
dōng dì wèn
  • Timor-Leste;East Timor;DILI;TL
  1. 在访问东帝汶期间,教皇约翰·保罗受到了热烈的欢迎。

    Pope John Paul received a rapturous reception when he visited East Timor

  2. NPR记者安东尼·库恩为您带来报道,驻守的最后1600名士兵随着任务结束撤出东帝汶。

    NPR 's Anthony Kuhn reports the last of the 1600 strong force have pulled out of East Timor as their mission winds down .

  3. 我们是一家专业做东帝汶(DILI)的货代公司,从中国的各个港口去DILI都可以操作。

    We are a professional East Timor ( DILI ) forwarding company , can operate from All Chinese ports to DILI .

  4. Jacinta和Gracinda是两个住在海边Marmer村的农民。Marmer一字,意思是「大理石」,指东帝汶北部一带的石灰岩。

    Jacinta and Gracinda are two farmers in the coastal village of Marmer , which means'marble'for all the limestone in this northern part of Timor-Leste .

  5. Cliffe认为,为了支持利比亚、苏丹、海地、东帝汶和中非共和国的脆弱转型,今年的援助协调工作十分密切。

    This year has witnessed good examples of tight aid coordination to support fragile transitions in Liberia , Sudan , Haiti , Timor Leste and the Central African Republic , according to Cliffe .

  6. 由葡萄牙石油和天然气公司(GalpEnergia)和巴西石油公司(Petrobrás)组成的联盟宣布,他们将投标勘探东帝汶的一个深水油井。

    A consortium set up by Portugal 's Galp Energia and Brazil 's Petrobr á s , announced it will bid for the exploration of one deep water bloc in the sea off East Timor .

  7. 解决东帝汶问题信托基金

    Trust Fund for the Settlement of the Question of East Timor

  8. 国际维和部队正在东帝汶试图重新恢复该地区秩序。

    International peacekeepers are trying to restore order in East Timor .

  9. 这起刺杀企图对东帝汶来说是一记巨大打击。

    The assassination attempt is a massive blow to East Timor .

  10. 东帝汶局势跟踪临时委员会

    Temporary Committee for the Follow-up of the Situation in East Timor

  11. 东帝汶最高的山是塔塔迈劳山,约2963米。

    The highest point of East Timor is Mount Tatamailau at2,963m .

  12. 东帝汶的语言问题及其对教育的影响

    The Languages of East Timor and Their Influence on Education

  13. 东帝汶估计有1百万人口。

    East Timor has an estimated population of 1 million .

  14. 在东帝汶的山东维和警察

    The First International Peacekeeping Police from Shandong in East Timor

  15. 东帝汶宣布进入为期两天的紧急状态。

    East Timor has declared a two-day state of emergency .

  16. 《全球企业经营环境报告》今年首次研究了东帝汶的情况。

    This year for the first time , Doing Business studies Timor-Leste .

  17. 东帝汶低视力患病率及原因调查

    Morbidity and causes of low vision in East Timor

  18. 东帝汶全民协商特别代表;

    Special representative for the East Timor popular consultation ;

  19. 这个大胡子的智者在博客中发表了关于东帝汶的什么看法?

    What is the bearded sage saying about East Timor in his blog ?

  20. 1999年对东帝汶规模更加有限的干预行动也达到了目标。

    The more limited effort in East Timor in 1999 achieved its goals .

  21. 东帝汶民族解放组织武装部队

    Armed Forces for the National Liberation of East Timor

  22. 维和部队已经完成了训练东帝汶警察以及士兵的任务。

    And peace keepers have completed their training of Timorese police and soldiers .

  23. 1976年以来东帝汶的非常规死亡人口与难民

    Non-conventional Deaths and Refugees in East Timor Since 1976

  24. 冷战后澳大利亚对东帝汶政策的评析

    The Australian Policy toward East Timor and its Transformation after the Cold War

  25. 东帝汶天主教会的变迁及其影响

    The Change of the Catholic Church in East Timor and It 's Impacts

  26. 阿尔卡蒂里是在促进东帝汶外国投资的投资研讨会上重申上述决定的。

    Alkatiri was addressing an investment conference organized to promote foreign investment in Timor-Leste .

  27. 东帝汶前战斗员和社区恢复、就业和稳定方案;

    Recovery , employment and Stability Programme for ex combatants and communities in timor-leste ;

  28. 东帝汶总统若泽.拉莫斯-奥尔塔被送往澳大利亚北部城市达尔文接受医治。

    President Jose Ramos Horta has been flown to Darwin in northern Australia for treatment .

  29. 东帝汶因为之前战事频发,所以大量基础设施匮乏。

    East Timor is a former war zone and lacks a lot of basic infrastructure .

  30. 东帝汶民兵首领被判有罪

    East Timor militia leader found guilty