
  • 网络cohen;kern;Leonard Cohen;korn
  1. 我在看了,我想提醒科恩参议员

    I 've got it on . I would remind Senator Kern

  2. 他是科恩任主编时的一名编辑人员

    who was on the editorial staff when Kern was there .

  3. 科恩被人们认为做事太不计后果。

    The rap against Conn was that he was far too reckless

  4. 还不到两个小时,科恩就屈服了,接受了几乎一切要求。

    In less than two hours Cohen capitulated to virtually every demand .

  5. 他和科恩像是要大吵一架。

    He and Cohen appeared headed for a major blowup .

  6. 科恩抱怨克拉维斯非要在他的买卖中插上一脚。

    Cohen complained that Kravis was muscling in on his deal

  7. 科恩星期天一整天都在家无所事事。

    On Sunday Cohen lay around the house all day .

  8. 只有她和科恩先生有店里的全套钥匙。

    Only she and Mr Cohen had complete sets of keys to the shop

  9. 看得出科恩并不明白米勒德想说什么。

    It was clear Cohen didn 't understand what Millard was driving at .

  10. 科恩先生在大使馆和其中一个叛军头目进行了磋商。

    Mr Cohen held discussions at the embassy with one of the rebel leaders .

  11. 过了一会儿,科恩接起电话。“喂?”

    A moment later , Cohen picked up the phone . ' Hello ? '

  12. 科恩没有提起自己让泰德·福斯特曼在后室里空等的事。

    Cohen didn 't mention that he had Ted Forstmann cooling his heels in a back room .

  13. “谢罪的礼物,”罗伯茨说着递给科恩一盒雪茄。

    ' A peace offering , ' Roberts said as he handed the box of cigars to Cohen .

  14. 科恩中校认为这是梅杰少校的中队里开始出现的一种不健康的倾向。为了防微杜渐,他果断地采取了行动。

    Colonel Korn acted decisively to arrest what seemed to him to be the beginning of an unwholesome trend in major tom 's squadron .

  15. 在投资者压力下,autonomy的态度有所缓和,允许科恩重新参加分析师会议。

    Autonomy relented and allowed him back into meetings after pressure from investors .

  16. 为美国而教(TeachforAmerica)招聘天资聪慧的应届大学毕业生充实城市教师队伍,科恩对这一做法大加赞赏。

    He praises the efforts of teach for America to recruit smart recent college graduates into urban teaching ranks .

  17. 自去年诉讼以来,SAC资本已更名为Point72AssetManagement,专门负责管理科恩的个人财产。

    Since devoting itself solely to managing Mr Cohen 's personal fortune , SAC Capital has changed its name to Point72 Asset Management .

  18. 查尔斯•科恩(CharlesCohen)并没有积极寻找理财经理。

    Charles Cohen was not actively looking for a wealth manager .

  19. 史蒂夫•科恩(SteveCohen)等美国对冲基金经理已成为当代艺术品顶级收藏家。

    US hedge fund managers such as Steve Cohen have emerged as big Contemporary collectors .

  20. 他们可以对科恩提起公诉,也可以指控SAC涉嫌诈骗以及其他违法行为。

    They could prosecute Mr Cohen . They could charge SAC with racketeering , and other offences .

  21. 在这里,电影能够呼吸并走向繁盛:即便是以科恩(Coen)兄弟的《阅后即焚》(BurnAfterReading)这样的闹喜剧作开幕影片。

    Films are allowed to breathe and blossom here : even a slapstick-comedy opener such as the Coens'Burn After Reading .

  22. 由于担心利润下滑,奥斯汀票务经纪公司TicketCity的创始人兰迪•科恩2008年一度进行了裁员,并削减了经理人员薪资。

    Worried that profits were declining , Randy Cohen , founder of ticket city , an Austin-based ticket broker , laid off workers and cut managers ' pay in 2008 .

  23. 科恩在长岛(LongIsland)出生长大,在埃默里大学(EmoryUniversity)念了一年医学预科之后,她回到了纽约,进入帕森设计学院(ParsonsSchoolofDesign)学习。

    After a year as a pre-med student at Emory University , the Long Island native moved back to New York to attend Parsons School of Design . '

  24. 在周二的贵宾开幕式上,有许多富有的收藏家光临,比如对冲基金亿万富翁史蒂文·A·科恩(StevenA.Cohen);

    Spotted at Tuesday 's V.I.P. opening were big-money collectors like Steven A. Cohen , the hedge fund billionaire ;

  25. NPR新闻,斯图尔特·科恩悉尼报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Stuart Cohen in Sydney .

  26. 腾讯科恩实验室(KeenSecurityLabofTencent)隶属于中国科技巨头腾讯(Tencent),曾成功入侵特斯拉(Tesla)的汽车,促使特斯拉修复漏洞。

    Tencent Keen Labs , part of Chinese technology titan Tencent , prompted Tesla to fix vulnerabilities after hacking into its cars .

  27. sac资本和科恩尚未因不当行为被起诉,该公司表示其正在配合调查。

    Sac and Mr Cohen have not been accused of wrongdoing and the company has said it is co-operating with the inquiry .

  28. 常驻曼哈顿的职业顾问、行政人员教练科恩(RoyCohen)说,写的东西往往是越少越好。

    ' Less is always more , 'says Roy Cohen , a Manhattan-based career counselor and executive coach .

  29. 现在77岁的科恩是密歇根大学(theUniversityofMichigan)教育与公共政策学教授,他将教师与诸如心理治疗师和牧师等“人类灵魂的导师”进行对比。

    Cohen , 77 , a professor of education and public policy at the University of Michigan , compares teachers to other " human improvers " like psychotherapists and pastors .

  30. 接下来,帕西诺在HBO于2003年推出的迷你剧集《天使在美国》中扮演了律师罗伊·科恩。

    Pacino next starred as lawyer Roy Cohn in the2003 HBO miniseries of Tony Kushner 's play Angels in America .