
  • 网络Manipur;State of Manipur;Manipur State
  1. 曼尼普尔邦的英国人6,在1846年为马球订立了规则。

    Polo was systematized in1846 by the British in Manipur .

  2. 在曼尼普尔邦,好利节是一个为期6天的节日。

    In Manipur , holi is a six-day festival .

  3. 印度曼尼普尔邦的民族社会问题探析

    A Study on the Ethnic Social Problems of the Manipur State of India

  4. 塔巴尔昌巴是与该节相关的、广受欢迎的曼尼普尔邦民间舞蹈。

    Thabal Chongba , a popular Manipuri folk dance is associated with this festival .

  5. 除了印控“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”,中国声称,曼尼普尔邦是唯一的外国人需要特殊许可才能访问的地方。

    Apart from Arunachal Pradesh , mostly claimed by China , Manipur is the only state where foreigners need a special permit to visit .