
  • 网络The Burkina Faso;Ouagadougou
  1. 布基纳法索,马拉维,这俩贫穷国家儿童友善工作做得不错

    Child-friendliest among the paupers were Burkina Faso and Malawi .

  2. 在布基纳法索,TAP提供的1800万美元正在资助药物以及非政府组织开办的门诊部和艾滋病病毒感染者网络。

    In Burkina Faso , US $ 18 million from TAP is funding the drugs and assisting clinics run by non-governmental organizations and networks of people living with HIV .

  3. 一个名为TAP的试验项目正在为三个国家(布基纳法索、莫桑比克和加纳)的抗逆转病毒药物治疗提供6000万美元的资金援助,以期为成千上万更多的人提供这种治疗。

    A pilot project , TAP is providing a total of US $ 60 million to fund ART in three countries Burkina Faso , Mozambique , and Ghana in anticipation of providing ART to thousands more .

  4. 布基纳法索总理特尔蒂乌斯·宗戈(TertiusZongo)呼吁1.5亿美元的资金用于排洪,修葺道路,支付人道主义援助,发展更好的灾难响应机制。

    Prime Minister Tertius Zongo is more than $ 150 million to drain flood waters , repair road damage , humanitarian assistance and develop a better disaster-response system .

  5. 这些国家包括尼日尔、贝宁湾、马里和布基纳法索。

    They include Niger , Benin , Mali and Burkina Faso .

  6. 他是在结束了对尼日利亚两天的访问之后抵达布基纳法索的。

    He arrived there after two days of meetings in Nigeria .

  7. 医疗工作者在西非的布基纳法索开始使用这种新的疫苗。

    Health workers launched the new vaccine in Burkina Faso in West Africa .

  8. 国家报告:尼日尔、布基纳法索、马里》附《国家简况》。

    Country Report : Niger , Burkina Faso , Mali , with Country Profile .

  9. 布基纳法索和马里等国以及尼日尔西部地区的不安全状况加剧。

    Insecurity has increased in countries including Burkina Faso , Mali , and western Niger .

  10. 西非国家布基纳法索发生军事政变。

    There 's been a military coup in the West African country of Burkina Faso .

  11. 而来自尼日尔、乍得和布基纳法索军队已经到达当地。

    Troops from Niger , Chad and Burkina Faso already have arrived on the ground .

  12. 布基纳法索武装部队宣布解散议会和政府。

    The country 's armed forces have announced the dissolution of parliament and the government .

  13. 摩洛哥电信精明地在加蓬、布基纳法索和马里收购现在运营的电信行业公司。

    Maroc Telecom has shrewdly purchased incumbent telecoms firms in Gabon , Burkina Faso and Mali .

  14. 所以这是我管理的同时,从我国逃往苏丹布基纳法索共和国。

    So that is while I manage to escape from my country to Sudan burkina-faso republic .

  15. 在布基纳法索,一位名为雅库巴•萨瓦多戈的农民因为种树而闻名国际。

    In Burkina Faso , a farmer named Yacouba Sawadogo became internationally known for growing a forest .

  16. 有消息称,在布基纳法索地区,疑似伊斯兰武装分子今天杀害了至少47人。

    There 's word that suspected Islamist fighters in Burkina Faso killed at least 47 people today .

  17. 全球需求让布基纳法索只种植棉花,这令该国变成了一片沙漠。

    The cotton monoculture that global demand imposed on Burkina Faso has turned the place into a desert .

  18. 下一步的试验将扩展到布基纳法索、加蓬、加纳、马拉维和莫桑比克。

    The next trials will expand to include Burkina Faso , Gabon , Ghana , Malawi and Mozambique .

  19. 在布基纳法索肺结核症状者就诊于医疗卫生机构后能得到妥善的管理吗?

    Are patients who present spontaneously with PTB symptoms to the health services in Burkina Faso well managed ?

  20. 在过去的一年中,近150000人逃到布基纳法索,毛里塔尼亚和尼日尔。

    In the past year , nearly 150000 people have fled to Burkina Faso , Mauritania and Niger .

  21. 世界粮食计划正在向布基纳法索,尼日尔和茅利塔尼亚受洪水影响的受害者输送食物。

    The World Food Program is distributing food to flood-affected victims in Burkina Faso , Niger and Mauritania .

  22. 非洲联盟对布基纳法索的现状“深表关切”。

    The African Union has been expressing " deep concern " about the current situation in Burkina Faso .

  23. 布基纳法索、几内亚、尼日利亚和马里的总统夫人们也参加了会议。

    The wives of the presidents Burkina Faso , Guinea , Nigeria and Mali took part in the conference .

  24. 和平与安全委员会执行主席、来自布基纳法索的大使齐多安巴宣布了上述决定。

    The announcement was made by the council 's acting chairman , Burkina Faso 's Ambassador Bruno Nongoma Zidouemba .

  25. 应布基纳法索政府邀请,这支12人小组从中国北部城市天津出发。

    Invited by the government of Burkina Faso , the 12-member team departed from north China 's Tianjin Municipality .

  26. 但是布基纳法索并不是唯一一个受到洪水影响的西非国家。

    But Burkina Faso is not the only West African country struggling with the ravaging affects of the floods .

  27. 此前布基纳法索总统试图延长其27年的执政任期,引发暴力抗议。

    This comes amid violent protests connected to attempts by the country 's president to extend his 27-year rule .

  28. 在1990年前,布隆迪与布基纳法索的增长率及收入水平相似(见图)。

    Until 1990 Burundi and Burkina Faso had similar rates of growth and levels of income ( see chart ) .

  29. 平均每天约有100名儿童在这一天主教医疗中心就医,他们中的大部分均患有疟疾-布基纳法索儿童的第一杀手。

    Most of those children are suffering from malaria & . the number one killer of children in Burkina Faso .

  30. 目前项目在尼日尔、布基纳法索、马里、毛里求斯、塞内加尔等国家全面展开。

    Today , country projects are fully underway in Niger , Burkina Faso , Mali , Mauritania , and Senegal .