
màn gǔ
  • Bangkok
曼谷 [màn gǔ]
  • [Bangkok] 泰国首都。人口550万

曼谷[màn gǔ]
  1. 曼谷的东方饭店是豪华饭店的典范。

    The Oriental in Bangkok is the apotheosis of the grand hotel .

  2. 他们已经讨论过在河内和曼谷之间开通一条军事热线。

    They have discussed setting up a military hotline between Hanoi and Bangkok .

  3. 在曼谷的炎热天气中呆了5天之后,我们想要去海边。

    After five days in the heat of Bangkok , we were ready for the beach .

  4. 英国航空公司每天有两个航班飞往曼谷,那里有前往金边的接续航班。

    British Airways have two flights a day to Bangkok , and there are onward flights to Phnom Penh .

  5. 她将经曼谷归国。

    She will return to his country by way of Bangkok .

  6. 行程开始于12月21日,从纽约市启程并继续前往米兰、布拉格、巴黎、曼谷和新德里,然后于1月8日抵达多伦多。

    The trip is scheduled to start on December 21 in New York City and continue on to Milan , Prague , Paris , Bangkok and New Delhi before tripin Toronto on January 8 .

  7. 正因为如此,这个大摩天轮曾经去过许多其他地方,如英国的曼彻斯特和泰国的曼谷。

    Because of this , the big wheel has been to many other places like Manchester in the UK and Bangkok in Thailand .

  8. EatMe曼谷(降18位)第37位

    Eat Me , Bangkok ( - 18 ) # 37

  9. 我们正站在曼谷市的RCA区,又称为皇家大道区。

    We 're standing right on RCA Strip , or RoyalCity Avenue Strip .

  10. 在kv电子(kvelectronics)位于曼谷郊区的工厂里,年轻的女工们卖力地生产着工业设备零部件,以应付未交付的定单。

    At kV electronics factory on the outskirts of Bangkok , young women struggle to fill a backlog of orders , making components for industrial machinery .

  11. 自两个月前抗议活动开始以来,曼谷基准的泰国证交指数(StockExchangeofThailandIndex)已累计下跌8.5%,泰铢兑美元汇率跌至三年低点。

    Bangkok 's benchmark Stock Exchange of Thailand Index has fallen 8.5 % since the protests began two months ago , while the Thai baht has fallen to a three-year low versus the dollar .

  12. 这也是他几个月前飞到曼谷参加CFA考试的原因。

    Which is why he flew to Bangkok a few months ago to take the CFA exam .

  13. 本文的主要观点与结论是:泰国政府采用BOT方式在曼谷建设第二高速公路。

    In this paper , the main points and conclusions are : the use of the Thai government in Bangkok building BOT Expressway second .

  14. 而据该校最新数字显示,曼谷哈罗分校的比例只有47%&略低于英国私立学校委员会(IndependentSchoolsCouncil)成员校50.5%的平均水平。

    At Harrow Bangkok it was only 47 per cent , according to the school 's latest figures – slightly below the 50.5 per cent average for members of Britain 's Independent Schools Council .

  15. 当年,他在LV曼谷专卖店开业仪式上,曾冲着一位拎着仿冒LV包的女官员愤怒咆哮,那场景令所有到场嘉宾都感到了震撼。

    He once shouted at a female officer with a counterfeit LV who showed up in the opening ceremony of LV Bangkok Branch , shocking everybody there .

  16. 带着摄像机,CNN制片人将这个难题交给柏林、马德里、罗马、曼谷、东京、新德里和巴黎的路人们。

    CNN producers armed with cameras put the puzzler to passersby in Berlin , Madrid , Rome , Bangkok , Tokyo , New Delhi and Paris .

  17. 此类比正版光碟便宜75%的盗版光碟成为了曼谷APEC会议讨论的热门话题。

    At a 75 percent discount to the genuine article , pirated CDs like these are the subject of intense discussion at the APEC Forum in Bangkok .

  18. U3住宅,曼谷,泰国

    House u3 , bangkok , thailand , 1997

  19. 曼谷墨西哥菜连锁饭店SunriseTacos的老板格雷格•兰格(GregLange)说,他最大的难题是弄到鳄梨。

    Greg Lange , owner of Sunrise Tacos , a Bangkok chain of Mexican-food restaurants , says his biggest problem is getting avocadoes .

  20. 万事达卡国际组织(MasterCardWorldwide)全球经济顾问王月魂(YuwaHedrick-Wong)说曼谷吸引游客的原因之一是到这里旅游物超所值。

    MasterCard Worldwide 's global economic adviser Yuwa Hedrick-Wong cited overall value for money spent for why Bangkok is attractive .

  21. 据万事达卡(MasterCard)周一发布的年度全球旅游目的地城市指数(GlobalDestinationCitiesIndex)显示,泰国首都曼谷成为世界第一大旅游目的地,预计今年将迎来1598万游客。这已是万事达卡连续第三年发布该指数。

    Bangkok has emerged as the world 's top tourist destination , with 15.98 million visitors projected to descend in Thailand 's capital city this year , according to the third annual Global Destination Cities Index released by MasterCard on Monday .

  22. 例如,曼谷和北京都各有一所哈罗分校,这两所加盟分校的老板是华裔商人danielchiu。

    There is , for example , a harrow international Bangkok and a harrow International Beijing , in a franchise owned by Daniel Chiu , a Chinese businessman .

  23. 据路透社(Reuters)报道,在曼谷,泰国交通管理机构发现Uber司机没有按照商用车辆运营规定,进行登记注册和购买保险,因此要求该公司暂停营业。

    In Bangkok , the Thai transport authorities ordered Uber to shut down after finding that its drivers lacked the registration and insurance needed to operate commercial vehicles , Reuters reported .

  24. 福特汽车(fordmotor)行动得更早,在2009年就将亚太和非洲地区总部从曼谷搬到了上海,首次将负责该地区制造、产品开发、采购和公共关系的职能高管派往中国。

    Ford Motor was an earlier mover , shifting its regional headquarters for Asia-Pacific and Africa from Bangkok to Shanghai in 2009 , locating functional executives for the region for manufacturing , product development , purchasing and PR in China for the first time .

  25. 而曼谷中心区的某些地方,比如游客扎堆的素坤逸路(SukhumvitRoad)上的一些地段,就不是这样。那里充斥着浓重的商业味道。

    But this isn 't the case in some parts of central Bangkok , like along some stretches of the touristy Sukhumvit Road , where the feel is predominantly commercial .

  26. UDD支持者在曼谷举行抗议已经超过一个月的时间。

    UDD supporters have held protests in Bangkok for more than a month .

  27. Mint的另一个畅销礼品是捐钱建设泰国大象避难所,主要用于救助曼谷街头为旅游业服务的大象,给它们在农村建设一个安全的家园。

    Mint 's other top seller was a donation to an elephant refuge in Thailand that rescues elephants used for tourism on the streets of Bangkok and gives them a safe , rural home .

  28. 网上的一份中文版泰国购物指南建议游客购买鳄鱼皮具和蛇药,前往曼谷假日酒店(HolidayInnBangkok)的裁缝店&据说这家店曾为参加外交峰会的外国领导人提供西装和衬衫。

    An online Chinese shopping guide for Thailand recommended buying crocodile leather goods , snake medicine and visiting a tailor shop in the Holiday Inn Bangkok that supposedly helped outfit foreign leaders with suits and shirts for a diplomatic summit meeting .

  29. 今年1月,当中金公司(cicc)在豪华的曼谷素可泰酒店(sukhothaihotel)召开季度董事会时,会上的气氛远远谈不上融洽。

    When CICC , the Chinese investment bank part-owned by Morgan Stanley of the US , held its quarterly board meeting in the opulent Sukhothai hotel in Bangkok in January , the mood was far from collegial .

  30. 另外,南宁&曼谷经济走廊虽然条件较好,但是现在也面临着中越之间没有落实GMS便利化措施,路面因缺乏维护和保养已出现破损等问题。

    In addition , although the Nanning-Bangkok highway possesses a better condition , it also faces the problem like China and Vietnam not implementing GMS facilitation measures , deterioration of the paved road for the lack of maintenance and repair .