
bái sè rén zhǒnɡ
  • white (Caucasian) race
  1. 很早以前,白色人种一直歧视有色人种。

    A long time ago , the white race discriminationed against coloured races .

  2. 一个鼓吹白色人种优于其它人种的人。

    A person who believes that the white race is or should be supreme .

  3. Apple博士说:相比来说,拥有大量肌肉的人群酶水平也比较高,男性比女性高,黑色人种比白色人种高。

    Enzyme levels also soar in people with larger muscles , men as compared with women , blacks as compared with whites .

  4. 年龄,白色人种,女性同G-CSF动员后显著降低CD34+细胞计数相关。编译。

    Age , white ethnicity , and female gender were associated with significantly lower post – G-CSF CD34 + cell counts .

  5. 白人用作对白色人种的蔑称。

    Used as a disparaging term for a white person .

  6. 它歧视那些非白色人种。

    It discriminated against people who weren 't white .

  7. 发现有突变:这与白色人种患者突变规律有很大差异。

    The rule of mutations in this population is difference from the populations of European .

  8. 白色人种的和黑色人种。

    The white and the black .

  9. 黄色人种和白色人种晚期脊髓损伤患者嗅鞘细胞移植疗效比较

    Efficacy of olfactory ensheathing cell transplantation for chronic spinal cord injury : Asian people versus white people

  10. 在白色人种和被他们奴役的种族之间有一道不可逾越的障碍。

    There was an impassable barrier between the white race and the one which they had reduced to slavery .

  11. 接受调查的大部分员工为男性、白色人种,他们的配偶也在外工作,且育有子女。

    Most of the employees surveyed were male and Caucasian , with a spouse who also worked outside the home and children .

  12. 然而我们平时使用的类似白色人种或者雅利安人种这样的说法是非常不严密不科学的。

    However the categories that people use in everyday conversation such as white race or aryan race , are mostly imprecise and unscientific .

  13. 虽然非白色人种发生复发性尿感的机率小于白色人种,但她们反复发生耐药性感染的危险更高。

    Indeed , 61 percent of recurrent urinary tract infections were caused by a pathogen with antibiotic resistance , the researchers pointed out .

  14. 本文报告了900例佤族的10项皮纹参数正常值测定,并与汉族和白色人种进行了比较分析。

    The dermatoglyphic parameters of 900 samples of the Wa Nationality in Yunnan were de-termined and compared with those of the Han Nationality and Caucasians .

  15. 这是有利于草梅佐科罗纳点非常熟悉与布莱克本后,接着从看台上每个星期日白色人种。

    This is a point in favor of Grass Mezzocorona as very familiar with the Blackburn Rovers , having followed the white races every Sunday from the stands .

  16. 结论:中国皮肤恶性肿瘤的构成比以及发生部位、年龄等与白色人种有很大差异。

    Conclusion : There are some differences in the clinical features such as location and age between the skin cancer patients in our study and those in white population .

  17. 更容易引起争论的是,他认为现代的芝加哥市提供了一个可比案例——富裕的白色人种逼迫少数人种,尤其是黑人,住在环境恶劣的隔离地区里。

    More contentious is his argument that modern Chicago presents a comparable example of rich white people forcing racial minorities , especially blacks , to live separately and badly .

  18. 卡扎菲,以其革命的形象,通过赞助并武装反种族隔离运动激励了南非人民对抗白色人种统治。

    With his image of a revolutionary , Col Gaddafi inspired South Africans to fight for their liberation , funding and arming the anti-apartheid movement as it fought white minority rule .

  19. 只要一个人没有属于其他人种的明显的特征,我们就可以判断他是否属于白色人种。

    We may be able to decide whether someone is white only by seeing if they have none of the features that would mark them clearly as a member of another race .

  20. 继1902年大败波尔人后,英国南非的统治者希望为金矿的发展增加开发过约翰尼斯堡的劳动力,但他们也想吸引讲英语的白色人种移民前来。所以统治者承诺移民能过上一种把其他种族当做家仆来使唤的尊贵生活。

    After their defeat of the Boers in 1902 , the British masters of South Africa wanted labour for the gold mines that had given birth to Johannesburg ; but they also wanted to attract white , English-speaking immigrants , and to promise them a life in which other races featured only as house servants .

  21. 对于这项CRP研究,Lange等只选择了那些白色或黑色人种而且研究之前没有心肌梗死或中风的个体。

    For this CRP study , Lange et al included only individuals who reported race as white or black and who had not had a prior MI or stroke at baseline .