
bèi níng
  • Benin
贝宁[bèi níng]
  1. 该项研究由避孕研究与开发规划(CONRAD)发起,在贝宁、印度、南非和乌干达开展。

    The study was sponsored by CONRAD and conducted in Benin , India , South Africa and Uganda .

  2. 据报道他是在与贝宁驻UNESCO大使(他也希望被提名)进行了一场内部外交争斗之后才获得了他的政府的提名。

    He was reportedly nominated by his government after an internal diplomatic tussle with Benin 's ambassador to UNESCO who had also hoped to be nominated .

  3. 签名造型:影片《孩子们都很好》TheKidsAreAllRight的女星贝宁按一贯的传统保持灰色调与鲜艳色调和谐搭配的着装风格。

    Signature Style : The Kids Are All Right star typically sticks to neutral tones with the occasional burst of color .

  4. 这档名为《央young之夏》的节目,汇聚了包括康辉、撒贝宁、尼格买提等40余名中央广播电视总台的主播。

    Called " Young Summer , " the show brings together over 40 anchors and hosts from China Media Group , including Kang Hui , Sa Beining and Nigemaiti .

  5. 安全预测:贝宁穿的这款深丈青色的GiorgioArmani(乔治·阿玛尼)抹胸礼服,看起来既时尚又优雅。

    Safe Bet : Bening would look chic and elegant in this dark navy strapless Giorgio Armani gown .

  6. 历史上,男性一直主导着小组讨论,你看看组织高层大部分都是白人男性,就不会对此意外了,致力于推动职场多元化的非盈利组织Catalyst的研究主管安娜•贝宁格(AnnaBeninger)称。

    Historically men have dominated panels , and this isn 't surprising when you look at senior leadership in organisations and see mostly white men , says Anna Beninger , research director at Catalyst , a non-profit body dedicated to promoting workplace diversity .

  7. TitanCorp创下了单笔罚金总额最大的纪录,2005年3月,该公司向美国司法部和美国证交会(SEC)支付了2850万美元,以平息涉嫌在贝宁进行不正当商业行为的指控。

    Titan Corp set the record for the largest total penalty , in March 2005 paying the DoJ and the Securities and Exchange Commission $ 28.5m to settle allegations of improper business practices in Benin .

  8. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)表示,粮价的上升伤害了贝宁和尼日尔等非洲较贫穷国家的利益,同时也伤害了从孟加拉到中国自身等众多亚洲国家以及中东部分国家的利益。

    The International Monetary Fund says higher food prices are hurting poorer nations in Africa , such as Benin and Niger , as well as a number of countries in Asia , from Bangladesh to China itself , and parts of the Middle East .

  9. 未知预测:而这款金色的ReemAcra(雷姆·阿克拉)礼服比贝宁平时的着装更炫,领口和袖子的设计与年龄相符。

    Wild Card : While this gold Reem Acra creation is glitzier than Bening 's usual picks , the neckline and cap sleeves keep it age-appropriate .

  10. 贝宁顿的队友麦克·信田(MikeShinoda)知悉后,在推特上发文称他“感到震惊且心痛”。林肯公园官方推特账号发布了一张贝宁顿的照片,致敬这位乐队主唱。

    Following the tragic news , Bennington 's bandmate Mike Shinoda shared a message on Twitter saying he was " shocked and heartbroken . " The official Linkin Park account also tweeted a photo of Bennington as a tribute .

  11. 为了解ST-KT固体丙烯酸类浆料的性能,将ST-KT浆料用于细号高密品种,并在贝宁格浆纱机上进行了上浆实践。

    To research property of ST-KT solid acrylic size , sizing practice of ST-KT was done in fine count high density variety with Benninger sizing machine .

  12. 今年冬天在我任教的写作讨论课上,有一位学生的作文令我非常震惊。她叫SenamiApithy,是贝宁驻华大使的女儿。

    When I taught a writing seminar this winter I was struck by the work of a student named Senami Apithy , the daughter of the ambassador from the African nation of Benin to China .

  13. 这些国家包括尼日尔、贝宁湾、马里和布基纳法索。

    They include Niger , Benin , Mali and Burkina Faso .

  14. 他们在贝宁的测试点室内喷洒这种药品。

    They tested it with indoor spraying at sites throughout Benin .

  15. 女儿艾拉在贝宁42岁时出生。

    Bening had their youngest daughter , Ella , at age42 .

  16. 该组织在贝宁和巴基斯坦也设有计划生育热线。

    The group also has family planning hotlines in Benin and Pakistan .

  17. 我获嘉奖时你还在贝宁。

    You were at Benning when I got my command .

  18. 比如从贝宁寄钱到尼日利亚。

    For example , sending money from Benin to Nigeria .

  19. 贝宁格高速高效平幅煮漂联合机工艺设备应用和实践

    Application and Practice of High-Speed and High-Efficieney Benninger Open-Width Scouring and Bleaching Range

  20. 我四岁的时候就随家人搬到了贝宁。

    I had moved there with my family when I was4 years old .

  21. 在贝宁湾举行的国际卫生会议上对这种疾病进行了商讨。

    It was just discussed during an international health conference held in Benin .

  22. 但是三个非洲国家:贝宁湾、纳米比亚和毛里求斯排名更高。

    But three African countries were rated higher : Benin , Namibia and Mauritius .

  23. 贝宁的这项研究发表在《美国热带医学和卫生杂志》上。

    The study from Benin appears in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene .

  24. 贝宁共有20000人受灾。

    Twenty-thousand people are affected in Benin .

  25. 贝宁,加纳和象牙海岸目前有上千起布鲁里溃疡病例。

    Benin , Ghana and Ivory Coast have thousands of current cases of Buruli ulcer disease .

  26. 西非的贝宁、加纳、尼日利亚和多哥在2007年爆发了禽流感。

    In West Africa , Benin , Ghana , Nigeria and Togo have had outbreaks in2007 .

  27. 贝宁格的直接整经概念

    Benninger 's Direct Beaming Concept

  28. 贝宁格公司迈向未来

    Into the Future with Benninger

  29. 布什先生和他的妻子将访问贝宁、加纳、利比里亚、卢旺达和坦桑尼亚。

    Mr Bush and his wife will visit Benin , Ghana , Liberia , Rwanda and Tanzania .

  30. 撒贝宁和霍夫曼去年开始恋爱,网上有两人在一起的许多照片。

    The two fell in love last year and many photos of them together were posted online .