
  • 网络aub;The American University of Beirut
  1. 在贝鲁特美国大学担任政治科学教师的HilalKhashan表示,在叙利亚这样一个安全力量严格控制的国家,相信叙利亚政府所说的萨拉斐战士肆无忌惮地开火是非常困难的。

    Hilal Khashan , who teaches political science at the American University of Beirut , say it is difficult to believe the Syrian government of Salafist gangs firing with impunity in a tightly-run security state like Syria "

  2. 贝鲁特美国大学公民福利联合会

    Civic Welfare League of the American University , Beirut

  3. 贝鲁特美国大学教授HillalKhashem说,他认为叙利亚的冲突不会蔓延到黎巴嫩。

    American University of Beirut Professor Hillal Khashem says he does not believe the Syrian conflict will explode into Lebanon .

  4. 来自贝鲁特美国大学和烟草制品研究中心的研究小组调查了电子烟中尼古丁含量,以及电子烟含有哪种类型的尼古丁,其研究结果发表在了《化学毒理学研究》上。

    In a study published in Chemical Research in Toxicology , the team from the American University of Beirut and the Center for the Study of Tobacco Products worked to find the levels of nicotine in the liquids and what type of nicotine they contained .

  5. 他在位于贝鲁特的美国大学(AmericanUniversity)拿到了学士学位,然后来到了威斯康星大学,在政治学系攻读硕士并担任助教。

    and he got an undergraduate degree at the American University in Beirut before entering the University of Wisconsin to pursue a doctoral degree in political science .

  6. 中心通过在开罗和贝鲁特的美国大学,发起一项新的活动,帮助阿拉伯人民更好地了解美国社会。

    The center is launching a new program through the American Universities in Cairo and Beirut to help people in the Arab world get a better understanding of American society .

  7. 贝鲁特的黎巴嫩美国大学可再生能源专家AhmadHouri不认为用纤维素制造乙醇是具有成本效益的方式。

    Ahmad Houri , a renewable energy expert at the Lebanese American University in Beirut , does not think it would be cost-effective to produce ethanol from cellulose .