
  1. 白酒消费税调整,白酒发展呈现曙光&访中国食品工业协会白酒专业委员会秘书长马勇

    Bright Future of Liquor-making Industry Development by Liquor Consumption Tax Adjustment & Interview with Liquor Specialty Committee Secretary General MA Yong

  2. 介绍了白酒消费税的调整对白酒生产企业可能产生的影响及为避免在税改引起的白酒业新一轮洗牌中掉队,白酒企业应采取的应对措施。

    In order to avoid being left behind in a new round of reshuffle of liquor industry caused by the tax reform , the responsive measures should be taken by the liquor industry .

  3. 此外,最近中央政府近期决定对白酒销售增加消费税也挤压了生产商的利润,加剧了白酒价格的上涨。

    In addition , the central government 's recent decision to increase the consumption tax on liquor sales has squeezed liquor makers'profit margins , laying the ground for the price rises .