
  • 网络Beersheba;Beer Sheva;Beersheva
  1. 距离加沙50公里远的沙漠城市贝尔谢巴现在已经在射程之内。

    The desert city of Beersheba , 50 kilometers from Gaza , is now within range .

  2. 与此同时,哈马斯继续发射火箭弹,尽管比前些天慢了些。在这之前还没有一种远距离火箭弹能袭击阿什凯泽和贝尔谢巴城镇。

    Hamas , meanwhile , fired rockets , though at a slower pace than previous days , hitting the towns of Ashkelon and Beersheba with the sort of longer range missiles never seen before this war .

  3. 这位丈夫显然不是个爱猫的人。他告诉贝尔谢巴的犹太法庭自己没法在卧室睡觉,因为夫妇俩的床上总是歇满了不愿躺在地上的猫。

    The husband , apparently not a cat lover , told the Rabbinical Court in Beersheba that he was unable to sleep in his bedroom because the surface of the marital bed was constantly covered with cats who refused to lie on the floor .