
  • 网络Bernard;bernal;Claude Bernard
  1. 但仅实现国际化还不够,法国里昂商学院(EMLyon)院长贝尔纳?贝勒唐特(BernardBelletante)表示。

    But being international is not enough , says Bernard Belletante , director-general of EMLyon .

  2. 贝尔纳的生命观对现代生理学的影响

    Bernard 's outlook of life and its influence on modern physiology

  3. 而去年12月份,让-贝尔纳•莱维(Jean-BernardLévy)从法国媒体集团威望迪(Vivendi)卸任CEO6个月后,被欧洲销售额最高的军用电子系统制造商泰雷兹集团(Thales)任命为CEO。

    And in December , Jean-Bernard L é vy was appointed chief executive of Thales , Europe 's biggest defence electronics manufacturer by sales , only six months after leaving the same role at French media group Vivendi .

  4. 贝尔纳科学社会学思想再认识

    Rethinking about the thoughts of Bernal on sociology of science

  5. 贝尔纳的科学伦理思想研究

    The Study of Bernal 's Thought of the Science Ethics

  6. 贝尔纳与默顿:科学社会学同基异构现象的社会形成

    Bernal and Merton : Social Formation of Base Alloisomerism of Sociology of Science

  7. 副官贝尔纳传达了命令。

    Aide-de-camp Bernard carried them the Emperor 's orders .

  8. 论贝尔纳学派的科学学

    On Science of Science of Bernal School

  9. 论贝尔纳的情报交流思想及其对情报科学的贡献

    Bernal ′ s Thoughts on the Communication of Information and His Contribution to Information Science

  10. 科学社会学的张力&默顿与贝尔纳研究传统的比较

    The Tension of Sociology of Science : Comparison between Bernal 's and Merton 's Research Methods on Tradition

  11. 可见,贝尔纳采用历史与社会进行系统分析的方法,构建了他的科学政治学体系。

    Bernal has formed the system of politics of science by adopting the systematic method of analyzing history and society .

  12. 贝尔纳的《科学的社会功能》的出版,在此以后,以贝尔纳的理论为核心,形成了一个科学学的研究团体,这一团体被称为贝尔纳学派。

    It was the publishing of the social function of science that symbolized the formation of the system of science of science theory .

  13. 然而,贝尔纳却大力提倡有机、整体的生命观,并提出了生物内环境的概念。

    Bernard , however , advocated organic , holistic outlook on life , and put forward the idea of inner environment of organism .

  14. 贝尔纳时代,由于科学的滥用,科学作为“全知全能”的追求,受到了怀疑和挑战。

    In Bernal " s time , because science " s abusing , as an omnipotent power , science had been doubted and challenged .

  15. 指出在上述两个方面,贝尔纳的科学社会学也存在明显缺陷,而且对马克思主义哲学有某些误读,其中,对经济需要与科学发展关系上的机械理解即是典型的一例。

    However , the school has misunderstood some of Marxism philosophy , among which mechanical understanding of the relation between economical requirement and the development of science is typical .

  16. 贝尔纳一路上都在为我们指出建筑上的细节,并将历史背景融入其中,将过去的时光生动地带到了当下,也确实让那些时代变得鲜活起来。

    All the time Bernard points out architectural details which he situates within an historical context , vividly bringing the past into our present , and really making the period come alive .

  17. 认为贝尔纳科学社会学最突出的理论贡献有二:(1)力主科学的可计划性,并系统阐述了计划科学的理论基础和实施对策等;

    As a special school in sociology of science , Bernal School has two important theory contributions : Firstly , he claims that science can be planned , and he does some work in theory basis and implement countermeasure of planning science ;