
  • 网络Bradford;Bradford University;The University of Bradford
  1. 与此同时,布拉德福德大学管理学院(BradfordUniversitySchoolofManagement)和爱丁堡大学商学院(UniversityofEdinburghBusinessSchool)的排名均上升16位,分别排在第42名和第55名。

    Meanwhile , the University of Bradford School of Management and the University of Edinburgh Business School each climb 16 places , to 42nd and 55th , respectively .

  2. 发掘工作由布拉德福德大学(universityofbradford)考古学家接手,他们清理出近40具个体,其中28具为完整骨骸。

    Archaeologists from the University of Bradford eventually took charge of an excavation of almost 40 individuals , 28 of whom were complete skeletons .

  3. 菲利普·寇茨是布拉德福德大学工程学院的教授,他表示中国在研发方面的投入有很高的GDP占比。

    Philip Coates , a professor at the School of Engineering of the University of Bradford , says China has committed an increasingly large portion of its GDP to research and development .

  4. 布拉德福德大学管理学院由于首次进入EMBA百强榜单而录得史上最大进步。

    The University of Bradford School of Management recorded its best progression , aided by the school 's first appearance in the ranking of the top 100 Executive MBAs .

  5. 尤格里称这个软件的成功率有80%。本周在布拉德福德大学举行的英国科学协会上,他将进一步阐述其未来计划。

    Ugail , who claims the software has an 80 percent success rate , will reveal his future plans at this week 's meeting of the British Science Association in Bradford .

  6. 软件的研发者哈桑·尤格里,也是布拉德福德大学视觉计算中心的主任。近日他宣布,会让这款软件为普通大众所用。

    Now the creator , Professor Hassan Ugail , head of Bradford University 's Centre for Visual Computing , has announced plans for it to be developed into an app available for the general public .

  7. 20岁结婚的她如今已有4个孩子,其中3个孩子是在她攻读3个学位的时候出生的,包括布拉德福德大学的商业和管理学位。

    Married at the age of 20 , she went on to have four children , three while she was studying on three courses , including a degree in business and management at Bradford university .

  8. 布拉德福德通过向斯坦福大学创业学生商业协会(BusinessAssociationofStanfordEntrepreneurialStudents,BASES)推销,对自己的创意进行不断完善。

    Bradford refined her idea by pitching it to BASES , the Business Association of Stanford Entrepreneurial Students .