
kē mínɡ
  • Family name;establish one's name and position under the civil-service examination system
科名 [kē míng]
  • [scholarly honor won in imperial exams] 科举考中而取得的功名

  1. 请提供这个动物的科名和目名。

    Please provide the family and ordinal name of the animal .

  2. 标本查询功能包括按植物科名查询、属名查询、种名查询。

    Specimens query features include plant Family query , the species name queries .

  3. 清末奖励科名考试的实施与变革

    The implementation and change of degree awarding of the imperial examination in the end of Qing Dynasty

  4. 科名前定观念对明代小说的影响

    Predictive Dreams : Construction and Deconstruction & The Influence on Novels of the Ming Dynasty of the Idea of Predestined Academic Distinction

  5. 本系统能够任意查询江苏省所有植物的中文名、拉丁名、所属科名、属名;

    Chinese name , Latin name , family name , genus name of all plants in Jiangsu could be searched using this system .

  6. 其为江南大族但并不以科名取胜,在文化、艺术等方面都有一定成就。

    But it was not famous for it 's result in the imperial examinations . And it had certain achievement on culture and art too .

  7. 嘉庆十一年,他出生在贵州遵义,虽然家境贫寒,一生科名蹭蹬,但却在学术上建树颇多。

    Jiaqing ten year he was born in a small mountain village in Guizhou Zunyi , though his family was poor , and his rather tormented , but he has many achievements in the academic .

  8. 然而,无论是接受新式教育的知识群体,还是传统科名的拥有者,他们在地方社会中的地位及作用并无根本区别。

    Nevertheless , regardless of whether they were members of the new style school intellectual group , or whether they held traditional examination degrees , their status and function within local society was not fundamentally differentiated .

  9. 由此可以归纳出晚清社会科举文化的三大特点:崇仰科名的强烈社会心理;难于遏制的考试、录用弊端;儒学传统的日渐式微。

    It can be summed up in the late Qing Dynasty imperial examination culture three big characteristics : admire family strong social psychology ; difficult to curb the examination , employment problems ; Confucian traditional fading .

  10. 对科名的崇拜有许多表现,它表现在:人们之间的攀比心理;祭祖宴请的炫耀;大乱不忘的科举修炼;女子对科名的痴迷:重正途而抑新学。

    The family worship has many manifestations , its expression is in : people vie psychology ; sacrificial banquets show ; chaos does not forget the examination discipline ; woman of family obsession ; heavy " regular " and stunning new .