
  • 网络Berger;beagle;Peter Berger;Hans.Berger;Hans Berger
  1. 跟随着贝格尔号做环球航行,达尔文开始思考地球上生命的演变。

    As the Beagle sailed around the world , Darwin began to wonder how life had developed on earth .

  2. 1831年的今天-查尔斯达尔文登上贝格尔号开始他的旅行,在此期间他开始起草进化论。

    1831 – Charles Darwin embarks on his journey aboard the HMS Beagle , during which he will begin to formulate the theory of evolution .

  3. 沃伦•贝格尔在自己即将出版的新书《更好的问题:询问的力量》(AMoreBeautifulQuestion:ThePowerofInquirytoSparkBreakthroughIdeas)中提到,类似这样的经历充分证明了“提问文化”的必要性。

    Experiences like these amply demonstrate the need for a " questioning culture , " Warren Berger argues in his forthcoming book , a more beautiful question : the power of inquiry to spark breakthrough ideas .

  4. 卡努尔、托特塔达和贝格尔周围的海滩仍保留着原始的风貌。

    The beaches around Kannur , Thottada and Bekal are pristine .

  5. 莱昂贝格尔表示,如果有足够多的汽车实现互联,中国的驾车者就能避免在该国出了名拥堵的城市中堵车。

    Mr Leonberger says that if enough vehicles , were " meshed " together Chinese drivers could avoid jams in the country 's notoriously congested cities .

  6. 作为世俗化理论的旗手和重要建构者的贝格尔,在90年代末期公开承认世俗化理论是个错误。

    Even Peter Berger , the initiator of the secularization theory , admitted in late 1990s that , the secularization theory " was a mistake " .

  7. 贝格尔写道,许多公司并不鼓励真正的交流&说白了,就是不给你机会去质疑规划、创意乃至其他同事。

    Many workplaces , Berger writes , discourage real dialogue & the kind you get when people feel free to challenge plans , ideas , even one another .

  8. 达尔文登上贝格尔号1831年的今天-查尔斯达尔文登上贝格尔号开始他的旅行,在此期间他开始起草进化论。

    Darwin aboard the Beagle 1831 - Charles Darwin embarks on his journey aboard the HMS Beagle , during which he will begin to formulate the theory of evolution .

  9. 贝格尔从两个层面清晰地辨识了世俗化这一不可逆转的过程:即社会结构、文化的客观世俗化与意识层面的主观世俗化。贝格尔构建了世俗化多元化私人化的理论模式。

    Based on his secular-multiple-personalize model , Peter Berger stated the irreversible secularization process clearly from two perspectives , the objective secularization of social structure and culture and the subjective secularization of personal consciousness .