
  • 网络UEA;East Anglia;east anglia university;The University of East Anglia
  1. 英格兰诺里奇(Norwich)东安格利亚大学(theUniversityofEastAnglia)的研究者大卫-李·普利斯特(David-LeePriest)说,音乐能通过神经机制转移注意力。

    David-Lee Priest , a researcher at the University of East Anglia in Norwich , England , says music is able to divert attention through a neurological mechanism .

  2. 而东安格利亚大学的研究人员发现,工作时发点牢骚有助于员工应对压力和沮丧情绪,而且有时还能激发团队精神。

    Researchers at the University of East Anglia found that swearing at work helps employees to cope with stress and frustration , and cursing can encourage team spirit .

  3. 东安格利亚大学气候研究中心主任PhilJones暂时已经辞职。

    Phil Jones , the head of the university 's Climate Research Unit has stepped down temporarily .

  4. 然而,专家组不会对CRU过去的科学工作进行审查,因为东安格利亚大学委托了一个评估委员会将对这项工作进行重新评估,该评估委员会将联手皇家学会来进行咨询工作。

    However , the panel will not review the past scientific work of the CRU , as this will be re-appraised by a UEA-commissioned study that will involve the Royal Society in an advisory role .

  5. 世界气象组织和东安格利亚大学还指出,全球气候将呈现长期变暖的趋势。

    The Met Office / UAE also suggested a long-term warming trend in the global climate .

  6. 12月,东安格利亚大学指派缪尔爵士领导一个调查小组,调查由电子邮件被盗事件引发的一系列指控。

    UEA appointed Sir Muir in December to head an inquiry into a series of allegations that arose from the stolen e-mails .

  7. 这项调查是受东安格利亚大学委托、独立进行的。调查发现,相关科学家的严谨和诚实是没有疑问的。

    The review , independently run but commissioned by UEA , found the rigour and honesty of the scientists involved was not in doubt .

  8. 然而,发言人接着说,在重新评估中移交办理的事项(如:将要评估多少东安格利亚大学过去的出版物),将由专家组来决定。

    But she added that the remit of the re-appraisal , such as how many past CRU publications would be assessed , would be decided by the panel .

  9. 就在上周,5000封电子邮件在网上被泄露后,东安格利亚大学的研究人员因为和政界人士串通窜改人为导致气候变化的证据而遭到批评。

    However , only last week researchers at UAE were criticised for colluding with politicians to ' massage ' evidence of man-made climate change after 5000 emails were leaked online .

  10. 东安格利亚大学的管理学教授耶胡达•巴鲁克和研究生斯图亚特•詹金斯共同研究了工作场合的“爆粗”现象,并就管理者应如何处理这一问题提出了建议。

    Yehuda Baruch , a professor of management at the University of East Anglia , and graduate Stuart Jenkins studied the use of profanity in the workplace and assessed its implications for managers .

  11. 东安格利亚大学位于英国诺里奇市,东安格利亚大学有来自120多个国家的4000多名国际学生。

    Located in the city of Norwich , England , the University of East Anglia has a student population of 15000 and is home to more than 4000 international students from over 120 countries .

  12. 正如英国东安格利亚大学影视高级讲师布霄特•米尔斯所言,《老友记》是首部讲述20来岁年轻人所面临的问题的情景剧。

    According to Brett Mills , senior lecturer in film and television studies at the University of East Anglia in the UK , Friends was the first sitcom that directly addressed the problems faced by twenty-somethings .

  13. 除了联合国调查之外,英国东安格利亚大学的调查工作也在进行之中。该学校表示,他们将查看,是否有证据表明一些科学数据被篡改或镇压。

    This UN probe is in addition to an investigation under way at the University of East Anglia which says it is looking to see if there is any evidence that scientific data was manipulated or suppressed .

  14. 饮食与锻炼研究中心的专家使用电脑仿真技术,比较了在世界各地污染地区进行体育锻炼的风险和益处。饮食与锻炼研究中心由剑桥大学和东安格利亚大学合作建立。

    Experts at the Centre for Diet and Activity Research - a collaboration between the universities of Cambridge and East Anglia - used computer simulations to compare the risks and benefits of exercising in polluted areas around the world .

  15. 坐落于英格兰诺维奇,东安格利亚大学拥有在校生15000名,来自120个国家的国际学生400名。2014年,有大约1700名学生求学于此。

    Located in the city of Norwich , England , the University of East Anglia has a student population of 15000 and is home to more than 4000 international students from over 120 countries.Around 1700 Chinese students were enrolled in 2014 .

  16. 上周,英国气象局和东安格利亚大学气候研究中心悄无声息地发布了这些基于3万多个监测站的数据,确认世界温度上升趋势止于1997年。

    Based on readings from more than 30000 measuring stations , the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit . It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997 .

  17. 世界气象组织本周在南非德班气候大会上公布了这份报告,基于三组独立的数据得出,包括目前身陷纠纷的东安格利亚大学和英国气象局联合得出的数据。

    The World Meteorological Organisation ( WMO ) released the figures based on three sets of independent data , including a joint one from the University of East Anglia ( UAE ) currently mired in controversy and the Met Office , at a climate change conference in Durban this week .