
  • 网络mandalay;Mandler;Manderlay
  1. 在曼德勒(Mandalay)等边境城镇,中国的资金和影响力无处不在。

    In border towns and cities such as Mandalay , Chinese money and influence are everywhere .

  2. 在缅甸曼德勒山的SuTaungPyar宝塔,一名中国游客做清洗的祈祷仪式。

    At Mandalay Hill 's Su Taung Pyar Pagoda , a Chinese visitor makes a ritual cleansing prayer .

  3. GIS在地貌制图中的应用&以曼德勒(F47)为例

    Application of GIS in Geomorphologic Map

  4. 曼德勒市前商贸协会的秘书长SaiKyawZaw说,缅甸的商业根本无法竞争:

    Former Mandalay Trader 's Association General Secretary Sai Kyaw Zaw says that Burma 's businesses can no longer compete .

  5. 在曼德勒,就有40多个巡回演出团体,把无关政治的喜剧性闹剧和名叫“阿迎戏”(a-nyeintpwe)的传统舞蹈结合起来。

    More than 40 touring troupes from Mandalay each employed a mix of apolitical slapstick comedy and traditional dance together known as a-nyeint pwe .

  6. 缅甸,曼德勒——这里是缅甸第二大城市,卢茂(ULuMaw)来到自家三层楼房的车库,他从俗丽的蓝色帷幕后面探出身子,在这个临时舞台上做自己最擅长的事:讲笑话。

    MANDALAY , Myanmar - Emerging from behind a tawdry blue curtain in the garage of his three-story home here in Myanmar 's second largest city , U Lu Maw made his way onto a makeshift stage to do what he does best : tell jokes .

  7. 这里是曼德勒路洛杉机赛事中心。

    Here at the Mandalay Bay event center in Las vegas .

  8. 曼德勒省美迪拉地勤训练基地;

    Meikthila Grounding Training Base in Mandalay Division ;

  9. 在这些发展包括威尼斯人,曼德勒海湾和巴黎拉斯维加斯。

    Among these developments include The Venetian , Mandalay Bay , and Paris Las Vegas .

  10. 现在曼德勒的有高达百分之四十来自中国的人口。

    Now Burma 's second city has an estimated Chinese population of up to40 percent .

  11. 从曼德勒驱车约半小时到达。

    Half an hour drives from mandalay .

  12. 天色从深夜转成萎靡的半色天光,曼德勒从睡梦中苏醒。

    Night turns to dawn 's sickly half light and Mandalay begins to wake up .

  13. 获奖的「健康短讯」由曼德勒娱乐制作集团递交参加2004年的甄选。

    These Health Moments were submitted by Mandalay Entertainment for consideration for the 2004 awards .

  14. 图为工作队高举队旗在曼德勒市街头宣传抗日。

    The picture shows team appealing for resistance against Japan on the streets of Mandalay .

  15. 缅甸的往日之魂&曼德勒

    Soul Of Traditional Burma : Mandalay

  16. 作为波顿家族的对头,曼德勒家族一直忠于史塔克家。

    The Manderlys had always been loyal subjects to the Starks and enemies of the Boltons .

  17. 曼德勒于1857年建立,是缅甸第二大城市也是最后的皇城。

    Founded in1857 , Mandalay is the second largest city and last royal capital of Burma .

  18. 该庄园酒店是在1996年破裂,使度假村空间巨大的曼德勒湾。

    The Hacienda Hotel was imploded in1996 to make room for the gigantic Mandalay Bay Resort .

  19. 曼德勒的肮脏无序掩盖了它作为缅甸文化中心和佛教圣地的地位。

    Mandalay 's grimy disarray belies its role as Burma 's cultural and religious centre of Buddhism .

  20. 缅甸曼德勒市的居民正举行泼水节,这象征佛教的新年。

    Residents of Mandalay , Myanmar , participate in the Water Throwing festival marking the Buddhist new year .

  21. 宏伟的规模和这个例子表明,它是在曼德勒用在皇家法庭。

    The size and grandeur of this example suggest that it was used at royal court in Mandalay .

  22. 在仰光和曼德勒的大多数饭店或酒店都具备电话和传真设施服务,不过收费却相当地高。

    Telephones fax facilities are available in most hotels in Yangon and Mandalay but charges are quite expensive .

  23. 曼德勒省的一个度假胜地麦缪,几个居民区也遭到了洪水。

    Several neighborhoods in Maymyo , a resort town in Mandalay Division , were also hit by floods .

  24. 这是第一主题渡假,在城,它是由缅甸曼德勒度假集团。

    This is the first themed resort in the city , which is operated by the Mandalay Resort Group .

  25. 联合国粮食计划署曾表示,曼德勒的军方指挥官们暂时禁止了其急需的粮食供应。

    The UN 's World Food Programme said that army chiefs in Mandalay briefly restricted its much-needed food supplies .

  26. 缅甸D区块地理位置位于缅甸中部第二大城市曼德勒市以西,行政区划属实皆省。

    Block D is located in the west of Mandalay which is the second largest city in central Myanmar .

  27. 她和马克斯谈恋爱,结婚,并返回到曼德勒,他在康沃尔的大国遗产。

    She and Max fall in love , marry and return to Manderlay , his large country estate in Cornwall .

  28. 一个曼德勒的知名社会问题专栏女作家说,缅甸女人应享有与任何人结婚的自主权。

    A well known Mandalay woman writer on social issues said Burmese should be free to marry whomever they wished .

  29. 在曼德勒附近的密铁拉的乡村,我看到这个小男孩在河边泼水洗澡。

    Near Mandalay , in the village of Meiktila , I saw this young boy bathing by a river bank .

  30. 多年以前,我领一个朝圣团从雪布去曼德勒参观佛塔。

    Many years ago , I led a group of pilgrims from Shwebo to visit pagodas in Mandalay and Rangoon .