writer thinks , the guiding charge criterion should be drawn up and the charge of selectivity education should be standardized according to the characteristics of educational structures .

  13. 随后世界卫生组织要求合作厂商按这个价格标准组织生产。事实上,一家印度的制药企业找到一种新的生产方法,将售价降到了40美分。

    Then they challenged the partners to meet this price , and , in fact , Serum Institute in India found a new way to make the vaccine for40 cents each .

  14. 同时,立法上也对供应主体、政策支持、建设管理、价格标准、准入和退出机制、监督管理等诸多方面做出了比较明晰的规定。

    Meanwhile , on the supply of object , policy support , construction management , pricing standards , access and exit mechanisms , supervision and management , our government has made relatively clear rules .

  15. 具体表现为投资者决策标准、证券价格标准和发行人品质不利影响标准,分别见于相关的证券法律法规中。

    The specific performances are as follows : " investors decision-making " standard 、" the prices of securities " standard and the adverse effect on the issuer quality are all found in the relevant securities laws and regulations .

  16. 这种产权结构的性质导致了社会竞争决胜标准的多元化,而价格标准的弱化使相应的人类行为模式与实现社会财富最大化的行为要求相去甚远。

    The nature of this kind of property right structure leads to the multiple criteria of social competition , but the price criterion attenuation causes the corresponding pattern of human behavior and the requests of realization of public wealth behavior maximization to be very different .

  17. 然而,我们越使工资、工时和价格标准化,越要为人人谋求社会保险,越要处处强制实行二加二等于四,那么人们就越发沉迷于跑狗场和足球场的赌博。

    But the more we standardize wages , hours and prices , the more we insist upon social security for everybody , the more we compel two and two to make four everywhere , the more people will take to the greyhound tracks and the football pools .

  18. 在唐代,市估不但对官方行为具有强制性作用,是官方买卖、收付折算、平赃定罪、控制物价必须依据的价格标准;

    Market prices set by the government in the Tang dynasty play mandatory roles not only in the governmental actions such as buying and selling , calculating income and expenses , evaluating bribes and crimes , and controlling the prices , but also in nongovernmental ( private ) trades .

  19. 传统的主要以最低价格为标准选择施工承包商的方法显然不能适应DB承包工程。

    In traditional delivery method clients are normally constrained to select lowest bidder for contracting .

  20. 综合D与S作为VI性能-价格评价标准,得出结论:降低聚合度虽然能够提高VI的剪切稳定性,但是分子量减小会引起稠化能力下降;

    The conclusion was obtained by taking D and S as the evaluation standard of performance-price , as follows : the shear stability of VII raises when the degree of polymerization decreases , however the thickening ability also declines while the molecular weight reduces ;

  21. 可赎回的证券可称为在不同的价格比标准杆。

    Callable securities could be called at different prices than par .

  22. 招待所的价格,标准间的享受。

    Guest houses , price , standard rooms to enjoy .

  23. GB/T15693-1995印刷型文献价格指数标准

    Standard for price index of printed document

  24. 有机鸡蛋的价格比标准工业条件下生产的鸡蛋贵10美分。

    Organically produced eggs cost some 10 cents more than those produced under standard industrial conditions .

  25. 缓慢增长很复杂的努力控制价格的标准的工具,因加息会进一步严寒的经济活动。

    Slower growth could complicate efforts to control prices because the standard tool of rate hikes might further chill economic activity .

  26. 在规模经济的驱动力下,大众旅游以其固定的价格、标准化的服务以及大批量的销售形式成为逐渐兴起的旅游热点。

    With the impetus of scale economy , mass tourism rises due to its fixed price , standard service and large-scale selling .

  27. 同上,实际价格与标准价格间的差异通常被称之为什么?

    In this same context , what is the name of the term given to the difference between actual prices and the standard ?

  28. 钛防御机的价格是标准钛战机的五倍,因为太贵而无法被大量生产。

    At more than five times the cost of a standard TIE fighter , the TIE defender proved too expensive to produce in large numbers .

  29. 对于纵向的补偿标准问题,该部分认为,应当按照公平补偿的原则,以市场价格为标准进行补偿,并对房地产评估应当遵循的原则和方法进行了探讨。

    The compensation standards should be in accordance with the principle of fair compensation and market price . This part also discusses the real estate appraisal principles and methods .

  30. 与此同时,香港旅游产业委员会也表示,他们正在探讨赴香港旅游团的价格线标准,而这样做的目的是主要针对那些不可信的“低价”旅游团。

    Meanwhile , the Hong Kong Travel Industry Council says they are discussing price guidelines for tours to Hong Kong , mainly aimed at suspicious " cheap " tour groups .