
  • 网络Bretton Woods;bretton woods conference
  1. 1944年凯恩斯在布雷顿森林会议(BrettonWoodsconference)上提出有关战后货币体制的看法时,当时就考虑到了这个问题。

    It is one Keynes himself had in mind when he put forward his ideas for the postwar monetary system at the Bretton Woods conference in1944 .

  2. 美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)提议为经常账户余额设定指标,这让我们回想起约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes)在1944年7月的布雷顿森林会议上极力关注的事情。

    The proposal from Tim Geithner , the US Treasury Secretary , to target the current account takes us back to the preoccupations of John Maynard Keynes at the Bretton Woods conference of July 1944 .

  3. 1944年布雷顿森林会议的代表们创建了imf,以促进货币体系的稳定。

    Delegates at Bretton Woods in 1944 created the IMF to promote a stable monetary system .

  4. 国际货币基金组织是1944年布雷顿森林会议的产物。

    The IMF grew out of the 1944 Bretton Woods Conferences .

  5. 有44个国家出席了首次布雷顿森林会议。

    There were 44 nations at the original Bretton Woods .

  6. 战胜国在布雷顿森林会议上证实了这一任务的公平性。

    At Bretton Woods , the victorious powers proved equal to the task .

  7. 自从凯恩斯1944年出席布雷顿森林会议以来,世界已经发生翻天覆地的变化。

    The world has changed radically since Keynes attended the Bretton Woods conference in1944 .

  8. 这就是一个新的布雷顿森林会议可以一举完成的任务。

    This is what a new Bretton woods conference could accomplish in one fell swoop .

  9. 首次布雷顿森林会议得益于两年的筹备,而不是两周。

    The original Bretton Woods conference benefited from two years of preparation , not two weeks .

  10. 说服中国改变其货币政策会是新布雷顿森林会议一个值得追求的目标。

    Persuading China to change its currency policy would be a worthy goal for a new Bretton Woods conference .

  11. 布雷顿森林会议是在1944年7月召开的,当时第二次世界大战还远未结束。

    The Bretton Woods conference culminated in July 1944 , while the second world war was far from over .

  12. 凯恩斯最后一次在布雷顿森林会议上发言时,世界仍然处于战争之中。

    When Keynes gave his last speech at the Bretton Woods conference , the world was still at war .

  13. 在举行布雷顿森林会议时,各国本打算建立一个与国际货币基金组织并存的国际贸易组织。

    At the time of Bretton Woods , the intention was to create an international trade organisation paralleling the IMF .

  14. 布雷顿森林会议所建立的多边金融机构已采取各种措施帮助各国防范或应对危机。

    The multilateral financial institutions created at Bretton Woods have stepped in to help countries avert or address the crises .

  15. 这种损人利己的做法加剧了最终拖垮了整个世界的贸易保护主义,而布雷顿森林会议对这个问题的解决之道可谓简洁明了。

    This beggar-thy-neighbor behavior added to the protectionism that brought the world to ruin , and the Bretton Woods answer was simple .

  16. 布雷顿森林会议的与会者们还同意在各国之间保持固定的外汇比价,但这一计划后来又放弃了。

    The conference at Bretton Woods also resulted in agreement to maintain fixed exchange rates between nations , but this has since been abandoned .

  17. 他们讨论重整金融机构,召开像第二次世界大战后的布雷顿森林会议那样的新会议。布雷顿森林会议确立了新的货币和金融体系。

    They talk about overhauling financial institutions and having a new version of the post World War II Bretton Woods conference that established a new monetary and financial system .

  18. 尽管在布雷顿森林会议上,英国凯恩斯勋爵提出了提议,但美国代表团团长哈里·怀特掌握决定权。

    And the Bretton Woods conference , Lord Keynes proposed but it was the head of the American delegation , Harry White , who disposed . Since then , we have gone ;

  19. 布雷顿森林会议取得成功的原因之一在于,美国当时显然是谈判桌前最强大的国家,因此它最终能将自身的意志强加于人,其中包括备感沮丧的英国。

    One of the reasons Bretton Woods worked was that the US was clearly the most powerful country at the table and so ultimately was able to impose its will on the others , including an often-dismayed Britain .

  20. 首相曾期望,他4月召集的20国集团峰会能象确立布雷顿森林体系的会议那样,成为一次关键性峰会,但事实并非如此。

    The G20 meeting he convened in April may not have been the pivotal , Bretton Woods-type summit that the prime minister hoped it would .