
zhù cí
  • greeting;congratulations;congratulatory speech
祝词 [zhù cí]
  • [congratulatory speech] 祭祀时祝祷之语或文辞;喜庆活动中祝颂的言词

  • 圣诞老人祝词

祝词[zhù cí]
  1. 他们感到他那过于刻板的祝词缺乏热情。

    They fell a lack of warmth in his exceeding formal congratulatory speech .

  2. 在中国文学艺术工作者第四次代表大会上的祝词。

    Speech greeting the Fourth Congress of Chinese writers and artists .

  3. 主领人:我的同伴,我们齐说祝词。

    Leader : My Companions , let us say the blessing .

  4. 哈利接过信,那里面没有生日祝词。

    Harry took it . It did not contain birthday greetings .

  5. 我希望这个祝词能表达出我对学生们的感情。

    I hope this message demonstrates my feelings to the students .

  6. 今晚您会致祝词吧,神父?

    Are you going to give the benediction tonight , father ?

  7. 他问珍妮是否喜欢他的祝词。

    He asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech .

  8. 他在派对上做了一个生日祝词。

    He gave a birthday tribute on the party .

  9. 4.试着寻找最华丽的祝词,笔者没能做到。

    Try to find the most beautiful message , I did not do .

  10. 我最好的朋友喜欢我写的婚礼祝词。

    My best friend loved my wedding speech .

  11. 英国前首相布莱尔也演唱会录制了一段视频祝词。

    Ex-British Prime Minister Tony Blair was among those who recorded a video greeting .

  12. 这些艺术品上的文字多为谚语或一般的祝词。

    The texts on these objects tend to be either proverbs or general blessings .

  13. 第37届世界标准日祝词标准:为小企业创造大效益

    Standards : big benefits for small business

  14. 国王本人向他的国家广播的新年祝词,也表达了同样的意思。

    The King himself broadcast in the New Year to his country on the same lines .

  15. 除了上述各项外,他还收到了白金汉宫发来的祝词。

    In addition to all of the above , he also received messages from Buckingham palace .

  16. 标准使世界更安全&2005年世界标准日祝词

    Standards for a Safer World

  17. 为全球信息社会制订全球标准&第34届世界标准日祝词

    Constitute global standard for global information society Congratulation for the 34 ~ ( th ) . World Standardization Day

  18. 最近,杰里米的一个最密的朋友请他在一个婚礼上祝词。

    Recently , one of Jeremy 's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception .

  19. 观念文化的变迁与环境意识的重构&以蒙古包祝词内在结构变迁为例

    Idea Culture Vicissitude and Environmental Awareness Reconstruction : Taking Congratulatory Remarks Intrinsic Structure Change in a Yurt as an Example

  20. 祝词在各种仪式活动中被祝颂家(歌手)反复演唱而不断地依据不同的现场实况而发展和变异。

    Message in a variety of activities at home by featuring greeting messages ( singer ) singing repeatedly constant development and variation .

  21. 他的祝词里面加进了大量逗人的故事,自然大获成功。

    He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and , of course , it was a great success .

  22. 目击者说,著名的伊玛姆海德拉在发表祝词时,一堆人向他挤过来。

    Witnesses say a well-known imam , Osman Madani Haidara , was delivering his blessings when the crowd of people surged toward him .

  23. 鲜花、掌声、祝词表达了我们的心愿:老师您辛苦了!祝您节日快乐!

    Fresh flowers , applause , wish the wish that the phrase expressed us : teacher your pain ! Wish your festival happiness !

  24. 他出现在屏幕上时,他的祝词引起现场一阵嘘声,但当他向威廉和哈里王子表示称赞时,观众发出了欢呼声。

    His message was booed as he appeared on screen , but the crowd cheered when he paid tribute to William and Harry .

  25. 我们看到肃北蒙古族祝词是在特定的仪式语境中,通过口头表演来完成的民间口头传统。

    We see Subei Mongolian message of the ceremony is in a particular context , through oral folk performances to complete oral traditions .

  26. 我要一个生日蛋糕,上面有“生日快乐”的祝词,要15根蜡烛和一蓝鲜花。

    I need a birthday cake with the words of " happy birthday " on it , 15 candles and a basket of flowers .

  27. 尽管举杯的时候说些祝词并干尽杯中之酒更能显示诚意,但你也不必强行如此。

    No words are needed to make a toast , and it is not necessary to drain your glass , although to do so is more respectful .

  28. 本文通过实地调查资料与文献资料,详细描述了肃北蒙古族人生礼仪及其祝词文本。

    In this paper , through field survey data and the literature data , a detailed description of the Subei Mongolian life in the message text etiquette .

  29. 口头祝词的演唱、创作、传承及文本的产生都是在同一时间内完成的,是同一事件和过程的不同侧面。

    Verbal message from the concert , creation , transmission and the text produced in the same time , the same events and different aspects of the process .

  30. 在此基础上运用民俗学、口头诗学和民族志诗学的理论对肃北蒙古族人生礼仪中的祝词进行了分析。

    On this basis , from folklore , oral Poetry and Poetics of the nation-the perspective of the rituals of life in the Mongolian Subei message was analyzed .