
  • 网络Côte d'Ivoire;Ivory Coast;Abidjan;cote d'ivoire
  1. 它是爱尔兰、墨西哥、意大利还是科特迪瓦?

    Is it Ireland , Mexico , Italy or Cote d'Ivoire ?

  2. 生活在科特迪瓦国家公园的黑猩猩喜欢吃考拉果。

    Chimps living in a national park in Cote d'Ivoire like eating Coula nuts .

  3. 分在G组的北朝鲜而言,与巴西、葡萄牙和科特迪瓦同组意味着晋级简直是不的事情。

    And for North Korea , a draw in Group G with Brazil , Portugal and Ivory Coast makes progressing into the next round look all-but-impossible .

  4. 科特迪瓦最高法庭负责人保罗(PaulYaoN'dre)正式确认瓦塔拉为总统。

    The head of Ivory Coast 's highest court , Paul Yao N'Dre , has formally confirmed Alassane Ouattara as president .

  5. 耐克公司与红丝带(RED)推出了一部由科特迪瓦球星迪迪埃-德罗巴领衔主演的短片,旨在呼吁人们加入到艾滋病的斗争中。

    Nike and Red Ribbon ( RED ) launched a star by the Ivorian Didier-Didier Drogba starred in the video , designed to appeal to people to join the fight against AIDS .

  6. 科特迪瓦英语教师YvesBehBah通过几内亚来到利比里亚。

    Ivorian English teacher Yves Beh Bah came to Liberia through Guinea .

  7. 本文介绍了非洲尤其是科特迪瓦银行金融机构对中小企业贷款发放问题的研究结果,这一研究是基于科特迪瓦ACCESS银行的具体案例。

    This paper presents the results of a study covering the Issue of loan disbursement to SMEs / SMIs by banking institutions in Africa generally but in Cote d ' ivoire specially , with a specific study made on the case of Access BANK .

  8. Tapp说,科特迪瓦收到4100万美元,用于帮助其从最近的政治暴力中恢复。

    Mr. Tapp says Ivory Coast received forty-one million dollars to help in its recovery from recent political violence .

  9. 忠于国际社会认可的科特迪瓦总统瓦塔拉(AlassaneOuattara)的力量占领了行政首都亚穆苏克罗。

    Forces loyal to the internationally recognised President of Ivory Coast , Alassane Ouattara , have captured the administrative capital Yamoussoukro .

  10. 联合国人权发言人RupertColville表示,大部分报告来自科特迪瓦西部。

    A UN human rights spokesman , Rupert Colville , said most of the reports were from western Ivory Coast .

  11. 国际可可组织(InternationalCocoaOrganisation)在一份最新月度报告中表示,截至今年11月底,到达科特迪瓦港口的可可豆数量为多年来最低。科特迪瓦可可豆供应量占全球总量近40%。

    The International Cocoa Organisation said in its latest monthly report that cocoa bean arrivals until the end of November at ports in Ivory Coast , which provides almost 40 per cent of the world 's supplies , were the lowest in years .

  12. 在科特迪瓦(IvoryCoast)的亚穆苏克罗市(Yamoussoukro),道路宽得可以降落大型喷气式客机,还有一个巨大的总统府和以罗马圣彼得大教堂为蓝本的长方形基督教堂。

    Yamoussoukro in Ivory Coast is a city with roads wide enough for jumbo jets to land on , a vast presidential palace and a basilica modelled on St Peter 's in Rome .

  13. 在接下来2:1击败科特迪瓦的比赛中,他独自打进一球,同时为队友胡安·费尔南多·金特罗(JuanFernandoQuintero)助攻一次,后者为球队再进一球,而J罗则再次赢得百威“全场最佳球员奖”。

    He picked up the same accolade in the next match , a 2-1 win over C ? te d'Ivoire , having provided an assist for Juan Fernando Quintero and found the target once more .

  14. 科特迪瓦最近在Minignan和Madinani卫生区交界地段开展了一项疫情应对活动。

    C ô te d'Ivoire has recently conducted an outbreak response in the border health districts of Minignan and Madinani .

  15. Gastronomicom法国烹饪学校位于第科特迪瓦阿格德这是一个在地中海沿岸的著名和美丽的海滨度假胜地。

    Gastronomicom French Culinary School is located in Cap d'Agde which is a famous and beautiful seaside resort on the Mediterranean coast .

  16. 扎伊尔、苏丹和本迪布焦种属与在非洲发生的埃博拉出血热(EHF)大型疫情有关,具有很高的病死率(25-90%)。而科特迪瓦和莱斯顿种属则没有这样高的病死率。

    Za ï re , Sudan and Bundibugyo species have been associated with large Ebola hemorrhagic fever ( EHF ) outbreaks in Africa with high case fatality ratio ( 25 – 90 % ) while C ô te d ' Ivoire and Reston have not .

  17. Kpehie说,返回科特迪瓦有一定的问题,因为瓦塔拉反叛力量仍然在那里,他们的安全得不到保障。

    Kpehie says going back to Ivory Coast is a problem because the Ouattara rebels are still there , so their security is not d.

  18. 切尔西(Chelsea)出售的巴西球员拉米雷斯(Ramires)以及罗马(Roma)出售的科特迪瓦前锋热尔维尼奥(Gervinho),是最近几周加盟中国俱乐部的其他知名球员,而《太阳报》(TheSun)称他们为“中国大手笔”。

    Ramires , the Brazilian sold by Chelsea , and Gervinho , the Ivory Coast striker sold by Roma , are other notable players who have joined Chinese clubs in recent weeks in what The Sun newspaper has called the " Great Haul of China . "

  19. 该病例发生在几内亚东部靠近科特迪瓦边境的Kankan行政区Mandiana专区。

    The case occurred in the prefecture of Mandiana belonging to the Kankan region in the east of the country , near the border with C ô te d'Ivoire .

  20. 科特迪瓦队在这场比赛中以5:0大胜对手。

    The Coted'ivoire team defeated its opponent with the score of5:0 .

  21. 科特迪瓦政府说,目前正在调查造成踩踏事件的原因。

    The government says it is investigating what caused the stampede .

  22. 科特迪瓦的债务危机及其主客观原因

    Debts crisis of Cote-d'Ivoire and its subjective and objective causes

  23. 但两年后他就面临科特迪瓦北部的叛乱。

    But after two years he faced a rebellion in the north .

  24. 科特迪瓦共和国渔业情况介绍

    A Brief Introduction of the Republic of Ivory Coast Fisheries

  25. 在象牙海岸(科特迪瓦),他是一个英雄。

    In the Ivory Coast , Drogba is a hero .

  26. 卡劳将和他的哥哥一样作为科特迪瓦国家队成员。

    Kalou will now join older brother Bonaventure as an Ivorian international .

  27. 科特迪瓦总统住在一间酒店套房里。

    The president of Ivory Coast is staying in a hotel suite .

  28. 瓦塔拉是去年科特迪瓦总统选举国际公认的获胜者。

    He is the internationally recognized winner of the presidential election last year .

  29. 科特迪瓦民族资产阶级的形成和发展

    Formation and development of Cote d'ivoire 's national bourgeoisie

  30. 这一天对于科特迪瓦人民来说,是历史性的时刻。

    This day represents a historic moment for the people of Ivory Coast .