
bái pí shū
  • white paper;white book
白皮书 [bái pí shū]
  • [white book] 某些国家的政府或议会为某项重大问题公开发表的文件,封面各有惯用的颜色,白色的叫白皮书

白皮书[bái pí shū]
  1. 他们谴责白皮书是在怂恿中央集权和精英教育。

    They condemned the white paper as a charter for centralisation and selective education .

  2. 白皮书全面介绍了新时代中国交通发展成就,分享中国交通可持续发展的理念和实践。

    The white paper , titled " Sustainable Development of Transport in China , " was released by the State Council Information Office .

  3. 新华社报道,本周三上午中国将就新时期的国防问题发布一份白皮书。

    China will issue a white paper on Chinese national defense in the new era on Wednesday morning , according to Xinhua News Agency .

  4. 白皮书阐述了中国对新时代国际发展合作的看法、行动和合作展望。

    The white paper expounded on China 's views on international development cooperation in the new era , the actions it has taken , and its plans for the future .

  5. 白皮书指出,30年来,中国军队为世界和平英勇出征、砥砺前行,成为联合国维护和平的关键力量。

    Serving on the UN missions for world peace , China 's armed forces have become a key force in UN peacekeeping operations over the past three decades , says the document .

  6. 这个白皮书是为管理Spring应用程序的运营团队而写的。

    This white paper was written for operations teams who manage those applications .

  7. 白皮书中更有趣的部分涉及Spring应用程序性能调优。

    The more interesting part of the white paper involves performance tuning Spring application .

  8. 正如其白皮书《使用服务仿真加速你的SOA项目》中定义的那样

    As defined in Accelerate your SOA Projects through Service Simulation white paper

  9. Sun公司在Unix市场中居领导地位&IDC白皮书

    Sun 's Unix Market Share Leadership & An IDC White Paper

  10. 白皮书的第一部分回顾了Spring内核的核心职责,它们是

    The first part of the white paper reviews the core responsibilities of the Spring kernel , these are

  11. 该白皮书审视了SOA专用消息模式。

    The paper looks into specialized messaging patterns for Service Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) .

  12. 更多信息请参见IBMInformixDynamicServer数据压缩和存储优化白皮书。

    For additional information , see the IBM Informix Dynamic Server Data Compression and Storage Optimization White Paper .

  13. 虽然白皮书相当高层,但是,它的确强调了大部分重要的SOA关注点。

    Although the white paper is fairly high-level it manages to emphasize the majority of important SOA concerns .

  14. 白皮书为我们提供了关于SQLAzure架构的详细说明。

    The whitepaper provides a detailed view of SQL Azure architecture .

  15. 白皮书又进一步说明,仅仅选择了正确的技术组件还不足以保证SOA的成功

    The paper goes further , explaining that simply choosing correct technical components is not sufficient to ensure SOA success

  16. DataService提供程序工具包:包含了白皮书,用来演示如何基于“任何”数据源创建数据服务的WCFDataServices提供程序实现示例

    Data Service Provider toolkit : Whitepaper and sample WCF Data Services provider implementation to demonstrate how to create a data service over * any * data source

  17. 这一基础架构的所有组件在该白皮书中都有详细介绍,除此之外还包括系统所使用的SunJavaSystemWebServer的服务器配置等。

    All of the components of this infrastructure are detailed in the whitepaper , along with the server configuration for the Sun Java System Web Server being used .

  18. 这部白皮书很长,但是对于想要在SQLServer中使用这种特性的人来说,还是应该阅读的。

    It is rather lengthy , but should be considered required reading by anyone who wants to use this feature in SQL Server .

  19. 我们找到了该图表的来源——RysavyResearch在9月发表的白皮书——并在图中附注了两个iPhone发布日期。

    We 've dug up the source - a white paper published by Rysavy Research in September - and annotated it with a couple iPhone release dates .

  20. 麻省理工学院(MIT)最近发表了一份白皮书。虽然该报告的题目听起来不免有些不吉利——《你是否已为供应链人才危机做好准备?》(AreYouPreparedfortheSupplyChainTalentCrisis?),却一语中的。

    A new MIT white paper , ominously entitled " Are You Prepared for the Supply Chain Talent Crisis ? , " bears that out .

  21. 产业团体和服务经纪公司都可以发布全面的联机XML服务白皮书和黄皮书,允许开发人员迅速做出技术评估和比较。

    Industry groups and service brokers could publish comprehensive white pages and yellow pages of on-line XML services , allowing developers to make quick technological assessments and comparisons .

  22. 这份白皮书名为《网络安全远景》(CyberSecurityPerspectives),号召各公司和监管部门通力协作,建立网络安全国际标准。

    The white paper , titled " cyber security perspectives , " calls on corporations and regulators to work together on setting global cybersecurity standards .

  23. 中国欧盟商会(EuropeanUnionChamberofCommerce)发表了一份白皮书,批评中国政府的此类举动,表示这些举措并不公平,属于保护主义行径。

    The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China has written a white paper criticizing the government 's efforts , suggesting the moves are unfair and protectionist .

  24. 本段落包含了一份描述16.812教学方式要素的白皮书。(PDF)。

    This section contains a white paper ( PDF ) which describes elements of the course pedagogy of16.812 .

  25. 白皮书“ModelingstatefulresourcewithWebservices”(请查阅下面的参考资料部分以获得它的链接)提出一个隐含的资源(ImpliedResource)模式来完成这项任务。

    The whitepaper " Modeling stateful resource with Web services "( see the Resources section below for a link ) proposes an Implied Resource pattern for accomplishing this task .

  26. 这一白皮书刻意地技术无关化了,回避了SOA的各种参考实现方案,比如Web服务或者JBI。

    The white paper is deliberately technology agnostic , staying clear of referencing implementation approaches to SOA such as Web Services or JBI .

  27. 返回服务等级协议(参见白皮书版本4内的SLA部分)

    Ties back to the service level agreements ( see the SLA section in V4 of the whitepaper )

  28. 本文把白皮书中提出的建议和最佳实践整合在一起,帮助政府机构和各个行业顺利实现SOA。

    This article integrates both industry agnostic recommendations and best practices developed in a white paper written to aid a government agency through its SOA journey .

  29. 其白皮书教你如何在从遗留服务中创建服务的情况下使用ESB。

    This white paper teaches you how to use an ESB in the context of creating services from legacy services .

  30. CloudComputingUseCases白皮书以及将会把迁移到云计算的主题添加到白皮书下一版本的这些讨论,都正在进行当中。

    The Cloud Computing Use Cases whitepaper , as well as these discussions that will add the topic of migrating to the cloud in the next version of the paper , is an ongoing process .