
màn chè sī tè
  • Manchester;University of Manchester;Manchester Airport;William Manchester
  1. 利物浦队抽的签是在客场与曼彻斯特联队进行比赛。

    Liverpool have an away draw against Manchester United .

  2. 曼彻斯特队失去了他们开场不久领先两球的优势。

    Manchester lost their early two-goal lead .

  3. 他为曼彻斯特联队物色球员。

    He scouts for Manchester United .

  4. 所有离站班次都从曼彻斯特出发。

    All departures are from Manchester .

  5. 曼彻斯特有丰富的文化、经济和体育遗产。

    Manchester has a rich cultural , economic and sporting heritage .

  6. 曼彻斯特仍然受到城区脏乱和严重贫困问题的困扰。

    Manchester still suffers from urban blight and unacceptable poverty .

  7. 她毕业于曼彻斯特大学的英语和戏剧专业。

    She graduated in English and Drama from Manchester University .

  8. 在众多潜在的买家中,曼彻斯特联队将排在最前列。

    Manchester United would be at the front of a queue of potential buyers

  9. 曼彻斯特联队一直是一个具有前瞻性的俱乐部。

    Manchester United has always been a forward-looking club .

  10. 他因被控醉酒驾车而于周四在曼彻斯特的刑事法庭受审。

    He appeared at Manchester Crown Court on Thursday on a drink-driving charge .

  11. 曼彻斯特联队现在充满信心。

    Manchester United were by now oozing with confidence .

  12. 玛丽以前只去过一次曼彻斯特。

    Mary had only been to Manchester once before .

  13. 我与一个来自曼彻斯特的小伙子一起工作。

    I was working with a guy from Manchester .

  14. 安娜于1923年出生在曼彻斯特的郊区阿德维克。

    Anna was born in 1923 in Ardwick , a suburb of Manchester .

  15. 曼彻斯特周围环绕着绿色乡村带、住宅区和工业区。

    Manchester is hemmed in by greenbelt countryside and by housing and industrial areas

  16. 因为结婚,丽贝卡从伦敦移居到了曼彻斯特。

    Marriage had transplanted Rebecca from London to Manchester

  17. 曼彻斯特学院于1956年推选他做院长。

    Manchester College elected him Principal in 1956

  18. 他已经在阿姆斯特丹的斯希普霍尔机场办好了登机手续,准备飞往曼彻斯特。

    He had checked in at Amsterdam 's Schiphol airport for a flight to Manchester .

  19. 英国航空公司地勤人员的罢工已经造成伦敦至曼彻斯特的航线停运。

    A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights between London and Manchester

  20. 他决心利用他效力曼彻斯特联队的剩余一年时间最后一次冲击联赛冠军。

    He was determined to use his remaining year with Manchester United for one last tilt at the League title .

  21. “让我来提醒你,”玛丽安娜说,“曼彻斯特也是我的家乡。”

    ' Let me remind you , ' said Marianne , ' that Manchester is also my home town . '

  22. 兰开夏郡的纺织城镇形成的大三角地带,从曼彻斯特向北至伯恩利,再从伯恩利西至阿克灵顿

    the great triangle of the Lancashire textile towns , stretching from Manchester up as far as Burnley and across to Accrington .

  23. 在西欧其他任何城市的星期六晚上,你都无法看到像曼彻斯特这样的景象。

    You don 't see a vibe like you see in Manchester on a Saturday night in any other city in western Europe .

  24. 她奇怪为什么查利对于曼彻斯特的煤灰那么忍受不住。

    She wondered at charley 's intolerance of the smoke of manchester .

  25. “我是在曼彻斯特出生的。”“那么你喜欢那个城市吗?”

    " I was born in manchester . "" and did you like the city ?"

  26. 曼彻斯特是个工业城市。

    Manchester is an industrial city .

  27. 曼彻斯特米勒街的一座办公大楼完全被太阳能电池板覆盖。

    An office tower on Miller Street in Manchester is completely covered in solar panels .

  28. 正因为如此,这个大摩天轮曾经去过许多其他地方,如英国的曼彻斯特和泰国的曼谷。

    Because of this , the big wheel has been to many other places like Manchester in the UK and Bangkok in Thailand .

  29. 她在曼彻斯特工艺专科学校就读,准备毕业后做老师。

    She was trained as a teacher at Manchester Polytechnic .

  30. 汇丰银行的年度调查显示,曼彻斯特是英国购房出租的热点。

    HSBC ’ s annual survey found that the city of Manchester was Britain 's buy-to-let hotspot .