
bái tiáo
  • IOU;white bar;blank note;a note acknowledging a debt;killed animals with the hairs,heads or viscera removed and ready for sale
白条 [bái tiáo]
  • [blank note] 不符合财务制度和会计凭证手续的字条或单据,因一般系报销者在白纸上填制,无红、蓝色的印章,故称

  • [killed animals with the hairs,heads or viscera removed and ready for sale] 商品上指家禽、牲畜宰杀后去毛或去头、蹄、内脏的

  • 白条鸡

白条[bái tiáo]
  1. 严格执行库存现金限额,超过部分必须及时送存银行,不坐支现金,不认白条抵押现。

    Strictly execute the cash float , the cash above the mentioned must deposit in bank , not pay by the income and consider the blank note as the cash .

  2. 农民卖粮,将以现金支付,而不是白条了。

    The farmers will be paid for their grain in cash , instead of IOUs .

  3. 本试验通过pH值、细菌总数、挥发性盐基氮的测定,对注水白条肉鸡新鲜度进行检验。

    The experiment has been hold to test the freshness of raw and eviscerated chicken injected with water by measuring pH value , bacterial amount and Contents of volatile basic nitrogen .

  4. 挤压铝型材门窗、幕墙料经氧化着色后常出现白条、阴阳面、模线、粘附刮伤、V型条纹、粗砂面等表面缺陷。

    The surfaces of oxidized extruded aluminium profiles for doors and windows and aluminium glass curtain walls , often appeared defects , such as white streaks , faces of bright and dark , machining grains , adhesion scratch , stripes in form V , rough faces and so on .

  5. 这位三个孩子的母亲带着两个较大孩子出游,身穿长度中等蓝白条连衣裙的她,在保佛马球俱乐部(BeaufortPoloClub)出席玛莎拉蒂皇家慈善马球杯比赛(MaseratiRoyalCharityPoloTrophyMatch)。

    The mom of three wore the blue and white striped mid-length dress while she was on an outing with her two older children , Prince George and Princess Charlotte , to watch Prince William compete for the Maserati Royal Charity Polo Trophy at the Beaufort Polo Club .

  6. 白条利润的成因及危害性分析

    The Analysis about the Formating Cause and Harmfulness of Profit Due

  7. 这是一条白条锦鳗鳚算是一种海洋建筑师

    A convict fish and it 's something of a marine architect .

  8. 严禁“白条抵库”,无特殊审批,任何物资不得外借。

    Any materials can not be lent without special approval .

  9. 我国刑事法律本应具有这方面的内容,却因相关司法解释的限制性规定使之成为法律的白条。

    Contents on the aspects should originally be included in our penal laws .

  10. 目的比较鉴别乌梢蛇与白条锦蛇。

    OBJECTIVE To compare and identify Zaocys dhumnades and its adulterant Elaphe dione .

  11. 而我甚至不知道我是黑底白条

    And I don 't even know if I 'm black with white stripes

  12. 一种常见的欧洲捕食鸟,暗棕色,腹部有白条。

    A common European bird of prey ; dull brown with white-streaked underparts .

  13. 那里有两个女孩子,穿着蓝白条的衣服,我想她们是学生。

    There were two girls , blue with white stripes , students , I believe .

  14. 你是黑底白条

    You 're black with white stripes .

  15. 白条锦蛇胚胎分期特征及胚胎后期大脑皮层的发育研究

    Study on the Characteristics of Embryonic Stages and Late Embryonic Development of Cerebral Cortex in Elaphe Dione

  16. 大型的绿色带白条的天蛾幼虫,吃番茄和马铃薯;类似于烟草天蛾幼虫。

    Large green white-striped hawkmoth larva that feeds on tomato and potato plants ; similar to tobacco hornworm .

  17. 各级地方政府部门必须立即停止向农民和教师打白条。

    It is imperative that local government departments of all levels stop writing out IOUs to farmers and teachers .

  18. 如果恋人通过纸条表白爱情,就被称为“白条之恋”;

    If the lovers met each other by note passed , the story was called " note love " ;

  19. 明年我们不应再给农民打白条了。

    Next year we should not issue IOUs to farmers again when we purchase farm produce and sideline products from them .

  20. 这些病害包括甘蔗温性嵌纹病、甘蔗黄叶综合症、甘蔗干梢腐病、甘蔗杆状病毒病和白条病。

    These diseases include Sugarcane MildMosaic Virus , Sugarcane Yellowleaf Syndrome , Dry Top Rot , Sugarcane BacilliformVirus and Leaf Scald .

  21. 大型藤壶位于较低高程,小型藤壶(白条地藤壶)则生活于较高位置。

    Large barnacles located at the lower elevation , and small barnacles ( Euraphia withersi ) lived in the higher position .

  22. 资金极其拮据的加州,近来竟然以白条而不是现金支付员工的薪水。

    Here is a state so strapped for cash that it recently resorted to paying its workers with IOUs rather than money .

  23. 汉普夏猪在美国生长的一种猪,全身黑色,有一个带状白条。

    A pig of a breed developed in the United states , having a black body with a white , beltlike band .

  24. 从那里我们可以看到一片蓝白条相间的海洋。蓝色和白色是希腊国旗的颜色。

    From there we were faced with a sea of blue and white stripes , the colours of the national flag of Greece .

  25. 实践表明,碱氧一浴温堆工艺可有效预防织物前处理时压皱印横档白条的产生,还可用于某些对热碱处理敏感的织物前处理,具有良好的应用前景。

    Results show that moderate batching can effectively prevent the crease formation , it is especially suitable for pretreatment of hot alkali-sensitive fabric .

  26. 当刑事损害赔偿成为法律白条时,司法的公正性问题和国家责任问题就突显出来了。

    When the compensation for criminal damages turns to be an informal debit note , here come the problems of judicial impartiality and state responsibility .

  27. 一种极有可能发生的情况是,政府很快就不得不用白条来支付养老金和工资了,这实际上等于创造一种并行的货币。

    It seems highly likely that the government will soon have to start paying pensions and wages in scrip , in effect creating a parallel currency .

  28. 在这样的司法理念下,犯罪并没有因此而减少,交叉感染、法律白条、标签效应等问题凸显。

    In such a judicial philosophy , the crime does not reduce . Cross infection 、 legal white 、 label effect and so on become more and more serious .

  29. 本研究还对叶色突变体用作标记性状在杂交育种上的应用进行了分析。4、突变体st1l从苗期开始叶片表现为白条状,穗颖壳成白色。

    In addition , we also analyzed that leaf color-related mutants were put into use for hybrid breeding as marker traits . 4 . stll showed white stripe during the seedling , and the glume turned white .

  30. 阿披实的衣着堪称完美,灰色马甲西装套装,淡蓝色衬衫,黑色白条纹领带,他似乎对面前摆着的那些面目可憎的糕饼以及蜷缩的三明治有些疑惑。

    Abhisit , immaculately dressed in a grey suit and waistcoat , with a pale blue shirt and black tie with white stripes , looks slightly doubtful at the array of lurid pastries and curled sandwiches placed before him .