
  • 网络singular noun;any other;N-SING
  1. “大厦”是单数名词,不过在这里面居住和工作的大部分人都说这有五个街区,从A到E,它的电梯仅仅连接着昏暗和幽闭集市的前两层。

    The " Mansions " is a singular noun , but most people who live and work there speak of its five blocks , A to E , their lifts connecting only at the dim and claustrophobic bazaar on the first two floors .

  2. 单数名词是指一个人,一只动物,一件物品或一个地方。

    Singular Noun refers to one person , animal , thing or place .

  3. 关于母亲节的英文符号,多数国家采用单数名词“Mother'sDay”,“s”前的单引号想要表达的是,每个家庭感恩自己的母亲,而非全天下的母亲。

    A punctuation point about the day is that most countries choose the singular possessive " Mother 's Day , " with the apostrophe before the ' s " to show that each family honours their mother , rather than all of the world 's mothers .

  4. 试用以下单数名词的复数式来填充空格。

    Give the plural of each singular noun below .

  5. 试写出以下单数名词的复数式。

    A.Give the plural of the following singular nouns .

  6. 最开始是在时装秀中,他们传递小纸条时使用这种单数名词。

    They started using the fashion singular on notes given out at fashion shows .

  7. 令人愉快的,图表,分开,一张,单数名词,复数名词。

    Pleasant , chart , separate , sheet , singular nouns , plural nouns .

  8. 参与者名称通常是单数名词,譬如,年级管理员、客户以及支付出纳员。

    Actor names are usually singular nouns such as Grade Administrator , Customer , and Payment Processor .

  9. 这些词通常与单数名词连用,并放在名词之前。

    These distributive words are normally used with singular nouns , and are placed before the noun .

  10. (与表示一段时间的单数名词连用)形容词有时可作名词用。

    ( used with singular ns denoting a period of time for ) Adjectives sometimes act as noun .

  11. 经过比较个分析后发现大多数俄语借词是单数名词,也有一些词语是从它们的复数形式借入哈萨克语的。

    Through comparative analysis , it is found that most of the Russian loanwords are singular nouns , and some are in plural forms .

  12. 除非上下文另有要求,凡涉及到单数名词,则应包括复数名词,反之亦然;凡涉及到男(阳)性名词则应当包括女(阴)性名词,反之亦然。

    Except where the context otherwise requires a reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa , and a reference to the masculine includes feminine and vice versa .

  13. 通过两个实验论述单数可数名词和复数可数名词的标记性。

    Themarked effects of singular and plural countable nouns are explored by two experiments .

  14. 单数可数名词不能单独用。

    Singular count nouns cannot be used alone .

  15. 运用单数与复数名词

    Using singular and plural nouns